《The dark hiding in the light {KiriBakuKami}》Chapter 5


Kiri's pov

"All right I trust you"

At almost that exact moment I felt something incredibly soft press onto my lips.

No ones POV

Kirishima's eyes widened as bakugou was kissing him

Kirishima tried to get out of bakugou's hold but his grip was to tight. The black headed male eventually gave in and melted into the kiss it lasted about 10 seconds before toga and dabi burst through the door "where's the little shit!" They shouted in unison.

Kirishima and bakugou's eyes widened and they separated with bright red blush's that spreed from ear to ear.

Toga and Dabi froze in their tracks and looked from bakugou to kirishima then exited the room closing the door behind themselves leaving the two males alone in the room together again.

"I-I'm..."was all the ash blond could get out of his mouth before the black headed male crawled out of his open window to the roof. Bakugou crawled out onto the window frame and looked up to the roof. He started to climb up the wall and by the time he got up to the roof he saw kirishima perched on top of the chimney of the building.

"Kiri I'm sorry if it was sudden..." (btw I'm sorry if bakugou seems off character in the scenes with only him and kiri he's gonna be soft towards him sorry if it gets on your nerves) kirishima was silent "kirishima can you forgive me?" Kirishima jumped down from the chimney and ran towards bakugou. The ash blond male tensed and closed his eyes waiting for the impact of kirishima's hardened fist , shoulder, or hands to push him off of the roof to the ground. Bakugou felt arms wrap around his waist and something tuck into his chest. He opened his eyes and looked down to a crying kirishima. Bakugou put one of his hand's onto kirishimas waist and the other on his head and ran his fingers through kirishima's black hair.


Bakugou sat down on the roof and kirishima crawled onto his lap. They sat on the roof for about half a hour or how long it took kirishima to fall asleep in Bakugou's lap. The ash blond put kirishima ever so carefully onto his back and crawled back down the wall into kirishima's bedroom window,laid him down on his bed, and escaped out the same window back to his house ware his mother was waiting for him.

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