《Kiribakukami》Chapter 1 - The Meeting


*Bakugou's POV*

It was early morning and I had arrived at class early to avoid any commotion and corridor traffic. I was sat in my seat, feet propped up and listening to music as I usually did. It was calm in the morning when no one was around, yeah I enjoyed the company - like hell I'd admit to that though! But it was nice to just sit in silence and reflect. Small groups at a time of my fellow class mates began to pour through the door, that's when I first saw them, laughing and nudging each other playfully, I won't lie to you, it did bring a small smile to my face. We hadn't talked yet, I was planning on talking to them after school. They look so... cute together, I bet they're a packaged deal, you mess with one you mess with both sort of thing. Before I knew it I was staring at them for longer than I had wanted to, what made me snap out of it was a gentle hand being placed upon my shoulder. I looked up at the person to whom the hand belonged to and to my surprise, it was them. Right in front of me. Was I prepared for this? Hell. No! Did I freeze? Hell. Yes! I removed my headphones once I noticed they wanted to speak with me.

"Hey! You good bro?" a chipper voice sounded in my ears, it was a shark toothed red head.

"Do you feel okay? Want some water?" a more concerned voice rang in my head, it was the golden haired boy.

"What? I'm fine." I clicked my tongue at them and took my feet off my desk. Dear God help me now. I didn't want to scare them off, they were so much cuter and hotter up close, I wasn't prepared for the confrontation. "Alright bro, how come you were staring at us?" the shark toothed boy questioned "I wasn't" I snapped back "hey, chill dude, what's with the attitude?" charger bolt asked "none of your business. Go annoy some other dude" the two walked off without giving a second glace. I sighed, I couldn't control my attitude, I couldn't help it, it's that old hags fault. Why of all genes to inherit did I have to inherit hers. I sighed again.


*Kirishima's POV*

Me and Denki after talking to the explosive ash blond went back to our seats and joked around, then we got serious, it wasn't usual for us, hell we were never serious! But this time? This time was different, we wanted to help our class mate, we never understood him, but what we did understand was, he was a loose cannon, could blow a dudes head off at the drop of a pin, he was skilled with his quirk, that scared us the most, you could never tell when he was going to flip.

*No POV*

They glanced at the ash blond then at each other "I call dibs" they both said at the same time, as if they had read each others minds. They both smirked and looked at the blond "we need to get to know and understand him first" the red head announced "sleepover at my house tonight?" the other blond suggested, both satisfied with their little plan, nodded at each other.



ey guys!! I'll be posting every Monday on this story!

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