《Enchanted (Prince Edward x reader)》Chapter 4: Finding Giselle
Edward: Fear not, Giselle and Fair Maiden! I will rescue you!
Pip: Yeah, but who's gonna rescue me?
Worker: All right, let's close it up.
Edward pops out from the hole
All: Whoa!
Worker: Hey, buddy! You ain't...
Edward: Silence!
He puts his sword to the workers neck and the other workers try to help him
Arty: Guys, I got it.
Edward: Your name, peasant! Quickly!
Arty: Arty.
Edward: Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent my poor Giselle and her friend to this foul place Arty?
Pip popped out from the hole
Edward: Is this man party to this evil plot, chipmunk?
Pip starts squeaking nonsense
Pip: Uh-oh.
Edward: Aw, poor chipmunk. Speechless in my presence. What say you, sir? Don't try my patience.
Arty: What are you talking about?
Edward: I seek a beautiful girl. My other half, my one coquette, the answer to my love's duet and her friend.
Arty: I'd like to find one of them too.
Edward: Then keep a wary eye out, Arty. Come along, Pip.
Worker: Are you OK?
Person: Get off the car, you nut!
Worker: Did you see that chipmunk?
Giselle woke up and looked around the filthy apartment and disapproved
Giselle: Oh, my. This just won't do.
Giselle: Ahhh ahhh ahhhhh~
A pigeon flew into the glass window
Giselle: Whoa! Oh, my goodness. Are you all right?
Giselle: Oh. Hello. Oh... Well, it's always nice to make new friends. All right, everyone, let's tidy things up.
Come, my little friends as we all sing a happy little working song
Merry little voices Clear and strong
Come and roll your sleeves up so to speak
And pitch in cleaning crud up in the kitchen
As we sing along
Trill a cheery tune in the tub as you scrub a stubborn mildew stain
Pluck a hairball from the get shower drain
To that gay refrain of a happy working song
We'll keep singing without fail
Otherwise we'd spoil it
Hosing down the garbage pail and scrubbing up the toilet
How we all enjoy letting loose with a little "la da dum dum dum"
While we're emptying the vacuum
It's such fun - To hum a happy working song - Ooh
A happy working song
Oh, how strange a place to be
Till Edward comes for me
My heart is sighing
Still, as long as I am here
I guess a new experience
Could be worth trying
Hey, keep drying
You can do a lot when you've got such
A happy working tune to hum
While you're sponging up the quacker soapy scum
We adore each filthy chore that we determine
So, friends even though you're vermin
We're a happy working throng
Singing as we fetch the detergent box
For the smelly shirts and the stinky socks
Sing along
If you cannot sing Then hum along
As we're finishing our happy working song Ah. Wasn't this fun?
Nancy: Good morning, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Good morning, Nancy!
Nancy: So, I have to go to work today, but first I'm going to go pick up my fiance daughter.
(Y/N): Your engaged too!?
Nancy: (laughs) Yes, I am.
(Y/N): Congratulations! You must love him very much!
Nancy: Yes, I do thank you! I'll be back okay and we'll try to figure out how to get you home, you can eat whatever you want and watch tv.
(Y/N): Okay, thank you again Nancy!
Nancy: It's no problem, really, see you later!
She leaves.
You make a dress out of her sheets and sat on her couch, you fiddled with the remote until you finally turned it on surprised by the voice that came from the rectangular like screen you hid behind the pillows. You flicked through channels and saw a commercial about a ball that's coming up soon, 'Maybe Giselle will be there! I have to find that place!' you thought as you got up and headed for the door, you opened it and headed down the stairs.
Morgan: Wake up, wake up! Wake up!
Robert: What is it?
Morgan: Come, you have to come see!
Robert: What is it?
Morgan: I can't tell you. You have to come see!
Robert:What's wrong? Are you OK?
Morgan: Yes.
Robert: thisWhat is it, Morgan?
Morgan: Look!
He looks starstruck as he sees all the animals in his apartment
Robert: Oh, my gosh. Get out! Out!
Morgan: What do I do with them?
Robert: Get them outside. Get rid of them.
Morgan: Put them back?
Robert: Put them outside! Don't put them back. Open the door! Good! Watch out! Stay there.
Morgan: But, Dad.
Robert: Shh. Stay there. Hello.
Giselle: Come in!
Robert: Yeah, can I...
Giselle: Oh. Good morning, Robert. Oh! That's too thoughtful of you. Thank you! Oh, I hope you had nice dreams.
She says to the birds
Robert: I think I'm still in one.
Giselle: This is a magical room. Where does the water come from?
Robert: Uh, well, the water comes from the pipes.
Giselle: And where do the pipes get it?
Robert: Uh, I don't know. From... ...wherever the pipes get it.
Giselle: Oh. It is magical.
A knock sounds the quiet living room
Nancy: Hey, girlfriend.
Waves Nancy
Morgan: Hi, Nancy.
Nancy: What do you say, you ready to kick it?
Morgan: Kick what?
She asks with a confused look
Nancy: Why do you still have your PJ's on?
Morgan: It's been pretty busy around here.
Nancy: Wow. It's really neat in here. Did you guys get a maid?
Morgan: No. Not exactly.
Robert was cleaning the floor
Giselle: Don't worry. My friends will do that. Ahhhhh~
A bird flies and hits Robert in the face as he falls and pulls Giselle down with him
Giselle: Oh!
Robert: Nancy?
Giselle: Oh, hello!
Nancy: Who is this?
Robert: This is nothing.
Giselle: I'm Giselle!
Robert: This is nobody.
Giselle: I was on my way to the castle to get married...
Nancy: She's married?
Robert: No, she's not. Not yet!
Nancy: What does that mean, "yet"?
Robert: Nancy, she was lost. I was trying to help her.
Nancy: With what? Finding the shower?
Giselle: The shower. The shower is wonderful, Nancy.
Nancy: I'm sure it is.
Robert: That's enough. Thank you. Calm down. Please, let's talk.
Nancy: Talk about what, Robert? How I never stay the night? Because we both agreed, Morgan's here, and you have to maintain boundaries and I thought, "I'm so lucky. He's sensitive!" I didn't realize you were worried about crowd control.
Robert: We'll talk later.
Nancy: Don't bet on it.
Robert: What about taking Morgan? Some grown-up girl-bonding time.
Nancy: What, so you can have some grown-up girl-bonding time? I don't think so.
Robert: But... just...
Giselle: Goodbye! Oh, she is lovely.
Robert: Get dressed, please. For school. Just... Please. Nancy!
Nancy: Thirty-eight and Seventh.
Robert: Nancy, wait!
Robert knocks on the door
Giselle: Hello?
Robert: You know what? You got to go. I don't know what your deal is, if you're waiting for Prince Charming...
Giselle: Prince Edward!
Robert: Whatever. I'll get you to a bus, a train, a plane, wherever, and then that's it! I can't get involved after that. What is this? Where did you get that?
Giselle smiles and spins around as she walks through the house in her dress and Robert notices his curtains and looks upset
Giselle: I made it. Do you like it? You're unhappy.
Robert: You made a dress out of my curtains?
Giselle: Oh, you are unhappy. I am so sorry.
Robert: I'm not unhappy, I'm angry.
Giselle: Angry?
Robert: It's an unpleasant emotion. Ever heard of it?
Giselle: I have heard of it, but I...
Robert: You have created a completely unnecessary problem with Nancy that I now have to resolve. See, the fact is, I was just getting ready to take a very serious step forward. A proposal, actually. Well, now she's got it in her mind that you and I...
Giselle: Kissed?
Robert: Yeah, something like that.
Giselle: Oh, no. You should sing to her!
Robert: Sing to her?
Giselle: And maybe that would reassure her of your affections! You need to rush to her side and hold her in your arms and then pour your heart out in a beautiful ballad~. And then she'll know for sure. Why are you staring at me?
Robert: I don't know. It's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something.
Giselle: Is that a bad thing?
He sees Morgan standing there waiting
Robert: School! We're late! We've got to run!
Narissa: Oh, wouldn't she just love to come crawling back here and steal my crown! Cast me aside like so much royal rubbish! What? Perhaps Prince Edward won't find her. Perhaps he will! Oh! Oh, dear. Oh... Oh! I do wish there was someone who cared enough for me to go after him. Oh, a man like that, strong and brave, I'd do anything for him.
Nathaniel: Never fear, my queen. I will stop him!
Nathaniel pops up from the hole
Worker: What now?
Worker 2: Another one? Get him out of there. Let's go. Get in there. Where are these people coming from? Come on! Upsy-daisy. Get him up.
Arty: Hey, pal.
Nathaniel: Yow!
Arty: Let me guess. You're, uh, looking for a beautiful girl too.
Nathaniel: No. I'm looking for a prince, actually.
Arty: Right.
Nathaniel notices Edward on a bus
Edward: You've met your match, you foul bellowing beast!
He stabs the bus with his sword and cuts an old lady's birdseed bag
Bus driver: Everybody, stay on the bus.
Edward: Giselle? My love? Giselle's friend? Drat! The steel beast is dead, peasants. I set you all free.
People: Move that bus! Come on, already! Get that bus out of there!
Bus Driver: Are you crazy? Nobody stabs my bus! I'll tear you apart! Do you hear me? You get down here!
Nathaniel: If you'll allow me...
Edward: Nathaniel, old friend!
Nathaniel: Sire, may I suggest that you...
Bus driver: You a friend of his? Crazy tight-wearing... Come here and mess up my route? I'll tear you both apart! Don't you roll your eyes at me!
Nathaniel points to Pip who's on top of the bus drivers head
Bus driver: A rat! Get it away from me!
Edward: Well, strictly speaking, he's a chipmunk.
Nathaniel: Sire, may I suggest we seek elsewhere for your bride?
Robert: What are you looking at?
Giselle: She's beautiful.
Robert: It's just a statue!
He pulls her along
Robert: Come quickly. Quickly. Sam? Sam, please don't tell me Mrs. Banks is already here.
Sam: Mrs. Banks is here.
Robert: Great. With Mr. Banks and his lawyer. Perfect, how long?
Sam: Do you want to know?
Robort: No, I don't. I need you to handle something for me, OK? See this girl?
Sam: Who is she?
Robert: I have no idea. I'm pretty sure she's from out of town.
Sam: What do you want me to do?
Robert: Find out where she's from, and get her there. And make sure it's cheap. If Nancy calls me, I need to talk to her. Giselle? Don't drink that, OK? I have an important meeting. Sam is gonna get you home. Sam? This is Giselle. Giselle, this is Sam. Stay out of trouble.
Giselle: It's nice to meet you.
Sam: It's nice to meet you too.
Nathaniel: Your Majesty.
Narissa: Nathaniel!
Nathaniel: Your Majesty?
Narissa: Nathaniel, here! Nathaniel! Finally. Finally. I'm boiling in here. Have you found her yet?
Nathaniel: I'm afraid I haven't, My Lady.
Narissa: Time is of the essence. We can't risk my stepson bringing the girl back.
Nathaniel: He shan't, Your Majesty! I swear it!
Narissa: No, he shan't. I intend to make absolutely certain of that.
Nathaniel: But, Your Majesty, how exactly did you...? ...ever end up tasting so... Mmm... delicious? Poisoned apples, My Lady. You want me to...?
He makes a killing gesture
Narissa: Nathaniel, don't you see, my darling? If there's ever going to be a happily ever after for us...
Nathaniel: Happily... ...ever after? Oh, My Lady. Mmm, yes. It won't be difficult.
Narissa: It's just one bite. That's all it takes. One small bite to drag her down into a deep and troubled sleep. And when the hands of the clock strike 12, that precious little pretender to my throne will be gone!
Nathaniel: My Lady. It shall be done, I swear it.
Narissa: Yes. You'll find the girl at Columbus Circle-
Nathaniel: Your Majesty? You little...
He spots Pip and tries to capture him
Edward: Pip!
Nathaniel: Sire! Sire, please. I beg of you. Don't listen to that insane little vermin. He's probably eaten some bad nuts. We should put him down for his own good.
Edward: Nathaniel, please. Let him speak.
Nathaniel: But, sire! No. He's delirious. He came to tell all sorts of...
Edward: Go ahead, Pip. What is it you want to say?
Pip: You watch me. OK?
Edward: Nathaniel? Nathaniel...Nathaniel's glad to have me near.
Pip: No, no, no. Hmm...
Edward: Oh. I know this. - Uh...
Pip: Apple? No, thank you. It's good. Oh, OK. Ta-da!
Edward: You feel you'd die without me here.
The restaurants bell rings as you walk in, you spot Nathaniel, Prince Edward and Pip.
(Y/N): Prince Edward!
You shouted walking up to him
Edward: Fair Maiden! You're here I'm so glad that you are safe!
He says as he picks you up and spins you around, and places you back on the ground
(Y/N): Is Giselle with you!?
Edward: I'm afraid not fair maiden we are still searching for her.
You sigh sadly
Edward: But fear not for I shall save her!
He says as he pulls out his sword, he kneels on one knee and takes your hand
Edward: Fair maiden will you do me the honor and help me find my bride to be?
(Y/N): Of course, anything to find Giselle!
Edward: Marvelous! Nathaniel, Pip we leave at once!
Robert: Well, I have to say, I really think that went well. There's no reason not to be reasonable.
Divorce Lawyer: Great. We might be in the neighborhood of a settlement.
Robert: Excuse me. I'm gonna check on your cars for a second. Sorry. What? What?
Sam: She has no driver's license. No passport. Can't find this place she comes from.
Robert: What place?
Sam: Andalusia.
Robert: Andalasia.
Sam: Whatever. I've called every travel agent. I don't know if it's a country or a city.
Robert: It can't be a state.
Sam: More like a state of mind. She told me it's just beyond the Meadows of Joy and the Valley of Contentment. I mean, what is that all about?
Giselle: Oh, my goodness. Your hair is lovely. You're beautiful.
Ex-wife: Well, thank you.
Giselle: The man who holds your heart is a lucky fellow indeed.
Ex-wife: You try telling him that.
Giselle: I'm certain he already knows.
Ex-husband: Excuse me?
Giselle: Are you him? You are very lucky. Just look at the way her eyes sparkle. It's no wonder you're in love.
Robert: I got it! Excuse me. I'm sorry. Giselle? Please? It's not like that, all right? They're not together anymore.
Giselle: I don't understand.
Robert: They're getting a divorce. Separating from each other.
Giselle: Separating? For how long?
Robert: Forever.
Giselle: Forever and ever?
Robert: Shh. Yes.
Giselle: Oh, no.
Robert: What are you doing? Don't cry.
Ex-husband: Are you crying?
Robert: She's not.
Giselle: I'm sorry. I can't help it.
Ex-husband: Is she actually crying?
Giselle: It's just so sad.
Ex-wife: What kind of an operation are you running here? This is so unprofessional.
Roberts boss: Good morning, Phoebe. How are you? It's good to...
Ex-wife: If you guys are trying to manipulate us, you can throw this whole deal out.
Roberts boss: What is going on here? Who's she?
Robert: Uh, a friend. No, she's an acquaintance, actually.
Roberts boss: You begged me to put you on the case, and this is what I get for it? I walk in here and find everybody upset? And some girl is crying like we're on Oprah.
Robert: I'll take care of it. Carl, it's gonna be fine. What is wrong with you?
Giselle: Me?
Robert: Yes, you. This whole Kumbaya, Up With People routine. Those people are in real pain.
Giselle: Of course they're in pain. They're separated forever. Married one day and the next they're not. What sort of awful place is this?
Robert: It's reality.
Giselle: Well, I think I'd prefer to be in Andalasia.
Robert: I think I'd prefer that too. Get in, please.
They get in the car
He sees Giselle and another man get into the car
Nathaniel: I wonder if we might cover more ground separately, sire. Uh, you by yourself, and me with it.
Edward: An inspired plan, Nathaniel. Where do you suppose I should look?
Nathaniel: Look, sire! Over there!
He points to a different girl with red hair
Edward: Ah! Giselle!
(Y/N): Giselle! Wait!
They run after the carriage, and quickly try to catch up with it
Nathaniel: Run to her, sire! Hurry! Not a moment to lose!
(Y/N): That wasn't Giselle
You breath heavily from running
Edward: Fear not....fair maiden..we shall...find her!
He breaths heavily from running
You were about to cross the street when a car came speeding down the road
Edward: Fair maiden! Look out!
He runs up to you and pulls you out of the road spinning you into his chest
(Y/N): Oh my goodness! What was that?
Edward: I am not sure fair maiden, are you hurt?
He looks at you with concern
(Y/N): No, I'm fine, thank you!
Edward: You're very welcome, fair maiden now come we must continue our search for Giselle!
He takes your hand and you both continue to look.
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Malicious, Magical, Malfoy
People often complained about a lack of birthright. Being reborn as Draco Malfoy meant I had the opposite issue. So many new things to take into account. Politics, magic, family traditions, the wizarding world and this odd new power that insisted my new reality was a game. What's a Gamer SI to do.
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Farnezian only wished to perfect his slaves, but Princess Darva, Grand Wizard of Space, required the superior blood of genetically enhanced beings, and only Farnezian, Grand Wizard of Slavery, could give her what she wanted. As a loyal subject of the Dark Empire of Zabulen, Farnezian couldn't go against the Princess, and so, he had no choice but to aid her.In the deep, dark, and warm caves of the Empire, an unholy ritual was performed, but Darva's folly led her experiment to end in catastrophic failure, dragging Farnezian into the fallout.When he came to be, he found himself in another world along with a half-dozen naked people, but his slaves and Darva were not among them. Men and women in antiquated armor or flimsy magical robes knelt before the naked, confused group, hailing them as the saviors of their people.But the only people Farnezian ever saved were the slaves he bought and engineered into perfect beings.--What to expect: villainous lead that does disgusting things to disgusting people. VERY SLOW pace, but not as slow as Rupegia. Male/female, female/female, and rarely male/male sex scenes.Update frequency: rarely as this is my backup story, so I'll only write for it when I have time and energy.
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Seven steps to non-space-vampiric success: 1) Escape the creepy splicer scientist. "As stated above. This guy is a serious creep." 2) Travel to the fringe territory between two star systems. "I have no opinion on this." 3) Investigate why the territory has gone dark. "Okay. I admit. I'm simply doing it for money." 4) Explore an abandoned city in search of a secret bunker. "My ex-wife is totally not involved." 5) Fight off hordes of undead chitonous semi-alien knight's. "This just took a U-turn." 6) Wow, you're a vampire. I had no idea. "Yeah... neither did I as it turns out." 7) Fight the vampiric menace known as a Draugur. "Imagine Dracula's son, Alucard. Yeah... you get it now. But in space." *queue star war's soundtrack* Warning: this story contains violence, sexual situations and a slow-burn harem to sink your fangs into.
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Sincerely, Broken Girl
Dear Diary, The popular boy beat me up again. He and his friends. I deserved it. For being fat and ugly. And It's true. Everyone says that, including my alcoholic father. All I want, is to have one peaceful day to myself where no one will be able to remind me of how ugly I look. I guess that'll be nice. Sincerely, broken girl.▣ short story - #31-------Amazing cover by @bubbleblast27
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Smile, Hero
America smiles. This is normal. What's not normal is seeing that smile get duller, seeing those eyes get glassier, see that mask crumble, leaving an unsmiling broken... hero?America is invited to stay in Germany's house after there is a big snow storm. Other countries are present. Will they see through his fake smile? Or will America change before their eyes?Ok so. Warning. Mentions cutting and stuff. Also, cover art not mine, and I don't own anything except the plot. I'm not a professional.
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