《Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Vitaly X Neko! Female Human! Reader)》Bonus Chapter 2: 💍(Name) Proposes to Vitaly💍


(Name) paced back and forth in the train car Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman were in since she had something important to tell them.

They were on their way to Russia and (Name) has something important to give to Vitaly.

"(Nickname), you usually don't act like this unless you are around. . ." Gloria said.

Marty looked at (Name) with a smirk on his face.

"Vitaly. We all saw how you two kissed each other after his act." Marty said smirking, which made (Name) blush a crimson red as she smiled a little.

"Whatever, but that's not the REAL reason I wanted to talk to you four. . ." (Name) said smiling sheepishly and blushed a crimson red still as she pulls out two rings for her and Vitaly.

"(Name), are you planning on. . ." Gloria said smiling.

(Name) looking at Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman with a smile and tears in her (eye color) eyes.

She nodded and smiled happily as tears started to stream down from her (eye color) eyes.

Once they have reached Russia, (Name) was nervous to propose to Vitaly and was scared to heard what he will say.

"(Nickname), it's okay. You can tell Vitaly after his act." Gia said coming up to her half neko and half human teenager friend.

"You're right, Gia. I'm going to tell him after his act." (Name) said going over by the curtains to wait to talk to Vitaly after he did his act.

Once Vitaly did his act, he came out of view from the audience and hugged (Name) as he spun her around in circles before putting her down back on her feet.

"You did great, Vitaly." (Name) said smiling at her lover.


Her hands shook nervously about the question she was about to ask Vitaly.

"I'm so glad you did." Vitaly said going off to the direction of his train car.

(Name) grabbed ahold of Vitaly's arm, causing him to stop in his tracks and looked at her confused like on what she was going to tell.

"W-wait! I need to tell you something, honey." (Name) said.

"What's wrong, my Viola incisa?" Vital asked leaning a few inches away in from (Name)'s face as if he was going to kiss (Name) on her lips like the first time before she, Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria left to go back to be at the zoo.

"Well, Vitaly. . ." (Name) said nervously.

She looked at the gang who gave her a thumbs up, Gia who had a "You will do perfect" look, and Stefano who did a "It's okay" nod.

(Name) then cleared her throat and went down onto one knee as she pulled out the ring for Vitaly and looked at him with love in her (eye color) eyes.

"Vitaly, will you marry me" (Name) asked holding the ring up into Vitaly's eyeview.

Vitaly's green eyes started to tear up and he smiled happily at his lover proposing to him.

"Of course, my Viola incisa." Vitaly said.

(Name) stood back up and put the ring on his ring finger while feeling the love grow between them.

After that, Vitaly then tackled (Name) to the ground and they rolled over a couple of time, which led (Name) to have her back on the ground and Vitaly over her as they were looking into each other's eyes very lovingly and lustfully.

Vitaly ad (Name) kissed, causing Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman to cover their eyes and smile as Gia, Stefano, and the other circus animals cheered happily for the engaged couple.


"Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" characters and movie belongs to DreamWorks

You belong to yourself

Added/given dialogue/actions given to the reader, (Name) belongs to me

"Your Song" song and lyrics belongs to Elton John

All rights reserved

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