《Lie and win in the chronology with space (MTL)》Chapter 27


After a while, Teacher Xia really came to visit the house.

The most interesting thing is that when she saw Jian Qingtong picking up the child, she blurted out:

"Why didn't the commander Tang come? You are the nanny of the chief of the Tang camp, why didn't you come in a car? You can't bring a broken bicycle with you. Come on me and Tang Jun."

Teacher Xia painted her eyebrows, dressed as if she was going to go on a blind date, stared at the half-used bicycle pushed by Jian Qingtong in shock, and stomped her feet in dissatisfaction.

Jian Qingtong was so embarrassed that she wanted to grab her toes.

This teacher Xia, can you be more reserved, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.

Jian Qingtong pedaled hard all the way, trying to get rid of the other party's blatant inquiries.

Is she pregnant? How did she communicate with Tang Yuanzheng? It is necessary to explain to outsiders? The Family Planning Commission doesn't care so much.

And what happened to this teacher's inexplicable sense of superiority? It's okay to brag, why do you have to step on her every time you say a word, who is the main room, and who is the junior who wants to get involved, so brave?

This teacher Xia is also in hot pursuit, and his physical strength is still very good.

As expected of an educated youth who went to the countryside to exercise for a few years, her legs were so thick that her trousers were tightened. match.

When Xia Yun entered the Tang family, she looked around, looking like a leader came down to inspect, looking at the simple and shabby arrangement of the room, and tsk tsk dissatisfied.

"Teacher Xia, sit down, Tang Jun will pour a glass of water for the teacher."

Jian Qingtong had a bad feeling of bringing a wolf into the room, so he bravely greeted the guests to sit down and drink water.

Liu Dani handed Tang Guo over to her, looked at the guest curiously, and asked in a low voice,

"This is Teacher Xia? How do you dress up like this.


The last sentence Liu Dani did not say kindly, but the meaning was vividly conveyed in her eyes.

Jian Qingtong was speechless and sent her out with a dry smile.

Liu Dani stood at the door of the yard, glanced at the main room, pulled Jian Qingtong over and whispered:

"Why do I think this teacher Xia is not a good person. Is she an educated youth? Let me tell you, these educated youths have a heart. If you work and eat more, you can do anything. Be careful.

By the way, your battalion commander Tang said he was coming back for dinner at night, didn’t he just want to accompany this teacher Xia? Why do I feel that she is a drunkard Do you care about drinking?

No, why don't I stay here with you, this teacher Xia is not easy to deal with at first glance, don't suffer when you meet her..."

Jian Qingtong interrupted her dumbfoundedly:

"Sister-in-law, don't I'm worried, Teacher Ren is just here to make a home visit, it's alright. You go home and cook, it's time for Da Bing and Xiaojun to come back from school."

Liu Dani still refused to leave, but was persuaded by Jian Qingtong to go out.

How weak is she to make people feel so uneasy? Now the face is too deceptive.

Jian Qingtong smiled and shook his head, then went back to the room to entertain the guests.


Xia Yun is standing in front of the screen, pointing like a country:

"Is that your nanny? Hired from the countryside? You don't know how to say hello when you see guests, it's rude."

Without waiting for an answer, she looked up and down Jian Qingtong's body. Dressed, he snorted in disdain, turned his

head to point to the screen and asked Tang Jun, "This is arranged by your mother, right? She has good eyesight, but the baldness on the screen is not good-looking. I will write a poem for the vice-chairman another day. You bring it back and ask your dad to paste it on himself. By

the way, why hasn't your dad come back yet? Give him a call to remind him, you have a phone installed in your house, right?"

Tang Jun felt a little strange when she saw her skipping over his stepmother to talk to him. But still politely answered:

"I'm sorry Teacher Xia, I don't have a phone in my house."

Xia Yun exaggeratedly covered her blood-red cherry mouth, flicked her heavy eyelids with false eyelashes twice, pinched her throat and said,

"No way, why don't you pretend? Your father is so busy with work, he must have needs. Is it because some people are stingy and ignorant and reluctant to spend money?"

Jian Qingtong, who was insinuated by the bright innuendo: Can you just read my ID number?

Secretly rolling her eyes, Jian Qingtong was too lazy to stick to other people's cold faces, and she was afraid of rubbing her face with inferior foundation.

It's not that she said that if you don't have that level of makeup, don't mess with your face, right? It's all stuck, and I don't know what to put on the false eyelashes, and one side is sticking up, which really makes people into obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Can't just apply some cream to draw eyebrows like others, isn't it refreshing and refreshing? Don't think that if you don't wear red cheeks, even if you are naked, others are not blind, okay?

"I'll go back to the house to urinate Guoguo. Tang Jun greets a good teacher. Excuse me."

Jian Qingtong maintained her last demeanor and said hello to leave. Tang Yuanzheng didn't plan to show up until he came back. Anyway, people didn't take her seriously, and they didn't even look at her.

"By the way, there are documents from your father in the study. It should be kept secret. It is not suitable for visiting. You can sit in the living room. Tang Yuanzheng should be back soon. He is a punctual person."

Jian Qingtong nodded at the two of them. Carrying Guoguo Shi Shiran back to the house.

Tang Jun thoughtfully wanted to put his sister's urinal in, but was stumped by Teacher Xia.

"Is that your sister? Did your mother give birth to the oil bottle she brought over? Why does your father like such a person? It's not a good match. Look at what she's wearing, what a shame for your father."

Tang Jun looked at her with disdain and contempt. He didn't understand where she came from so much malice. Isn't Teacher Xia very good?

"My sister is not a fuel bottle." The little boy solemnly declared, pouting unhappily. "My mother is not ashamed. She is amazing. You can't talk about her like that."

It's not her fault that the stepmother is poor. In the future, he will be filial to his stepmother, buy her clothes to wear, and change them every day!

"It's quite good at bribing people's hearts."


Xia Yun snorted angrily when confronted on the spot, temporarily put aside the idea of ​​bribing the child, raised her hand to touch the bangs that were ruffled by the wind, and was anxious to make amends.

This morning, she deliberately got up an hour early, wrapped a red-burning fire stick with a wet hand towel, and burned it in front of the mirror for a long time to create such a beautiful bend, just to leave a good first impression on Commander Tang!

The second impression is also fine, she will feel more beautiful day by day.

Especially when compared with the rustic yellow-faced woman of his wife, it can make her look like a fairy, and a man knows who to choose.

"Where's your bathroom? I'm going to do some makeup."

Tang Jun was stunned and tried to understand the answer:

"Ah? What persimmon? Does the teacher want to eat tomatoes? I don't have any at home now, so I have to buy the seeds and plant them now.

The persimmons grow very fast and can be eaten in summer, so I'll invite the teacher to eat them later."

Xia Yun's eyebrows were almost knit together, and she turned angrily. Bai Yan:

"Who wants to eat foreign persimmons, I'm asking about the bathroom! The bathroom, where you wash your face, you should understand this time, right? It's stupid like a pig."

Tang Jun understood, and went out unhappy. The first finger:


Hmph, Teacher Xia is not good at all, calling him stupid. He is obviously smart, and he knows everything she talks about in class!

"Isn't it there? I'll go over by myself, don't come with you."

Xia Yun hurriedly opened the door with her bangs in her hand, and slammed the bathroom door shut. It is urgent to save bangs!

Tang Jun slowly followed behind, and did not go in, just squatted in the yard and whispered to himself in front of the vegetable field.

"Mom asked me to greet the guests. I'm a little man. I'm an adult without my father. I can't be rude. Although Teacher Xia's words are not pleasant, it is still better than Teacher Wang. At least she didn't want to hit her mother..."

Tang Yuanzheng When I came back outside, I saw a son who was squatting in the yard and pretending to be a mushroom.

"Why are you hiding outside and playing? The teacher is talking to your mother inside, but doesn't tell you to listen?"

Tang Yuanzheng photographed the top of his son's head and glanced at the main room, but he heard movement in the west bathroom, turned his head to look, yes The last messy face.

Tang Yuanzheng covered his son's eyes with a slap, for fear that he would have nightmares at night.

"Captain Tang, are you back?"

Xia Yun wore her wet bangs, and she didn't know if she took off her makeup. She trotted out happily and raised her head in greeting.

This angle has been practiced by her repeatedly in front of the mirror, and it can best show her tender eyes, as well as the bright red and full cherry mouth, coupled with the beautiful voice of the yellow warbler, it is a nine point five. Great beauty on top.

Putting it in the army of the sow race Diaochan, it would have to be an immortal!

Xia Yun smiled sweetly and gave him a slight wink.

In the evening, the light was dim, and small flying insects came out, making her eyelids a little itchy.

Xia Yun subconsciously raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. She rubbed off one of her false eyelashes and didn't realize it. She was still trying to shape her body. set.

Tang Yuanzheng moved his eyes politely, put his left hand to his mouth and coughed lightly, and suggested,

"Mr. Xia? You should go wash your face again, and I'll turn on the light for you."

Xia Yun shyly thanked and said Battalion Commander Tang, you are such a nice person that you are so considerate, twisting your waist and turning back three steps to go to the bathroom, feeling very proud.

He must have been seduced by her! Otherwise, a big gentleman would be so ashamed and hide away, pretending to be.

With a snapping sound, the electric light was pulled, and the light flowed into the room, reflected by the mirror, bright as day.

Xia Yun smugly looked at herself in the mirror, stunned for three seconds, and then an earth-shattering scream broke out.

Who is this damn ugly woman in the mirror? She has no face!

Tang Jun looked back worriedly and glanced at the bathroom that had been plugged in, and asked his godfather in a low voice:

"Mr. Xia is okay?"

"She will call for help if something happens. I don't know anything about the woman's family. Go ask your mother."

Tang Jun The expedition headed into the main room calmly, turned on the electric light in the living room, swept the cup of water that was no longer hot on the coffee table in the living room, raised his eyebrows and asked the son who followed:

"Where's your mother?"

Tang Jun pointed to the Westinghouse, lowered his voice. He answered loudly:

"My mother took my sister back to the house to urinate, but she never came out. I guess she was pissed off by Teacher Xia. Teacher Xia ignored my mother and said that she was not well-dressed."

Then he lowered his head and took his toes back and forth . Rubbing the concrete floor, he said in a low voice,

"Mr. Xia called me stupid, and said my sister is a drag bottle, she is not as good as I thought. God dad, can we not leave Teacher Xia at home for dinner? I don't like it. She's gone."

Tang Yuanzheng frowned as he looked at his son who was complaining in a low voice, and wanted to teach him to be a good man, but he was worried about the presence of guests, so he was not good at training children, so I'll give him a note for the time being.

"Tang Jun, treat guests with courtesy and enthusiasm. She is still your teacher, and she should be respectful."

Tang Jun reluctantly dragged his voice, turned his head and ran to knock on the Westinghouse door: "

I'll call my mother out for dinner!"

When it was knocked, Jian Qingtong quickly finished the sleeves of the clothes in his hand, put away the portable hand-held sewing machine, picked up the small dumplings wandering all over the floor and put them on the bed, took away the sweeper with the baby artifact, and turned to answer the door:

"Wait a minute, right away."

Across the door, I heard a man outside say, "What door is there to put in the house?"

Jian Qingtong pouted, quickly changed into a new set of navy blue clothes, picked up the white thread on the clothes twice, and pulled the cloth shoes over to open the door. .

"Wow, mom looks good!"

Tang Jun held the court and showed his thumbs, circling around his mom like a puppy.

"Thank you."

Jian Qingtong went back and hugged the little dumpling, posing the manner of an ancient lady taught by the teacher in the history class, and walked out of the house unhurriedly.

"Where's Teacher Xia?"

"In the bathroom."

Tang Jun answered cheerfully, seeing his mother wearing new clothes, as happy as it was for the New Year.

Jian Qingtong blinked slightly, wondering if that person was constipated. Or maybe it was a sudden visit from the great aunt?

Thinking of the light-colored khaki pants on Teacher Xia's body, it would definitely be a disaster if the relatives came unprepared.

Jian Qingtong sympathetically wanted to support her with a bun, and when she met Tang Yuanzheng's stern eyebrows, her slightly hot head cooled down instantly.

What buns for you, and some toilet paper. Seems like you're using a menstrual belt?

Jian Qingtong rummaged through the original owner's memory, and unexpectedly found that the original owner had not yet had menarche!

So she can grow taller? Jian Qingtong thought optimistically, ignoring the sad fact that the original owner's long-term malnutrition caused stunting.

People always have to look forward.

"What are you doing hiding in the house, your hair is messy, come here."

Tang Yuanzheng saw that she was dressed neatly, his eyes lit up, and the more he saw that her frizzy and loose braids were not pleasing to the eye, he beckoned her to sit on the chair, take off the braids and start again. Comb well.

"Don't tie it too tightly."

Jian Qingtong hurriedly instructed, not getting rid of the shadow of the nightmare of hair loss in the morning.

Tang Yuanzheng didn't answer, but his hands were lighter.

With her sore wrists, Jian Qingtong glanced at the door and said quickly,

"I just went back to the house to change my clothes. Teacher Ren saw that I was dressed casually, and regarded me as our babysitter, so he didn't like to say anything. Tell me.

I understand the principle of respecting Luo Yi first and then respecting people. I will embarrass you. It’s just that you know what happened to my parents’ family, so they didn’t prepare a dowry for me.

I have always picked up my cousin’s old clothes since I was a child. Wear. The next two younger sisters have grown up, and my cousin's clothes are not enough. I have been wearing one piece of clothing for three or four years, and I usually don't dare to wash it hard, and it will be a hole when I wash it."

She took Tang Guo down . The little hand who was about to lick her hair said without changing his face,

"I bought this dress from a nearby village and bought it from an educated youth before I went to pick up Tang Jun in the afternoon. Change. Help me to see if there is any thread left on me?"

Of course this is not true.

In fact, it was she who had managed to dig through the space to find this plain-colored and unremarkable dress, which was temporarily changed according to the original owner's old clothes.

It was originally a thick long-sleeved ankle-length dress, made of a thin woolen blend fabric, which should be very intellectual and elegant to wear.

The point is that the color is dark enough, the blood is not conspicuous, and it is easy to move around. This is probably the main reason why she kept this dress.

Of course, these are not enough for outsiders.

Tang Yuanzheng's father and son did not doubt her words, one re-braided her braids, and the other stood on tiptoe and circled around to pick up threads for her, and worked together to dress her up.

Xia Yun came in after washing her face and putting on her makeup, and what she saw was this warm picture of the stars and the moon.

She squeezed her fist, feeling the sting of her fingernails piercing her flesh.

Thinking that she had dyed her nails red in order to see this man, she was furious!

This man actually went to comb the hair of his unreliable country wife, and ignored her such a beautiful young woman. Is he blind?

Xia Yun automatically forgot the ugly girl with bangs, dreadlocks, false eyelashes falling off, and black and white makeup on her face that she saw in the mirror just now. She only selectively remembered her delicate and fashionable self after finishing her makeup.

She stared at Battalion Commander Tang's greedy two cents on the shoulder, and the uneasiness in her heart was quickly suppressed.

Only a capable man like him deserves her. When she is the father of the child in her womb, he is not afraid of Wang Anping, the old woman, who dares to fight against the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee!

Thinking of the freedom and beautiful life she will get, Xia Yun put on her charming smile again, and her voice was so soft that she could drip water:

"Yeah, Commander Tang is back, they have been waiting for you for a long time. It's been a hard day at work, come and have a drink. Sit down and take a rest."

Listening to the pretentious words full of lotus flavors against the guest and the host, Jian Qingtong rubbed her arms uncomfortably and secretly complained, this sister's acting skills are not good enough, how can someone give her a role?

At this moment, Jian Qingtong didn't know what kind of terrible impact Xia Yun, a crappy actor who she regarded as a clown jumping from beams, would bring to her and this small family, which was not yet very stable, in the future.

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