《Lie and win in the chronology with space (MTL)》Chapter 23


Tang Guo woke up and added milk powder, and happily followed the adults to watch the freshness.

With many outsiders at home, Jian Qingtong couldn't take out the sweeper to coax her, so she had to hug her wherever she went.

Fortunately, the original owner worked all the year round, and the strength on his arm was not small, otherwise it would have been too much.

Tang Guo is still at the stage of experiencing the world by eating, and she will put everything she catches in her mouth.

Jian Qingtong loved beauty in the morning, threw away the old headband tied with the braids, and put on a pair of new hair ties, each with a small acrylic black cat on them.

The black cat in the braid on the left holds its tail and closes its eyes and falls asleep, while the one on the right lazily raises one front paw and licks it. The eyes are dark gold with a hint of fluorescent green, twinkling in the sunlight. light.

The little dumpling was very interested in the two kittens, so he didn't let go when he caught them, and grabbed them and ate them in his mouth.

Jian Qingtong's scalp hurt, she let out a soft cry, and hurriedly rescued her poor hair from her hands.

The original main hair volume is not too much, long-term malnutrition leads to fine yellow, dry and bifurcated hair.

"Your headband is really pretty. Commander Tang bought it for you, right? It's not cheap at first glance. But if you have children at home, it's best not to wear these bits and pieces. If you see it, you will grab it, and it will be troublesome if it gets stuck in your throat.

" Stir fry the flour in the pan, turn his head to take a look, and say rudely.

"I forgot, I'll put it away."

Jian Qingtong took a little effort to pull out her hair, and exchanged the biscuits for the hair tie, her heart couldn't help moving.

Can trinkets also make money? She is familiar with this stuff.

But you have to do market research first.

She took the child back to the house, pretended to take out two new hair ties from the house and asked Liu Dani:

"Sister Liu, do you think these two look good? Will anyone buy them if you take them out?"

Liu Dani stuffed a handful of hay into the stove, and continued to ignite it carefully, turning the fried noodles in the pot with the shovel in her hand. There are two female educated youths in our village, dressed in a foreign style, wearing Bragi, walking on small leather shoes, wearing necklaces around their necks, wearing watches around their necks, spraying perfume on their bodies, and wiping hair oil on their hair; their hair has a pattern every day, It's a hairpin and a headband, and that hairband with all the holes called Sha Lei Sier, I don't know why it's strangely named. The aroma of the fried noodles gradually dissipated, attracting the attention of the little dumplings, grabbing the molar biscuits and pointing them into the pot. "I've never seen this kind of thing before . How to eat it sounds easy, why don't I make it and try it? I see that there are brown sugar and white sugar in the house, and it can be boiled. When it is done, it can be used as a snack for children, or it can be used as a gift for guests without throwing it away. Waste." Jian Qingtong of course agreed. Liu Dani also reminded her that if you invite a wedding party in two days, you must prepare a souvenir. In addition to cigarettes and candy, you must also prepare a few small snacks. There are six kinds of snacks in total. It sounds auspicious. This rice cake can be considered the same.


The fried noodles are not difficult to make, just pay attention to the heat evenly and not to fry them.

When she heard the words, she took a look, and her eyes were instantly amazed!

"Oh, this flower is so beautiful, it looks like the real thing! You didn't make it yourself, right? What a clever hand!"

Jian Qingtong compared the two head flowers to the back of his head.

One is a pink-purple rich lotus pattern with a golden lotus heart and a small bee on top of it, trembling and fluttering its wings

; A azure opal is pressed in the middle, which changes its depth with different angles, adding more agility.

Liu Dani looked at her several times, and her eyes were full of light. Women don't love these little things.

"Both of them are beautiful! But I'm from the village, and I prefer flowers and grasses. If I had to choose, I would prefer this lotus. It looks rich and has a good meaning and auspiciousness.

" Jian Qingtong asked just now, thought about it and said with a smile:

"If you want to sell these head flowers, someone will definitely want them. They are really beautiful. I have never seen such good ones in the town's supply and marketing cooperatives. It sells at a high price.

But the things are so good that ordinary people may not be able to buy them. Probably the cadres who work and sit at their desks in the city will buy it

? I just use wool, few are willing to spend this kind of money, and their stomachs are not full. Maybe they would like to dress up on the day they go out, after all, this is the scene of a lifetime."

Liu Dani said, thinking of how shabby she was when she got married, Shaking his head with a smile, he remembered and said:

"By the way, those educated youths from big cities should like this.

Liu Dani cheerfully spoke to her:

"Fragrant, right? When it's cooked, pack it up for you to drink, it's fragrant and sweet to satisfy your cravings. "The

little dumpling babbled towards her as if she understood, and smiled like a flower.

Jian Qingtong wiped her saliva and hugged her up, then continued the topic just now.

"Then the educated youth dressed like this can still go to work in the field? "

Liu Dani laughed and said,

"How can they do it by themselves, those boys are rushing to help them do it." People are taking advantage of the money, but they don’t want to settle down in our countryside, and they don’t make people work for nothing. They should give as much money as they want, and they don’t owe them any favors.

I really opened my eyes, and the life that people live is called a good life. Not to mention what you wear, just what you eat is incomparable.

I eat meat and rice every day, and peach crispy chicken cake toffee soda. Anyway, what is expensive to eat. It's just that we think our place is small, and the things in the supply and marketing cooperative are not good enough to eat.

Knowing that I am good at craftsmanship, they also specially ordered meals from me, and gave five yuan for food in January, which is extravagant! "

Liu Dani tutted loudly, her eyes full of envy.

"By the way, they always go out to restaurants, and they have endless tickets in hand. A group of people rode their bicycles with a hula and rode over, singing and laughing and reciting poems, looking happy.


In the evening, they played the tape recorder at the educated youth station and danced. recorder, you know? That's a precious thing, it can't be bought with money, you have to have a relationship.

That little thing is very moving, and when the music starts, it makes people's heart skip a beat, and they want to jump twice. "

Liu Dani said with an embarrassed pursed lips and a smile, and covered up:

"I didn't go to the skip." The dance they danced was weird, the men and women were hugging each other and turning around, it was embarrassing. Others are like cramps, the arms are twitching and the toes are pulling on the ground like this. "

Liu Dani gestured twice with the spatula. The round and pierced figure looked a bit funny, which made Jian Qingtong burst out laughing

. Doesn't it look like they've been struck by lightning? They are educated youths who are educated and know how to name them.

Jian Qingtong laughed even louder. The

laughter was contagious, Xiao Tuanzi and Liu Dani laughed along, and the kitchen was full of joy.

After laughing, the fried noodles were ready. Liu Dani took it out and put it in a plastic bag and tied it tightly. He asked Jian Qingtong again, and then fry the rice.

"There is popcorn in the village, the machine is very loud, the bang is like thunder, if anyone is not careful, it will startle.

There are no other snacks in the countryside, children can eat popcorn just like Chinese New Year. Rice, millet and corn can burst, and a small scoop can burst a snakeskin bag. It looks like a good harvest.

You can also pop soybeans and broad beans, which are fragrant, crispy, and full. Sprinkle with some fine salt is a side dish. "

Jian Qingtong listened to what she said, and asked with great interest,

"Is there a rice cake seller?"

She described it: "

The popped rice is mixed with syrup, cooled and solidified, and then cut into rectangular slices, a bit like a long biscuit." "

Liu Dani's eyes lit up again, she shook her head and said:

Liu Dani was busy here, and Jian Qingtong chatted with her about Tuhua again.

"If you like that flower, I'll give it to you, or you can make it yourself, I'll teach you, it's not difficult."

Liu Dani hurriedly smiled and refused:

"How can I want you for nothing? You teach me to be a big hit. My eyes are not the same as yours. You like these pink, tender and elegant ones. I like red and green ones. They look lively.

Don't laugh at me for being cheesy. I'm just such a vulgar. Dai, isn't my sister about to go out, there are many children in the family, and I can't afford a decent dowry, I, the eldest sister, will give her flowers and make-up."

Jian Qingtong immediately smiled and said congratulations, promising to teach her Touhua's eighteen ways to repay her hard work in teaching herself how to cook.

Liu Dani thinks that this big girl is very real. Others treat her well, and she is eager to give them back ten points, so she is rushing to give benefits to others.

Such people are easy to lose.

Jian Qingtong didn't think so.

"Sister-in-law, I don't want to join anyone I catch. It's better if someone treats me well. It's also because we lose our temper. I'm happy to be with you, just like my mother..."

She pouted, not wanting to be Xianglin's sister-in-law all the time. release negative energy.

Liu Dani added a handful of firewood to the stove and sighed:

"This person has to talk about fate with other people. It is also sung in the play. Ten years of cultivation can cross the boat, and a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together. This is the case between the couple, and the other is the same. Anyway ,

you are married now, take care that your current small family is serious, and your parents can't accompany you for the rest of your life."

Jian Qingtong listened to this comfortably, and skipped the topic and didn't mention it again, and instead asked:

" Your sister is getting married, she likes to have a quilt and a hijab or something, did she make it at home?"

Liu Dani snorted and pulled the wind box to increase the firepower:

"They all bought cotton, pulled cloth and made it at home.

" Then he asked curiously,

"Your parents didn't escort you anything when you went out?"

Jian Qingtong nodded with a wry smile.

Liu Dani looked at her with more pity.

"It's okay, we have the ability to buy it ourselves. If you are in a hurry to set up a drink and treat guests, it is too late to make wedding dresses now. Go directly to the supply and marketing agency to buy ready-to-wear clothes. There

are not many styles in the supply and marketing agency in town, if you don't like it, You can go to the department store in the city, there are all kinds of new look, it is said to be high-end goods from Haishijingshi, there is nothing wrong with it except that it is expensive.

But you can definitely afford it, you can earn it if you have the skills, Commander Tang The salary is also high."

Jian Qingtong hurriedly smiled humbly:

"No, no, my two children can't be lavish, they have to be self-reliant, diligent and thrifty."

Liu Dani gave her a thumbs up:

"That's right, it's like doing The military sister-in-law looks like she's conscious."

Jian Qingtong felt that she was speaking like a local now and could communicate with people without obstacles, so she said more happily:

"I'm not just thinking about my own family. Sister-in-law, look at you. This is also the case, and the days are very tight.

We can still join the army, and the wages of the men in the family are not low; what about the military wives who are still struggling in their hometown? Liu Dani 's

face became serious and she listened carefully.

Jian Qingtong pulled a little flower out of her pocket and said,

"I was inspired by my sister-in-law just now and came up with an idea to make money. You can help me sum it up and see if it works."

These head flowers are actually not difficult to make. The skillful sister-in-law can sew several a day. Let's make them fresher, so we should not worry about selling them.

I thought, can we find a few more sisters-in-law, try to make a batch first, and send it to the supply and marketing agency to see the sales volume. If it sells well, it will be an income, right? "

Liu Dani clapped her thigh in approval:

"Of course it's good, who wouldn't like to make money!" "

Jian Qingtong said with a smile:

"It doesn't take a lot of materials to make this, and it costs less work. I think it's still profitable."

If it sells well, we can also apply to the logistics department and ask the army to help open a factory, and give priority to recruiting our army’s wives and veterans with disabilities.

This is also equivalent to accompanying the army in disguise, and it also saves the soldiers and their daughters-in-law being separated for a long time. Not to mention the torment of the adults, the children almost don't know their fathers.

When the factory is opened and the output increases, we will distribute the goods to the supply and marketing cooperatives all over the country, and the department store will also put on our counters, maybe we can export and sell foreign exchange. Sister-in-law, are you okay? "

Liu Dani thought about it, and patted her thighs twice, her face flushed.

"Okay, why not!" Big girl, you really are not an ordinary person, why is this brain so smart, it is a good idea to benefit the big guy in the blink of an eye! Battalion Commander Tang is really lucky to marry you! "

Jian Qingtong blushed, and coughed slightly embarrassedly. If

you praise her, praise her. What are you doing with Tang Yuanzheng.

"I am proud of my sister-in-law's praise. I just think that our military sister-in-law is a family, especially Niu sister-in-law and you, who treat me better than my own mother.

I am grateful in my heart and always think about being able to help you. I just thought of what I ordered. Sister-in-law, don't laugh at me being frivolous and talk big."

Liu Dani looked at her gently, with some kindness belonging to the elders in her eyes.

"You, it's just that you lived too hard in the past, and you always wonder if others don't like you. If someone shows a smile to you, you should treat them well.

Just tell me, we only I met you the day before, and I treat you well wherever you spend your money, so you need your gratitude wherever you go."

Hearing that the pot crackled open and the lid cracked, she stopped the fire, and continued Said:

"Big sister, do you know what you look like, hedgehog. People who want to bully you will be stabbed, and people you think are good will show their soft belly to them. You are actually a good person."

Jane Qing Tong was stunned, this was the first time he heard this statement.

Hedgehog? Also pretty cute?

The little dumpling heard the crackling sound in the pot, and jumped to see it again.

Jian Qingtong was busy comforting her, and the topic stopped for a while.

But she was still thinking about making money.

There are still two years before the reform and opening up, the individual and private economy has not yet emerged, and there are still people who are speculating outside. The least thing is to confiscate property.

If you want to start a business, you have to take the road of collective management. The factory is not something that can be set up casually.

However, Jian Qingtong is not very interested in doing business.

Handcrafting is just one of her hobbies. When she is interested, she can do a little entertainment for herself. If it becomes a dead task that must be completed every day, the taste will change.

Turning a hobby into a career is a wonderful thing, with two very different outcomes.

One is ecstatic, immersed in the things that you like to do every day, and you can’t extricate yourself from happiness; the

other is from love to hate, things that were originally decompressed become pressure, and the happiness level drops to the lowest point, eager to escape from it, old and dead. Do not communicate with each other.

For Jian Qingtong, writing is the former, and other things such as painting and handcrafting are the latter, which are only suitable for leisure time.

Therefore, what Jian Qingtong thinks about is a one-shot deal, hand over the idea and exchange for a reward to improve his life. At most, she acts as an amateur designer, and occasionally sells two design drafts to earn some pocket money, no more.

However, she is short of money now, so she is full of ideas about how to generate income. In addition to making headwear, she can also make wedding supplies, home decoration and so on.

Anyway, with such a big factory opening, new products are always developed, and she can still make a few small money.

If it wasn't for the worry that her style of writing would not suit her, she might not be able to support herself by simply relying on the manuscript fee.

Hiding in a small building and becoming a unified person, taking care of his winter and summer and spring and autumn, this is her ideal life.

See what she's been forced into. Life is not easy, Tongtong sighed.

Jian Qingtong pinched a white and round popcorn and put it in his mouth, biting his upper and lower teeth lightly, there was a crisp sound, filling his mouth with the fragrance of rice.

uh, delicious.

Delicious food cured her rare sadness in spring and autumn, and Jian Qingtong soon revived full of blood.

She wickedly plucked out a few popcorns from the little dumpling's palm to eat, exaggeratedly showing an expression of enjoyment, and waited expectantly to see the baby cry.

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