《Lie and win in the chronology with space (MTL)》Chapter 4


"Drink slowly."

Tang Yuanzheng frowned and stared at the two shoulder blades protruding from her thin back, like a butterfly that was about to break out of its cocoon and was about to fly.

This girl is too thin, and she wears thin clothes.

He silently took off his military jacket and put it on her.

Jian Qingtong's body warmed, and she raised her eyes in surprise, only to meet the man's indifferent profile.

Tang Yuanzheng tidied the hem of the old sweater and knotted the loose threads skillfully. He noticed his wife's gaze, looked up and asked gently,

"Don't drink anymore?"

Jian Qingtong was about to speak. With a light hand, the kettle was taken away.

She closed her mouth and puffed her cheeks slightly annoyed.

Obviously, I want to have a good relationship with this man, even if I can slightly reverse the not-so-good first impression, but unfortunately it doesn't work well.

He was racking his brains to find a topic for a belly draft, but his eyes involuntarily fell on his Adam's apple sliding up and down and his thin lips that were glowing with water.

Ah, ah, he actually drank water directly from the spout without wiping it! Indirect kiss ah ah ah! ! !

The plots of the novels that I have read and written are vividly staged in front of my eyes. For a while, the male protagonists and supporting actors who sprinkled sugar have their faces, and their impact has doubled!

In Jian Qingtong's mind, the barrage was flying around, and there were still people who saw the needle and sipped sugar, and the chaos didn't stop.

"Want? Drink."

Tang Yuanzheng was stared at by her, raised his left eyebrow slightly, put down the kettle, and put it to her mouth thoughtfully.


Jian Qingtong suddenly leaned back, opened his eyes wide and shook his head frantically: "No, I won't drink it!"

In broad daylight, everyone is watching, young men and women exchanging saliva back and forth, is it too shameful?

"Don't move, be careful to shake it uncomfortable." Tang Yuanzheng didn't expect her to have such a big reaction, so he raised his hand and pressed the top of her head.

Touch the head to kill!

Jian Qingtong's pupils dilated, and she felt that the whole person was frozen.

Tang Yuanzheng rubbed her furry head subconsciously, with a very professional technique. He consulted his colleagues at the military dog ​​training base for advice.

"Don't be nervous, there will be a long time in the future."

He withdrew his hand and told her to tell himself.

Jian Qingtong moved the Wuzhi Mountain away from her head and exhaled like a curse, only to realize that she had been holding her breath just now.

Feeling lost again.

She closed her eyes in pain, trying to clear her noisy thoughts.

Life is not a novel, what kind of indirect kiss, touch the head and kill, can't self-strategize, so stupid.

She took a deep breath, picked up the pride of a writer, and held out her right hand reservedly:

"Comrade Tang Yuanzheng, please give me more advice for the rest of my life."

Tang Yuanzheng raised his eyebrows, and his black and white eyes quickly looked around her face. , and immediately landed on her slender and slightly rough hand.

After a two-second pause, he raised his hand and shook it firmly, with a sonorous voice like a promise:

"Comrade Jian Qingtong, let's make progress together!"

After the sudden sense of ceremony, Jian Qingtong felt inexplicably between him and the man. The distance is two points closer.


She silently lay back on his broad and reliable back, closed her eyes, and let him lead her to an unknown distance...

Stop, overthinking is not advisable.

In fact, after getting the certificate, I went back to my mother's house and said, packed my luggage and prepared to catch the train at night.

Jian Qingtong gathered up the military jacket she was wearing, leaned lightly on the man's back, her consciousness sank into the space, and when she opened the laptop, it crackled.

This is how flash marriages work!

There is a lot of embarrassment between the newlyweds. Don't look at each other as if they respected each other like Bing brothers, but in fact, the dark tide is surging underneath, and they are screaming at each other.

Well, on the whole, she is not a loser, and she did a good job in pulling back a city in the end!

But there is still a lot of room for improvement, for example, you can pay attention next time.

Replaying the clip of confrontation with Jian Qingmiao in the hospital, Jian Qingtong bulged and tapped the keyboard a little harder.

Although the white lotus green tea in Jian Qingmiao's words is very strong, but the rank is really not high; she really wanted to slap her on the spot, but unfortunately she didn't play it well, so she was so angry!

Jian Qingtong can't wait to turn back time, go back and re-line with the scheming girl.

This time, she will definitely be able to attack and escape!

Jian Qingtong reflected and concluded that the more he found himself, the more flaws he found. Later, he simply ditched the generalized writing method of subsections and labels, and went directly to the detailed description of the scene reproduction. Quan Dang wrote a new article with true feelings.

This time it was out of control.

Write a thousand words, talk endlessly, and enjoy dripping!

When more than 1,800 words were typed, the laptop screen went black and the battery was exhausted.

Jian Qingtong didn't dare to take out the laptop and charge it in the sun at this time. On the street, she wasn't stupid.

But this feeling of being overwhelmed is so unpleasant. Can half of the baby be stuffed back? Must not!

Jian Qingtong angrily turned out the pen and notebook prepared in the space, and controlled the pen to write crookedly.

This is much more difficult than simply putting things into the space. It is a delicate job, and it takes a lot of money. After writing for a long time, I even wonder if some words are wrong.

The writing posture was wrong, and Jian Qingtong was tired and paralyzed after writing less than half a page.

Baby, don't worry, let Mom take a breath before giving birth to you.

Tang Yuanzheng noticed the movement behind him, took off the green army cap without turning his head, put his hand upside down on her head, and precisely avoided the wound on the back of her head.

Jian Qingtong's eyeballs moved under his eyelids, and the salted fish was paralyzed and recovered, not even wanting to move a finger.

Writing is not easy, Qingtong sighed.

If only there was a machine that directly converts brain waves into text or even images, how many words can be saved!

But that way, the threshold for writers will be lower, the competition will be stronger, and it will be harder to get ahead.

Jian Qingtong was worrying about the country and the people for a while, and unknowingly fell asleep.

Tang Yuanzheng lifted the man up, picked up the dangling sleeves of the military uniform with one hand, and tied it tightly in front of him, tied the man behind him, and threw it away with confidence and marched in a hurry.


After snuggling for a long time, the body temperature of the other party came through the thin clothes, and it was warm and not hot.

But after all, she was just recovering from a serious illness, and Tang Yuanzheng was worried that she would catch a cold when she fell asleep outside.

He went back and forth, and his feet were getting faster and faster. From the commune to the village, he rushed back in one breath, and the sun had not yet set when he arrived home.

When the new uncle came to the door, he had to have a meal anyway. Jane's family stopped work ahead of schedule, and they all got up.

In April, it is the season when the green and yellow are not connected. Every household tightens their belts and eats some gruel and wild vegetables in a clear soup and water to fool their belly.

Jian's family was also having a hard time. He borrowed some coarse grains and eggs from all over the place, so he could come up with eight dishes.

The Jane family is not divided, it is a typical big family in this era.

Mr. Jian's name is Jian Lingzhang. He spent a few days in a private school when he was a child, and he learned a few words along with it. His temperament was different from that of other mud legs in the village who didn't know a single big character. Otherwise, because of their glorious status as poor peasants of the eight generations of the old Jian family, it is really not easy to find a daughter-in-law.

The old couple gave birth to four sons, one daughter and five children, and in the end only four stood. According to the genealogy, the next generation should be the German generation, but in the new society and the new atmosphere, the children's names will be changed according to the trend.

The eldest is renamed Jian Xinguo, the second is Jian Xinmin, the third and fourth are twins called Jian Xinrong and Jian Xinqing, and the fifth is Jian Xinzhu.

The old couple were both healthy, but when Mrs. Jian was pregnant with twins, her body was heavy, and her family could not keep up with the poor nutrition. She still went to work in the field every day. She was born with insufficiency;even if she was carefully raised every day, she still didn't stand still, and she died of a high fever at the age of seven.

The old lady Jane lost her health and lost her child in middle age. She couldn't bear the blow and almost followed her. Fortunately, she was diagnosed with pregnancy again, so she survived and gave birth to her youngest son the next year.

The old couple worked hard all their lives, raised several children, and found a son-in-law for their daughter-in-law. Now they are full of children and grandchildren.

The daughter-in-law of the old family was so arrogant that she became pregnant the first year after entering the house. The next year, she gave birth to a pair of twins, named Jian Qingsong and Jian Qingliu, who were nineteen this year. He gave birth to a son named Jian Qingyang every four years, who is fourteen this year.

The second daughter-in-law was more difficult, and the three girls came in, followed the elders and named Qingtong Qingmiao Qingya. , named Jian Qingyun, just ten years old this year.

The eldest, Jian Xinrong, married in a neighboring village and had both children and lived a decent life.

Fourth is gone.

The fifth child has been spoiled since he was a child, and he went to junior high school. After graduation, he returned to the village and became a team scorer. He said that the daughter of the village secretary next door was a daughter-in-law and gave birth to a son named Jian Qingyu. She gave birth to a little girl named Jian Qingci, who was just three years old.

With such a large family living in one house, and stirring meals in a pot every day, it is inevitable that some quarrels will arise; but there is an old couple on top of them, but they are not too big, and they seem to be quite friendly.

The tree has big branches, and now that the eldest grandson has reached the age of his daughter-in-law, the old couple decided to split up the house when they are free in the fall.

It is not easy for a farm family to save money, and with the expenses of a few grandchildren going to school, the old couple really managed to save some money, but they will only be able to build three tile-roofed houses, which is enough to live in.

As for the granddaughter going out for a dowry, I had to borrow some from the outside to help the famine.

The old couple carefully calculated, splitting two flowers with a penny, and planning for their children and grandchildren with one heart.

Unexpectedly, the marriage of the eldest granddaughter has not been decided yet, and the second granddaughter and third granddaughter are all set to go out, so there is no need for them to worry about it.

But how can you really not worry.

Brother Pan is only sixteen, and he is so good at telling the Bai family that he wants to marry the landlord's son-in-law. Isn't it time to rush to find approval? Maybe the whole family will be implicated.

But the second wife and her husband did not listen to persuasion, and they focused on money, regardless of whether the daughter would have a good life after marriage, and they didn't know how many jokes were made outside.

There is also this second granddaughter recruiting a younger brother, don't look at the bright face of an officer's son-in-law, in fact, it is not a good match at all, and the family is not right, not to mention that the second child of his family is still doing small calculations, it is not the attitude of marriage .

Tang Yuanzheng became a battalion commander at a young age, could it be stupid? Must have seen it sooner! The twisted melon is not sweet, and the one who will suffer in the future will be the younger brother, alas.

The old couple hid something in their hearts, sat down in the main seat with a loving smile on their faces, and held a wine glass to their new son-in-law:

"Xuanzhen, you are a good boy, there is something we can't do in the future when we recruit younger brothers, How much do you bear, I will give you a toast."

"Grandpa, you are polite, it's my fault." Tang Yuanzheng hurriedly stood up, raised the glass with both hands, and touched his neck lightly. Although his face was not enthusiastic, It's unreasonable to pick people out.

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