《The Female Partner Gets Rich in The Chronology》301-320


Chapter 301 Very Important Things

Not only Ye Xiuqing, but also the hostess of the house, became anxious at this time when he heard this staff member's words.

"Why is it not working? In the house not far from my house, the owner is still a little doll who is just over ten years old? Why is this not working?" The staff also seemed hesitant when they heard the hostess's words.

In this era, many regulations are not particularly sound. The situation described by the hostess was not uncommon before.

However, most people at this time are more cautious in doing things. In the absence of a clear stipulation, they will not do such controversial things.

Seeing this staff member, he looked hesitant. Brother Wen thought for a while and said to her.

"Comrades, we are not difficult for you. I would like to ask, the policy is not clear that this approach can not be, right?"

"That is no."

"Yes, I know, would you comrades."

Having After that, Brother Wen led Ye Xiuqing and the owner to the office led by the Housing Management Office upstairs.

The leader of the housing management office is a middle-aged man in his forties. He couldn't help frowning when he saw Brother Wen coming in from the door.

"At this point, shouldn't you be at work? Why did you come to me?"

The middle-aged man frowned, very serious. The courageous person may be speechless in front of him.

However, Brother Wen seemed to have gotten used to his cold face. Facing his question, Brother Wen wore a nonchalant smile on his face.

"I've done some work a long time ago. Third Uncle, don't scold me for now. I came out this time to help Wen Yan run errands. That girl just met an acquaintance outside and didn't come up. Yes. Third Uncle, if you want to go down in a while, you might still see her."

When the fourth brother Wen mentioned Wen Yan, the middle-aged man's face not only showed a little smile.

"Okay, because you are running errands for your sister, I will let you go this time. What's wrong with you coming to see me this time?" Hearing his words, Brother Wen told him about Ye Xiuqing's situation for a moment.

After listening to Brother Wen's narration, the middle-aged man nodded.

"Indeed there is no rule that says, does not allow such trading houses. Come on, we'll go down there together after you have the paperwork and walk."

What this thing has always been loopholes, there are people to help in understanding side As I spoke, soon, the deal was completed.

Looking at the fresh property certificate, Ye Xiuqing couldn't help feeling a little unreal. Unexpectedly, in this era, she has also become a family with a house.

When they returned to the courtyard, the male host had already packed the things at home.

The hostess checked at home and confirmed that there was nothing missing. Some reluctantly looked around the yard, then gritted his teeth and walked out of the yard.

Seeing Ye Xiuqing standing outside the yard, the hostess with red eyes said to Ye Xiuqing.

"Then let's go first."

After the couple left, Ye Xiuqing used the newly bought locks to lock the rooms in the yard and the gate outside the yard, and then left with Wen Yan and Brother Wen.

"This house is really good, and the price is quite reasonable. Except that it is a little farther away from your school and the city, it has no disadvantages. But it's better if it's a little far away, quiet!


And I see the furniture in the yard, They all seem to be old things. You bought it for five hundred yuan, which is considered a bargain.

Then you don't buy the other houses, right? Let's talk to the owner in a moment , So that they don't have to worry about me when they buy and sell in the future."

"Wen yan, or else this thing, not to mention that you all right? Like you said, this is a bit far from our school yard. I went back and back home is not very convenient.

If before we look at those few The yard, the homeowner wants to sell it, and if the price is right, I'm going to buy another one."

Since Ye Xiuqing's eyes didn't blink, he spent more than 10,000 yuan to buy a courtyard house , Wen Yan and Fourth Brother Wen knew that Ye Xiuqing The family is definitely rich.

They think that the conditions at home are good, but they can't easily spend more than 10,000 yuan like Ye Xiuqing.

However, after hearing what Ye Xiuqing had just said, they realized that they had underestimated the conditions of Ye Xiuqing's family. Unexpectedly, she still had money to buy another yard.

After being taken aback for a while, Brother Wen nodded happily at Ye Xiuqing.

"Okay , no problem! If there are other suitable houses, I will also help you pay attention." Hearing the words of Brother Wen, Ye Xiuqing hurriedly thanked him.

Originally, Ye Xiuqing was going to invite Wen Yan and Fourth Brother Wen to have dinner together. Thank them for their help in this matter. Without them, Ye Xiuqing's yard would never have been bought so smoothly.

However, both of them have things to go home tonight. This meal was naturally delayed.

Ye Xiuqing can feel it since December. These students in their school. The enthusiasm for learning is obviously stronger.

Every day on the road, Ye Xiuqing can see some students hurriedly walking around holding books. Even the English club they organized before did not arrange any activities this month. Just to allow students to devote more energy to the final exam.

However, the girls in Ye Xiuqing and their dormitory have good grades. During this period of time, they naturally did not, like some students, did not review the contents of the study this semester.

Ye Xiuqing entered the examination room confidently and walked out calmly.

The content of the final exam paper is not difficult. Although there are a few super-class knowledge points, most of them are the contents of books.

After Ye Xiuqing saw the test paper, she knew it in her heart. Her exam results this time will definitely not be too bad.

After finishing the exam, Ye Xiuqing packed her luggage and prepared to wait for Ye Jiangong and the others to come. So I moved to live in the newly bought courtyard.

As a result, she hadn't waited for the results, but first waited for Dean Luo's call.

After receiving the notice, he hurried to Ye Jiangong in the dean's office. Looking at the professors in the room, they looked confused, wondering what was wrong with them calling themselves in anxiously.

Seeing her seemingly incomprehensible, Dean Luo did not confuse her appetite and said directly.

"I am calling you over this time because there is a very important matter. I want to discuss it with you."

Chapter 302 Quotas

Ye Xiuqing has performed very well in all aspects since she went to school. In addition, she was specially recruited by Dean Luo and saved the lives of Dean Luo's children.


Therefore, Dean Luo has been very caring for her over the past half semester. Usually, Ye Xiuqing is often asked to come to the office to give her some extra homework. Or let Ye Xiuqing do something to help.

However, this was the first time Dean Luo called her to shout so urgently. When talking to her, the attitude was so solemn.

"President Luo, I don't know what I need to do? You can do my best if you tell me."

Seeing Ye Xiuqing's solemn expression, Dean Luo couldn't help laughing.

"It's not a big deal. Don't be so serious.

That's it. In January of this year, some overseas Chinese and foreign friends will come over to participate in a small-scale foreign trade exchange conference. The above means, choose some foreign languages ​​from our school. Students with relatively good grades, especially those who are outstanding in oral English, participate in this reception.

On the one hand, you can let you students exercise your abilities in various aspects and grow your knowledge. On the one hand, but also Let the international friends take a look at the personal qualities of the current students in our country.

In addition to the large number of places allocated to foreign language majors, the other majors of the school have one place for freshmen and sophomores.

Your foreign language scores for this final exam have been released. Yes, your English score in your class is the first. Combined with the oral ability you showed in the extra exam last time.

After the collective negotiation of our professional teachers, we are ready to recommend you among the freshman students. Of course, You are not guaranteed to be selected after you go to the newspaper. Later, you students will be assessed.

Calling you over this time is mainly to inform you about this. By the way, do you have time for your vacation.If there is no problem with you, we will report your name. If there is no time, we will recommend this place to the student who has the second place in English for this final exam. "

Hearing what Dean Luo said, Ye Xiuqing didn't hesitate at all, so she shook her head directly.

" President Luo, I won't go home this holiday and nothing will happen. " Thank you dean and teachers for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely perform well. "

Of course, Ye Xiuqing will not refuse, although this is just a reception job. But for those students who will be assigned jobs by the country after graduation, this is definitely a shining stroke on their resumes. Moreover, for Ye Xiuqing's kind of For students studying finance. This opportunity to get in touch with international friends and learn advanced foreign financial concepts is even more rare.

Ye Xiuqing has a lot of advanced financial knowledge in his mind, but he has learned. Theoretical knowledge does not mean that it can be used flexibly.

Many concepts are actually not suitable for this era. Therefore, this opportunity is particularly rare for Ye Xiuqing.

Besides, no one is stupid. Although on the surface, it is selected. Yes, only students who participated in the reception work this time. However, this kind of reception work will certainly not be less in the future. Even later, there may be other jobs.

As long as they can perform well in this event, there will be more in the future. Basically, there will be no additional selection for this kind of activity.

And as the number of contacts with international friends increases, Ye Xiuqing will also know more people. This is a very rare connection for her future business. .

Seeing Ye Xiuqing's look of surprise, Dean Luo and several professors in the office couldn't help but laugh.

This girl usually looks stable, but is actually a child. No, I 'm interested in hearing this. "The news of "will be revealed immediately.

" "Since you have no problems here, then this matter is set for you, go back and prepare well. "

This incident was a surprise to Ye Xiuqing. After walking out of Dean Luo's office, the smile on her face never faded.

In the afternoon, their professional counselor and teacher announced the incident in the class.

The big guy is particularly envious of Ye Xiuqing's ability to participate in this reception. However, Ye Xiuqing's foreign language proficiency is generally recognized as good in their class. Therefore, the big guy was also convinced that Ye Xiuqing was selected.

Ye Xiuqing didn't know until he returned to the bedroom in the afternoon. In addition to her in their dormitory, Qu Guiying was also selected.

"Our dormitory is too fascinating. We have selected two classmates in our major, and they are both in our dormitory. Tsk tusk, although I didn't choose it, this matter is enough for me to go home with my brother and them. It's been a while."

Seeing Wen Yan's excited look, Qu Guiying had some helpless persuasion.

"This is just to report the names of both of us, and it may not be possible to be selected. I have heard that many people in the foreign language department participated in this selection. That is the real master. Maybe we The two went, and they were quickly brushed off."

Although Qu Guiying has confidence in herself, as far as she knows, there are many students majoring in foreign languages, which can be regarded as family origin. She really didn't have the confidence to defeat these people.

"Hey, what's the matter! Your foreign language level is already very good, better than you, anyway, I don't think there are many.

As for Xiao Ye Zi, I have heard that after she took the additional test last time, there are many in the school The teacher talked secretly, she went to our finance major, it was a waste of her fluent English, I think the problem shouldn't be big.

Besides, it's a good thing to have the opportunity to participate. I've heard that, let's The school's chance to receive foreign guests this time was finally won by school leaders. In addition to our school, there are other schools that are also fighting for it. Therefore, school leaders attach great importance to this reception task.

It is said that the school still A series of trainings will be given to you. Regardless of whether you can choose at the end, you can learn a lot by participating in this training."

Ye Xiuqing and Qu Guiying both nodded when they heard Wen Yan's words. The two of them also very much agree with Wen Yan's view.

"However, I heard that this meeting may not be over until the Chinese New Year. If you two can be selected this time, your family will live in the capital better. Xiao Ye Zi may not be able to go home for the Chinese New Year this year."

Hearing Wen Yan's words, Ye Xiuqing abruptly stood up from the bed.

"It's over, I came out from Dean Luo's office today and was happy to patronize, and I forgot something."

Chapter 303 You don't understand what I told you.

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