《The Female Partner Gets Rich in The Chronology》261-280


Chapter 261 The additional test passed

Ye Xiuqing's arrival is not too late, but these leaders happened to have a summary meeting in the conference room today, and they also took the additional test of Ye Xiuqing and a few other students with special circumstances along the way.

When it was arranged, Ye Xiuqing was ranked last. The time she came was just right. Ye Xiuqing entered the house as soon as the previous student left.

The previous students were not their majors, so besides their finance professors and leaders, school leaders and other professional leaders were in the conference room.

Under the guidance of a senior, Ye Xiuqing walked to the front of the conference room. When Ye Xiuqing stood still, the school leader sitting in the middle nodded to her.

"Student Ye Xiuqing, you Dean Luo should have also told you before. For students like you who are specially recruited, an additional test will be conducted after the beginning of school to examine your knowledge of Chinese and English.

However . , You don't have to be nervous. In the past month or so, how well your academic performance is, everyone is watching. You can relax and show your best level."

Of course Ye Xiuqing won't be nervous, but for this She also understood the kindness of the famous leader.

"I see, thank you for your concern, the leader."

Seeing Ye Xiuqing's confidence, everyone stopped talking nonsense and wasting time.

The first item, of course, is to examine Ye Xiuqing's language ability.

Leaders usually have other tasks, and it is impossible to waste too much time for these additional students. Therefore, the content of this additional test is also simplified. After all, those who can be specially recruited have special talents, and school leaders will not embarrass them in this regard.

The first thing to examine is the accumulation of students' content in language and politics. Several professors sitting there took turns to give Ye Xiuqing several questions. After Ye Xiuqing answered well, they nodded and expressed satisfaction.

Now the college entrance examination Chinese composition accounts for the bulk of the score, after confirming that Ye Xiuqing's basic knowledge is relatively solid. The school leader sitting in the middle asked Ye Xiuqing to answer the topic of a propositional composition.

And the later generations gave a comic, a composition that made people independent and a title, and now this kind of composition that gives a proposition. For Ye Xiuqing, who came from later generations, it was too simple.

Moreover, any later student who has gone through the college entrance examination did not prepare a dozen or twenty composition framework templates in high school.

Before coming to the capital, Ye Xiuqing had already prepared the composition template for this additional test. Now that I heard the topic given by the leader of the school, after a little thought, I incorporated the topic into one of the templates, and quickly came up with a logically clear, stunning content, and far-reaching composition.

Hearing the composition given by Ye Xiuqing, the school leaders present felt some surprises.

As a top university in China, Capital University has also recruited a large number of outstanding students in the past few years when the college entrance examination has been resumed. Even the provincial champions in China each year are mostly divided between Capital University and the university next door.

As teachers at Capital University, they have seen too many outstanding students.

Even so, Ye Xiuqing's performance was enough to make them shine.

Sitting among the school leaders, the deputy secretary who only went to Ye Xiuqing and their dormitory to check yesterday, lowered his voice and said to a colleague next to him.


"How? I said this little girl mouth Baba, in particular will speak. Among other things, she was on the level of this writing, you can go directly to our school propaganda outlet shop and go to a job."

For the Her colleague nodded in agreement with the deputy secretary's evaluation.

Because the content of this composition was oral, Ye Xiuqing soon finished what he wanted to say. And a professor who was sitting there suddenly retelled some content of Ye Xiuqing's composition in English, and asked Ye Xiuqing two questions based on the content.

Ye Xiuqing didn't expect to switch to another content immediately after the additional trial of one content. However, she is also very proficient in English. Even if she didn't react at the beginning, it didn't prevent her from conditioned reflex, and answered the professor's question in English.

Ye Xiuqing's accent is a standard American accent, and the pronunciation refined abroad is very accurate. As soon as he exited, the professor's eyes lit up. After hearing her answer, the professor showed a smile even more.

Immediately afterwards, another professor next to him asked Ye Xiuqing two more questions in English. After she answered, they nodded and stopped asking questions.

Instead, the leader sitting in the middle looked at them and asked.

"Are you not asking?"

A professor shook his head.

"No need to ask anymore. She answered very well. From these questions, it can be seen that she is very proficient in English."

After the professor finished speaking, he paused and looked at the old god. Dean Luo, who was sitting there, said.

"Lao Luo, you see that our country is in urgent need of English talents. Ye Xiuqing's English skills are very strong. Compared with most students in our school who can only write but can't speak, her oral English ability is even more outstanding. Anyway, now also. The school has only started for more than a month, and the content of the school is not too much. Or, how about you let Ye Xiuqing transfer to our major?"

Hearing this professor's words, Dean Luo was immediately unhappy.

"Lao Zhao, how come you meet a good seedling and want to be in your own pot? You are too greedy! You are short of people in English, and are we not short of people in our economy? We are all short of people, Why should I give you the good seedling I found?

Besides, you don't know where I found this child. If she hadn't been interested in economics or finance, she would have gone to study mathematics a long time ago. See you You might not be able to see her."

Dean Zhao also knew that Dean Luo was telling the truth. Although there was some unwillingness in my heart, I could only shut up.

When the two of them were talking, Ye Xiuqing had already walked down from the front at the sign of a senior. Standing by the side obediently, waiting for the results of this additional test.

Seeing her performance, the school leader smiled and said to her.

"Ye Xiuqing, your performance was very good just now. You passed the extra test this time. I hope you will not be arrogant or rash, study hard in school, and contribute to our Guo Jia in the future." Although Ye Xiuqing has always been to himself I was confident, but after this additional test, Ye Xiuqing was also very happy in her heart, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Chapter 262 Do you want to study with me?

Ye Xiuqing is the last student to take part in the additional exam today. She just came out and hadn't waited a few steps to take a few steps when she heard footsteps coming from behind.


Looking back, it was Dean Luo who also just walked out of the meeting room.

Ye Xiuqing can come to the Capital University to study now, and Dean Luo has also done a lot of hard work. Ye Xiuqing has always respected Dean Luo.

When she first came to the capital to report, Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun wanted to take her to Dean Luo's house for a visit. It turned out that the time was unfortunate. When they came, Dean Luo happened to go out to attend a meeting and was not at home.

After school starts, Ye Xiuqing is also very busy with schoolwork. In addition, Dean Luo just came back from the meeting and brought back a lot of information to be sorted out, and he was usually too busy to hit the back of his head. Even if they can see Dean Luo on campus from time to time, the two people don't have much time to get along with each other.

"President Luo!"

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's greeting, Dean Luo nodded with a smile. He came to Ye Xiuqing's side and walked slowly outside with Ye Xiuqing.

"You performed very well today. Those old guys who participated in the additional test today envied me for finding such an excellent student."

Hearing Dean Luo's words, I thought of the few people who were very good to themselves in the conference room just now. The praised professor couldn't help but laugh.

"It just so happened that my girl came back tonight. Your mother made a lot of delicious food at home and went to our house for dinner tonight."

Ye Xiuqing knows that teachers of this era like to take students home and invite them to eat. She respects Dean Luo very much, and if it is normal, she will agree. But today, when the girl came home, when the family was reunited, he and an outsider used to join in the fun.

Therefore, Ye Xiuqing shook her head and refused very simply.

"What? I think the food in my house is not delicious? I'm not talking to you. Your mother's cooking skills are absolutely unique."

Ye Xiuqing declined a few words, and found that Dean Luo's attitude was very firm, so she could only agree.

The thing that Ye Jiangong sent her a few days ago, the one she gave to Dean Luo hasn't found a chance to send it. This time it happened to be taken together.

Although Dean Luo asked Ye Xiuqing to go to dinner at 5:30 in the evening, it was impossible for Ye Xiuqing to go over to eat. She was going to go back to the dormitory to clean up, take the things she brought to Dean Luo and go there.

As soon as she got downstairs in the dormitory, she was held back by Auntie Sheguanju.

"Isn't it about taking the exam today? How about it?"

"Passed the exam!"

"That's good! It's good! I have to worry about this all the time in my heart. Go, go to my aunt's house for dinner tonight, Auntie made good food for you, and celebrate that you passed the exam today."

Seeing Aunt Ju holding her hand, Ye Xiuqing smiled and rejected her.

"Auntie, today Luo Yuanzhang let me go to his house for dinner, I promised him, so next time I'll have the opportunity to taste good aunt's craft?"

Like Aunt Ju this school support staff, in fact they They are the most well-informed people in the school. Before Ye Xiuqing came over, she had heard that Dean Luo discovered Ye Xiuqing's talent in economics in a math competition.

Pushing forward more than a hundred and eighty years, their kind of teacher and apprentice is very close. It is normal for Ye Xiuqing to have a meal at Dean Luo's house.

"Okay, then you go back and pack your things quickly. When you have a chance next time, you will definitely get dinner at Auntie's house." After

Ye Xiuqing and Aunt Ju left, they went back to the bedroom first. Several roommates in the dormitory, still no one is in the dormitory at this time. After changing a set of clothes, she picked up the things she had wrapped before and was ready to go out.

As soon as I went out, I met a girl in the same class.

Seeing Ye Xiuqing, one of the girls rushed forward two steps and came to Ye Xiuqing's side. She opened her mouth and wanted to ask something. After thinking for a while, he didn't speak, but pulled Ye Xiuqing into their bedroom.

Except Zhou Zhou who was not in the dormitory, the other three girls were all waiting in the dormitory. Seeing Ye Xiuqing coming in, their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Xiuqing, didn't you go for the exam today? How about it? Have you passed it?"

Ye Xiuqing nodded when she heard their question.

"It's over!"


"I knew that your academic performance is so good, there must be no problem."

"Wow, Xiuqing, you are too good!"

Since Ye Xiuqing was in their dormitory last time, and After they attacked Zhou Zhou together. These girls became close to Ye Xiuqing. Ye Xiuqing is usually busy with her studies, and they don't bother her. However, they would talk to Ye Xiuqing about any activities. As long as she has time, she will take her.

Although Ye Xiuqing didn't dare to say how good she looked at people, she could still tell if these girls were really happy for her now. Seeing their excited faces, as if they had passed the exam, Ye Xiuqing felt very happy in her heart.

"Xiuqing, I heard from my classmates who came out earlier that the exam was particularly difficult. They were always struggling to write the essay questions given by the teacher. There was a student who did not grow up in China before. I almost cried."

Most of the students who took the exam before Ye Xiuqing grew up abroad. In the past few years, their parents returned to China to invest, and for various reasons, they also came back to study.

It's okay for these students to let them speak normally, and to write essays, especially if they want to contact the current political writing essays, it is indeed a bit embarrassing for them.

"I don't worry about Xiuqing's composition anymore. I just listened to them. This time you got the test of English. It was the professor from the English major who came to test you, not for you to write, but to talk to him. Will ask some particularly tricky questions.

If you ask Xiuqing to answer the questions, there will be no problem, but now the English college entrance examination is not mandatory. Who will study it? Even if you learn it, it's for answering questions, dialogue or something, isn't this too embarrassing? However, thanks to our great Xiuqing, even if it's a dialogue, we can't be bothered by Xiuqing. "

Hearing what she said, Li Le, who was sitting next to him, suddenly held his head in pain.

"That's why Xiuqing is going to take the exam. If I go, I have to lie down and be carried out!" Why do we need to learn English? Why are so many materials only in English? Oh, I don't want to learn English, English is too difficult! "

Li Le's words were approved by the other two girls in the dormitory.

Hearing them talking about the pain of learning English, Ye Xiuqing thought for a while and asked.

"Then, do you want to learn with me in the future?"

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