《The Female Partner Gets Rich in The Chronology》91-100


Chapter 91 Opening a big bargain

Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun did not expect that they would see Ye Xiuqing here, and behaved more surprised than Ye Xiuqing.

"Daughter? Didn't you go to take the math test today? Why did you get here?"

"The teacher and I were going to take the car home, and we just saw you. How about? Are there many people buying today?"

I heard Ye Xiuqing's When asked, Ye Jiangong's expression became a little bit ugly.

"Don't mention it, when we first came to set up a stall, there were a lot of people, but when we asked about the price of our lomei, almost all turned around and left. This morning, the things we brought over didn't sell much.

And, besides, There is also a bun seller. After the buns are cooked, the taste becomes overbearing. Many people have bought his buns, and no one looks at our lowei." When the

two people were talking, the math teacher also came over. They approached. First they greeted Ye Jiangong, and then asked Ye Xiuqing.

"Student Ye Xiuqing, since you have met your parents, will you go back with me or go back to the village with your parents?"

"Teacher, I will go back to the village with my parents today.

Thanks for your hard work." Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, The math teacher shook his head, and after leaving Ye Jiangong, he was about to leave.

"Teacher, this is our own

braised pork head. You can bring some back to taste it." Zhou Cuiyun cut off a piece of pork head very quickly and handed it to the math teacher.

Seeing the pork head that was handed to me, although the weather was a bit cold, I couldn't smell it. However, the real meat still made the math teacher conditioned to swallow.

"No, I can't accept it!"

"Teacher, you can try your own stuff!"

Ye Jiangong hurriedly got started and stuffed the pork head into the teacher's hands. After some concessions, the math teacher was embarrassed and left with pig's head.

"Yo, brother, very willing to, ah, such a big piece of meat that gives it gives up. You're something, which will not sell poor quality, only to give away thinking about it?"

Gloating, is The man selling steamed buns standing not far from Ye Jiangong.

Before Ye Jiangong came this morning, there was meat in his buns nearby. Therefore, business has been very good.

As a result, Ye Jiangong came over and planned to sell the cooked meat directly, which made him feel a strong threat.

As soon as Ye Jiangong came this morning, he thought about what method he would use to run Ye Jiangong away.

Although from the sales this morning, Ye Jiangong's business does not seem to be good. But Bao Zinan did not relax his vigilance. Once Ye Jiangong lowered the price, he could not compete with Ye Jiangong.

It is precisely because of this that Bao Zi Nan will continue to belittle their lo-mei based on this pretext.

Sure enough, after hearing what Bao Zi Nan said. The young people who had just got off work and were about to come over to see Lo Mei suddenly turned aside and walked to the front of the steamed bun stall.

Seeing these two customers leave, Ye Jiangong sighed, as if he had become accustomed to it.

"Girl, you say we can't really cut prices? Then what are we doing in this business? We don't make any money at all."

Hearing some unhappy mutters from Ye Jiangong, Zhou Cuiyun was not good at being beside him. Some can't afford to fight.


"It's okay, Dad, don't you always say that everything is difficult at the beginning? How about the taste of our lo-mei, you and my mother know in your heart, that is absolutely nothing to choose.

No one came to buy it, mainly because the price of our lo-mei is compared High, and everyone has never tasted it before. As long as we can attract the first batch of customers, they will definitely come again based on the taste of our lo-mei."

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Ye Jiangong nodded. Although he didn't speak, the expression on his face was thoughtful.

Ye Xiuqing was talking to Ye Jiangong, and the movements in his hands were not idle. She directly picked out a piece of pig's head, and after three clicks, she cut the piece of pig's head into small pieces that were not much larger than the finger cover, and put them in a small basket.

"It's a big bargain for the opening. To celebrate the official opening of Yejia Lomei today, everyone can buy lomei for free and taste it for free. If you

pass by , you can taste it and buy it if you like it, and eat a piece of meat if you don't like it. There is nothing to lose. Everyone will come and take a look."

This is when the watch factory is off work, and many workers heard a clear childish voice just after they came out of the gate.

Although they haven't eaten lomei, what the voice said is really attractive to them.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it. Of course you can't let it go if it is cheaper.

So soon, Ye Jiangong surrounded a circle of people in front of their stall.

They reached out from the front basket, took a piece of pork head and put it in their mouths. Although the weather in March in the north was still a bit cold, it was because Ye Jiangong did a good job of heat preservation. When the pork head meat enters the mouth, there is still a little bit of warmth.

Originally, these people were just curious, but as soon as this lo-mei entered their mouths, they completely captured their taste buds.

With a bite, the unique taste of pork head meat is mixed with the taste of some unknown spices, and it is exploded in the mouth. Chew one more bite, fragrant!

One more bite!

Huh? Gone?

Some workers who have never had enough addiction want to reach out and grab another piece of pork head. As a result, it was stopped by Zhou Cuiyun who had been standing there.

After being stopped, the worker had some embarrassment on his face. This lo-mei is really delicious, and one bite is simply not addictive.

"How do you sell this thing? How much is a catty? Give me two catties!"

Most of those who can work in the factory are not bad for money. Therefore, the worker simply asked Ye Jiangong to weigh him two catties of pork.

"Brother, do you just want pig head meat? We still have some products here, which are also marinated. It tastes different from pig head meat, but it is absolutely delicious. Would you like to buy something to try?"

Hearing Ye Jiangong's words, this The worker has some hesitation. Although he is not bad for money, he can't spend money lavishly.

We weighed two kilograms of pig head meat home to give his wife, children and parents a taste. If you buy it again, it's a bit too much.

Seeing this worker's hesitation, Ye Xiuqing hurriedly interjected.


"Uncle, we came to sell lomei on the first day today. It is considered to be an opening. Three days before the opening of my house, you can buy it at a 20% discount. After these three days, you can buy it at the original price."

Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, think again about what he just tasted. To the taste.

"Okay, then give me two catties of pork head meat, and one catty for the delivery of goods."

Hearing what he said, the Ye family members only showed a smile on their faces at this time.

It's done!

Chapter 92 Business is Prosperous

Chinese people always like to join in the fun, and everyone works in the same factory, who doesn't know who!

The worker who just bought lomei in front of Ye Xiuqing's stall was notoriously silly in his unit. If he can spend money to buy things willingly, the taste is definitely not bad.

Therefore, there were still some hesitating people in my heart, but at this time they also joined the army of free tasting.

And with this taste, there are few people who can control themselves without spending money.

Although in this era, most people don't have money in their pockets. However, those who can work in the factory are in good conditions at home except in special circumstances.

Although the price of lo-mei is not low, this stuff is not eaten every day. They can still afford to eat every three to five meals.

Besides, isn't there still vegetarian dishes? Like kelp buckle, tofu is not too expensive. Although it is definitely a lot more expensive than what I made at home. But doesn't it taste like this when you make it at home?

Not to mention anything else, going to a state-owned restaurant to eat not only costs money, but also a ticket. Counting it this way, it's actually not that inappropriate.

When Ye Jiangong went to the slaughterhouse to buy pig meat and pork head meat, he still had some worries in his heart. I'm afraid that if I buy too many things, I will lose money if I can't sell them.

But considering that the weather is not too hot now, and these things can be kept for a few more days, Ye Jiangong gritted his teeth and bought more.

The things were not sold this morning, and he was still worried in his heart. Unexpectedly, his daughter is so powerful, and after coming here for a while, she will bring up the business.

Soon, the basket of lomei that Ye Jiangong put out was almost sold. Ye Jiangong wanted to get some more from the others, but Ye Xiuqing stopped it.

"Father, have you sold

lomei elsewhere today?" Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Ye Jiangong nodded.

"In the morning, I bought it at the station for a while. It was almost noon and I hadn't been here. I haven't been to other places."

"Father, how about we change a place later? Our lomei just started. When it is necessary to expand the scope of influence.

Although the workers in the watch factory now buy a lot of our lomei. However, they can't buy it every day. After a few days, the sales of our lomei will definitely continue. It is

better to take advantage of the current amount. I went to a few places to let these factories in the county know how delicious our lo-mei is. When the reputation is beaten out, even if we don't run

anywhere , these people will find it by themselves." Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, Ye Jiangong thought for a while, and felt that this was really the case.

"What do you think your brains think? Why is it that no matter what it is, there is nothing rare in your mouth?"

Ye Xiuqing became embarrassed by Ye Jiangong's boasting.

"Dad, haven't you heard of it. There is a golden house in the book. Let me tell you that you and my mother are both junior high school students. You can read more books. Many things will be taught to us in the book.

" You can forgive your father and me. Go back and ask your grandfather how many teachers have complained about me since I was a kid. Your father is not a material for reading. In

other words, our old Ye family also came out of you like this. A seedling who reads. Otherwise, how could your grandfather know that you can read it, and you will be so excited."

Ye Xiuqing could see that Ye Jiangong really resisted the matter of reading. Therefore, he naturally cannot persuade.

Soon, the lo mei they put out was sold out. Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun packed their things quickly.

"I'm sorry everyone, the things are sold out, let's come here today."

Hearing Ye Jiangong's words, some people who have tasted the flavor but haven't bought the lomei suddenly became anxious.

"This, brother, don't you still have this? Why don't you sell it?"

"Sorry, big brother, we have to go somewhere else. We will come back at noon tomorrow, and then big brother will come to join us."

Hearing Ye Jiangong's words, the worker was obviously a little unhappy.

"Why did you sell it elsewhere? Isn't your business doing well with us?" After a

mutter, he asked the most worrying question.

"Then you come over tomorrow, or the price? Can't the price increase?"

"Brother don't worry, we are 20% off three days before the opening, and the price will not increase tomorrow."

With Ye Jiangong's assurance, this worker Some people leave unhappy.

After they left, Ye Jiangong directly stirred up the remaining lo-mei with a pole and went to the door of another factory.

Seeing Ye Jiangong walking in front of him carrying a pole, Zhou Cuiyun looked distressed and helped him wipe his sweat off the side, Ye Xiuqing always felt that she had some extra points.

The area where the watch factory is located was originally an area with dense factories in the county. So soon, Ye Jiangong came to the door of another factory and repeated the operation just at the door of the watch factory.

Many people came over to taste their lo-mei with the mentality of taking advantage, and then they didn't make it. Some people pained to buy some lo-mei and go home.

After only four factories, the lo-mei brought by Ye Jiangong was almost sold. The rest are some scum that has been bumped on the road and fallen off. Although it does not affect the taste, it is not good for takeout.

"It's all this point, let's go, daughter-in-law, daughter-

in-law , let's go to the restaurant." Hearing Ye Jiangong's words, Ye Xiuqing glanced at him.

"Father , do you have a ticket?" Ye Jiangong only remembered when asked by Ye Xiuqing that the food stamps in his hand were really running out. To be more precise, everyone is short of tickets in this era, and there is no way to get tickets even if they are scrabbled in land like them.

Ye Jiangong still had two pieces left in his hands, but they were specially reserved for him to find a chance to invite the director of the Roulian Factory to have a meal.

Seeing some embarrassing expressions on Ye Jiangong's face, Zhou Cuiyun couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, when we came here today, didn't we bring you lunch? I think my mother brought you some pickles, which just happens to have leftover braised flavor. This is an excellent meal."

Ye Xiuqing couldn't help but echo Zhou Cuiyun's words.

"Yes , some people just paid for our lomei. Let's go to the station and then eat. The province can't keep up with the car home." Ye Xiuqing and Zhou Cuiyun had no objection to Ye Jiangong's words.

When they arrived at the station, it would take a while for the next car to pass through their village to come. They found a clean place and prepared to eat.

As a result, he was interrupted just after taking two bites.

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