《My Sisters Boyfriend | Yeonbin | Completed》19


《Day 21 of the Bet》


"I'm starting to believe you are my good luck charm." Soobin smiled as Yeonjun came down from the bleachers to walk him to the locker room.

They waited until everyone else had gone in to the locker room and come back out so they could be by themselves and not stress about people seeing them and making any assumptions about them.

"N-No I just came to watch the game.."

"Yeah but I felt like I had to do better and try harder."

Yeonjun blushed and smacked Soobin's shoulder lightly. "You should try hard regardless! You're on varsity." Yeonjun sat down on a bench as Soobin grabbed

his clothes to shower quickly.

"One day you should join me in this shower Yeonjunnie~" Soobin called in a teasing sing-song voice as the water ran.

"Maybe." Yeonjun bit his lip as he scrolled through Instagram.

"Did you just-"

"Did I what?" Yeonjun teased back.

"You're so sinister." Yeonjun listened as Soobin turned off the shower and stepped out.

"I do what I can. Also Soobinnie what are we doing today?"

"Let's.. do something more intense than we usually do."

"Uh.. like what?"

"A date? Like a real date."

"..R-really?" Yeonjun looked at Soobin in amazement. "Wait I don't have that much money.."

"Yeonjunnie. Why would I take you on a date and have you pay?"

"I don't like people paying for me." He pouted.

A brutal hit to Soobin's cruel heart.

"Well get used to it cutie."

"But where are we going to go?"

"Somewhere very romantic and hot."


"That's what I said isn't it?"

"Where is it?"


"Now I'm excited." Yeonjun clapped and jumped a bit causing Soobin to chuckle. "Let's go."


"No hand holding?" Yeonjun asked.

"Not yet baby." The two males finally left the school and dropped their stuff off at Soobin's house.

Which proved difficult because Solhwa wanted to know where he was going.

"I'm going out with the team."


"You're so nosy." Soobin stuck out his tongue at her before dropping his duffle bag in his room and running out to see Yeonjun sitting cutely on the driveway waiting for him.

"Sorry babe."

"That's okay. As long as you keep calling me that.." Yeonjun dusted off his pants and stood up blushing.

"What? Babe?"

"Yeah.. I really like it.."

"How cute." Soobin just laughed softly and lent Yeonjun a hand to grab so they could walk to the date place together.

"Are we almost there?" Yeonjun whined.

"Yes. Look."

The two males were in front of a restaurant. Much different from their usual crown cafe.

"S-Soobin.. did I need to dress up?" The male panicked.



"Relax Junnie. This place is different. There's private rooms.".

"Binnie that's so expensive! Let's just go to crown cafe!"

"Yeonjun I'm rich."

"Don't waste your money then!" Yeonjun started to scold but Soobin just ignored him and pulled him into the restaurant.

"Reservation under Choi Soobin." Soobin spoke in an even mature tone.

The person at the front desk looked at him weirdly.

"What is it?" Soobin asked with interest.

"I was just expecting someone a bit.. older.."

Soobin rolled his eyes,"Can you please just take me to my room?"

"Yes of course." The lady moved from her spot and directed them to a room. It had a the dining table, silverware/plates and cups, a few candles, and a nice luxurious couch.


Yeonjun gasped.

"Soobin this is really pretty.. When did you plan this." He asked as Soobin pulled out a chair for him.

"Don't worry about that. Just sit.. they'll take our orders digitally."

Yeonjun was in awe, he never thought someone would put this much effort into anything for him.

He started to tear up, he failed to blink the tears away and one fell. Soobin's smiling face contorted into one of worry. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm happy.. this is so sweet Soobin.." Soobin blushed at Yeonjun's words before mumbling, "Anything for you.."

And finally after a couple hours the boys were full with food and drinks and dessert.

"We need to walk this off Soobin," Yeonjun pointed to his stomach.

"Sure. I'll take you home." Soobin stood up and intertwined their fingers as they left after Soobin paid.

Soobin walked him to his neighborhood. Kissing a Yeonjun deeply before letting go of his hand and walking there rest of the distance to Yeonjun's house without touching the male.

"I'll see you tomorrow Binnie~"

"Bye cutie." Soobin tossed him a lady smirk before leaving to go home where Solhwa sat on the couch waiting for something.

"What is your fat ass doing on my couch?"

"One, this is the family's couch. Two, I'm watching T.V while I wait for my lovers text. You wouldn't know what that feels like."

It took everything in Soobin to not just spill everything and tell her that he know more about it than she thought. He just turned around and went upstairs to work on his homework before going to bed.

It had only been half an hour and he missed Yeonjun.

Not that he was in love or anything.. Right?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Soobin can we really stupid sometimes.

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