《Love is a decision (JacksonxReader)》Chapter 3


This waking up was the worst I had.... Everything was hurting, even if I haven't done any activity. My head hurt from all the crying I have done the previous night. It just hurt so much!

But why? I met him once (twice). Would I like him more than just a fan? Why does this have to be so complicated. I sighed. It's always so complicated.

Well. I got nothing to do really. I stayed whole day inside of the hotel room. I didn't have mood to go out. All the time I was thinking about him. Should have I done something more? Will I meet him again? Who knows. We may have exchanged our number, but How long would that last.

Wait a minute. Did I say exchange numbers? Right, we did! How could I forget something like THAT!!! To some it may seem weird and baffling, but... I decided that I will go study in Korea. Maybe we can meet there and who knows. Maybe. A wish, but that doesn't mean that I won't try it.

That's it, I decided. I will change my life. Who knows, maybe for better. Wish me luck.


It's been a year. Hard year, I can tell you. Graduation, learning korean and calling Jackson every free minute I had. Plus the time difference, it was almost unimaginable. But somehow we managed it. And what's the best, I am finally here, in South Korea. Nobody knows I am here. Haha! I didn't tell Jackson I will be coming so he doesn't know.

As I was coming from bus stop to a place where I will stay I saw a big crowd. They were all fans. And I even knew whose. They had green and were chanting GOT7's name. They probably were shooting their new video clip for their new album. So I went closer. It will be surprise for them. I couldn't help it. I laughed out loud. Some closest girls looked at me like I was crazy. And maybe I was. I was after all madly in love with Jackson.

Yes that's right. I finally admit it. I am hopelessly in love with the man. I figured it only few weeks I was home from America. I was always afraid something happened when he didn't call on schedule. I missed his voice. I missed HIM. I missed the other boys too, but Jackson the most.

I came around the group of girls so I could see my boys. Like I said, they were shooting some new MV. But something was wrong. I could tell from everyone's tense shoulders.

,,Excuse me," I said to the girl next to me (in korean of course), ,,what is happening?" She looked at me a little weird, looked at my suitcase and back at me.

,,The main actress in the video didn't arrive and they are trying to find some replacement. We all hope they will pick someone from us, because they appear they really need it." I nodded at her a thanked her.


So that's why they look a little nervous. I wanted to call out on them a encourige them but my shout wouldn't be heard through the fans' noise. Jackson suddenly turned and looked at me. His eyes widenned and quickly said something to the director (I think so) and started towards me.

When he came, all the fans where around me in that very moment. He didn't speak or anything, just took my suitcase and my hand, and was hurrying back.

,,She can do it." I looked at him with confusion. The director looked at me from head to toe and back. I bowed a little. It would be impolite not to.

,,You know her?" He asked the boys who came closer and some of them waved at me. Jackson just nodded.

,,Excuse me, but what is going on?"

,,Well you see, miss, we are in trouble here. Actress caught terrible flu and we can't find replacement. Unfortunetaly we can't reshedule this filming as we don't have enough time. Would you be willing to act in the new MV? We would show you the script first of course, so you would know what you would be acting and then you can decide." I thought for a little while. I wanted to help the boys, but I was afraid what other fans would be thinking, when they would find out who I am (that the boys know me). After a minute I decided.

,,Alright. You don't even need to show me script. I will help the boys with anything."

"Really?" The director asked surprised.

,,That would be a big help. Thank you."

,,It's not a problem at all," I reassured him. I turned towards the boys and smiled at them. Everyone had big grins on their face. The make-up artist then took me away to prepare me and I didn't have time to speak to the group.

After an hour I was prepared, going through the script of what I would be doing. It wasn't hard, it will be me just watching the boys, sometimes smiling. Basically in the MV I am the boys' best friend and I am madly in love with Jackson, as main figure of this video. The song was about slowly falling in love with your best friend so you can imagine how it will look like.

It took several hours to shoot but luckily we made it in time. It wasn't exactly that hard. I am madly in love with Jackson and good friend with the rest that it wasn't a problem to shoot the MV.

,,Hey, you were great," said Mark, the first one to change from the shooting clothes.

,,No I wasn't. I just didn't pretend anything, that's all." Mark was the only one I told about my feelings towards Jackson. I was the closest with him after Jackson. Maybe because we are so similar.

,,No it wasn't that. You really are great in acting." I just smiled at him.


,,Thank you."

,,He is right, you know," said Jinyoung who came to us.

,,See? Even the actor agrees with me," said Mark. All three of us laughed at that comment. Others came to us.

,,What's so funny?" asked Jackson.

,,Nothing," I tried to say with poker face. He frowned and closed the distance between us. I bowed backwards a little bit, blushed a lot and looked away. Guys, little help here, I said inside my head. But the boys just looked at us with smirks. Oh, how I wanted to kill them at that moment. I coughted a little and stepped back from Jackson.

,,Well boys, I need to get to my dorms. I am already late as it is so I will get going."

,,Wait, we will take you there," said leader JB. I tried to refuse, but Jackson once again took my hand and dragged me towards their car.

,,Why do you always drag me somewhere?" I asked Jackosn trying not to laugh.

,,What, you don't want to?" He pretended to be hurt. Well, you won't fool me Jackson. I know more than you know.

I smirked at him.

,,That is according to what we would be doing." He just stared at me and I burst laughing with others. Jackson joined after few seconds. The car stopped. I could see several people outside, but hopefully they won't come closer.

,,Thanks guys for the ride."

,,Anytime." ,,Have fun." ,,Be careful." ,,Call us if anything happens." ,,Byebye." Everyone spoke at the same time. I smiled and got out of the car. I turned at them.

,,Will you have time tomorrow? You know, you could show me Seoul a little bit."

,,You should stay in the campus and try to make friends," said Youngjae.

,,Don't worry, I will be making friends when the school starts."

,,If you'll need anything, just call and we will come," said Bambam. He was concerned for me.

,,Don't worry, Yugyeom already wrote that to me."

,,I sure did. Don't worry Bambam-ah." I smiled at their concern. I saw it in their eyes.

,,Hey, don't worry. I will be fine. So, do you have time?"

,,Unfortunately no. We need to record the song," JB told me.

,,We won't have time this week at all. Two weeks basically. We need to train and everything, you know."

,,It's okay," I told them.

,,Well you go home, sleep o lot and when the comeback will be through a little, we can meet," I said and tried to close the door but Jackson got out of the car and closed the door behind him.

,,Jackson, what are you doing?" I whispered. The people in front the dorm luckily disappeared somewhere so we were the only one there (plus the car).

,,I told JYP about you."

,,What about me?" I looked up confused. He looked uncertain about something.

,,I told almost everything?" Was that a question or statement?

,,Why?" I needed to know. Hope sprand inside me because whenever I asked Mark about Jackson, Mark smirked and told me, that I was the only thing Jackson talked about all the time.

Jackson looked more uncertain than before.

,,You see. I- I- God, why is so hard?" I have never seen Jackson like this. He couldn't find words, he was nervous, like really nervous and he was scratching the back of his neck while looking to the ground.

,,You what? Don't worry, you can say anything to me." He looked up and stared in my eyes. Everything faded away. It was only me and Jackson. I definitely stopped breathing, I was afraid my legs would give away. Jackson broke the spell by looking towards the ground again.

,,Hm. Nevermind. Have fun and be careful in the dorms." He started to turn back but I decided differently. I stopped being me. My feelings were trying to destroy me unless I won't release them. I grabbed him by his T-shirt and brought his lips to mine. I was faintly aware of the boys in the car cheering.

I felt Jackson's shock. When he didn't move, I lost confidence and broke the kiss. I looked don't close to tears.

,,I am sorry, I sh-" I didn't have chance to finish. Jackson grabbed my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes and responded. I could fell his smile in the kiss and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I broke away from him and tried to catch my breath.

,,Wow," I didn't have enough oxygen to speak more. He put our foreheads together.

,,This is what I told JYP about. I want to anounce to everyone I have a girlfriend tomorrow." I kissed him quickly.

,,How did you know I would agree to it?" Jackson looked a bit embarresed.

,,I heard you talk to Mark once." I looked up shocked.

,,You knew?! Why haven't you told me anything!?" I hit him in the arm.

,,I wanted to do it personaly." I kissed him on cheek.

,,Thank you."

,,For what?" He asked.

,,For being you," I smiled at him. I turned and went towards the dorms. I turned to Jackson to see him wainting still outside the car.

I didn't care anymore about anyone. I inhaled and shouted on top of my lungs:

,,I LOVE YOU JACKSON!!!" With that I turned and rushed to my room without seeing Jackson's expression. Suddenly the life looked more colourful and I was the happiest girl on the world. Finally I could say

,,Jackson is mine, girls!"

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