《The Witch Twins Mother》Thirteen


"Mother?" I look over to Jane as she brings over the human Jessica Stanley, I had a little birdie inform me of who Bella Swan's friends and family are "do you think the Cullens are dead?"

"Hopefully" I pick my nails as the human cries and demands we let her go since she has rights. It has been a little over a month since the disgraceful vampires and that human blood whore came before us, we are currently waiting to arrive to the scene of the battle which is the newborn army that was being created by the vampire I ordered the Cullens to destroy. But did they? No, so now me, my children, Demetri and Felix have to travel all the way here to dispose and take care of the mess ourselves.

At first I was going to take care of the situation but then I realized something, I don't have to get involved. The other vampires might questions our actions but we could just say that the Cullens needed to take care of the mess they created, also no one will question my actions since I am the Wicked Queen.

Right now I'm wearing a black professional dress with black heels and some earrings. My hair is down and not up in a bun, I have my black cloak with me keeping my face hidden. If one of the Cullens isn't killed I'm killing this human to make a point. They keep defying me and Aro forbade me from killing Carlisle due to their stupid friendship but he did not say anything about me not being about to scare and put fear in all of the Cullens and that human whore.

"Let's go" I order, we soon leave and I stay in the back as we come to the clearing where all except one newborn was killed. My god these Cullens keep bringing in strays, I have a heart I do but at some point you just have to ask yourself if it's worth it.


"Why is the human still...alive?" I demand stepping forward, Carlisle takes a step back obviously no one knew I'd be here.

"Annika" Carlisle gulps in fear "why--we--um"

"Is something stuck in your throat?" everyone can see the fire brewing in my eyes "spit out what you're going to say for gods sake!"

"the date has been set" I look over to the human as she speaks, my cold, icy gaze looks upon her that the worthless mind reader puts his body in front of hers.

"Was I speaking to you?" looking at her, I take a step forward "unless if you are spoken to you do not speak" narrowing my gaze "am I clear?"

"yes" she gulps in fear, I look over to the Cullens and the newborn "Felix take care of that"

"She didn't know what she was doing" Esme speaks "we'll take responsibility for her"

"You hold no authority here Esme Cullen" she shrinks back under my gaze "you and this coven" spitting it's name "are a disgrace to vampires everywhere, we" motioning to everyone "are vampires that make sure that the humans don't overpopulate but when we have...you" trying to think of something suitable but coming up with nothing "drinking from animals, you are harming the already fragile ecosystem"

"Please" Esme begs

"You" summoning fire, Carlisle puts his body in front of her "have no authority here"

"Oh my god!" I roll my eyes with the human we snatched

"Felix destroy the newborn, Demetri" I snap my fingers and he drags the human forward

"Please" Bella begs "she hasn't done anything wrong"

"It seems I need to make some things clear" grabbing the girl I sink my teeth into her neck, she screams as I do this. When she no longer screams and her heart no longer beats I drop her body "for every week this" waving to Bella "is still human, another human will die" wiping the blood from my chin when Alec hands me a handkerchief "now, when is she to be turned?"


"What?" Carlisle asks

"The human" narrowing my gaze "when is she to be turned?"

"August 13th" Alice Cullen speaks up "their getting married and"

"Why?" I demand "why not now? Why then?" narrowing my gaze on them all

"One last human thing for Bella" Edward warily says

"Please" Carlisle begs

"Bring twenty humans before me" I order my kids

"yes mother" my kids soon leave, just then the wind blows through and I smell the scent I've only ever smelt once before.

"Why do I smell mutt?"

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