《The Dark Curse of Tails' Dark Diary|Yandere!Tails x Male!Hedgehog!Reader》Chapter 3 - The Dark Truth Hurts
Reader Info
Y/n - Your Name
L/n - Last Name
E/c - Eye Color
F/c - Favorite (Fur) Color
Location: Green Hill Zones - Tails' and Y/n's House
Date: May 22, 2019
Time: 2:35 PM
Sonic: Tails! Open up, please!
As Sonic began to knock on the front door with Knuckles behind him all scared and afraid of what was going on right now, Y/n was the only one in the house as he opened the front door with a tired look on his face.
Y/n: Oh, hey guys. What's up?
Sonic: Sorry to bother ya, but we're looking for Tails. Is he in the house with you?
Y/n: Nope. I haven't seen him since we both went to bed in our rooms after we looked for Cream last night and after I got up, he was already gone.
Sonic: Oh, well. Mind if we come in, I think we figured out what's going on here.
Y/n: Really? Did you find Cream?
Sonic: Yeah we did find her all right, but not in a good way.
Y/n: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Sonic: Well...
Sonic: Knuckles!!
Y/n: What? That's ridiculous! Tails would never do something like that!
Sonic: Oh really? Then how about we check into his room and find out?
Y/n: No way, man! I'm not supposed to go into his room, Tails told me that I'm not supposed to go into his room under any circumstances!!
Sonic: I don't care, I'm going to see what's in his room whether you like it or not! We found a tuft of his fur from Cream's hand after we found the body so that proves that Tails killed Cream!
Y/n: Well did you check for any more evidence pointing to Cream's murder?
Sonic: Well no, but---
Y/n: Well, there's your problem. You immediately assumed Tails killed Cream just by a tuft of his fur, plus if Cream was holding the piece of Tails' fur then shouldn't her hand be limp after she got killed and buried in Knuckles' garden? That could be a sign that someone was trying to frame Tails for the murder and I know a witness that might be the culprit,
Sonic: And who would that be?
Y/n: I think Amy is murder cause I've seen her being such a jerk to Tails that was your partner and I know that she is obsessed with you and she would do "anything" to get you to notice her, which is probably why should try to place that piece of Tails' fur to frame him for the murder.
Knuckles: He's not wrong, Sonic.
Sonic: True, but that doesn't prove to me that Tails is innocent! He has to be the killer!!
Y/n: You're too fast, Sonic! You will not accuse my homie of a crime that I know that he would never commit, but if you want to go snoop around in his room to prove a point then be my guest! I'm gonna go find Tails myself so don't try to stop me, cause you are going way too fast to prove a point. I'm out!
Sonic: Fine! See if I care.
With that, Y/n went out the door in anger to go look for Tails, and Knuckles and Sonic went over to Tails' room to look around for more evidence as they opened the door to Tails' room with disturbing looks on their faces.
Knuckles: I'm scared...
Sonic: Check the whole room, Knux.
Then as the two of them began searching every single nook and cranny in the room until Sonic came across a book that reads, "Tails' Diary" and picked and began reading the pages of his partner's diary while Knuckles continues searching around in Tails' room.
Knuckles: this place is very weird and it smells bad.
*Diary Fantasy Begins with Tails as a female counterpart of himself in a beautiful flower garden for a romantic setting*
Tails: Sonic is so manly. For you, I have sinned.
I always pretended to be in trouble so I could see you one more time
....to feel your body on mine and your breath.
It's a dream that I never want to wake up from...My lust's desire.
*End of Diary Fantasy*
Sonic: Only for you I am capable of all these crimes and I won't stop until I try your manhood.
As Sonic continues reading through Tails' diary, Knuckles opened up Tails' closet to see the decapitated head of Amy Rose roll out of the closet Knuckles caught it with his hands until he freaked out and threw it out of his hands and lands on the floor as Sonic looked away from the diary and saw Amy's severed head on the floor with Knuckles shaking in fear.
Knuckles: What's going on? Is that Amy's head?!
Sonic was shocked to see Amy's head on the floor, knowing that his own best friend and partner, Tails was the killer.
Sonic: Amy, is that you?
Then for some strange reason, the head of Amy turn to and spoke to Sonic in a deep demonic voice to tell him to go kill Tails for the sake of their own.
Amy: Kill him! kill him for our love, Sonic!
Then her head flattens out like a flashy pancake, causing the two of them to hold each other and scream in terror.
Knuckles/Sonic: *Screaming*
Then after what they just saw, they ran out of the house in pure shock and fear.
Knux: That was scary. I'm outta here!!
Then Knuckles started walking out of here after what he had experienced in Tails' and Y/n's house, but Sonic tries his best to convince Knuckles to stay and help him find Tails.
Sonic: Wait! Knuckles! We still have to find Tails!
Knuckles: You're kidding, right? Didn't you see what happened in there? There's a murderer loose and he's going to kill us all! We have to call the police even if we have no evidence to prove that Tails is the killer!
Sonic: Maybe there is something we can find to solve this case...please, Knuckles, just help me find some more evidence just a bit longer?
Knuckles: I do not understand. Do you think he is also in danger or that he also has something to do with all this? Maybe Y/n is right, you are going way too fast on who's responsible for the murders and I bet Amy was trying to frame Tails for killing Cream and he must've sliced her head off just to defend himself. I mean, did you not hear that creepy demonic voice coming from her, she is obsessed with you and that's why she would go out of her way just to get rid of anyone that gets in her way. Do you think that Tails is the real killer?
Sonic: I still don't know, but I'm gonna find out who killed Cream or Amy. I'm sorry for doubting you, Knuckles.
Knuckles: it's okay. I will look for it on my own, but if something happens to me, it will be entirely your responsibility.
Sonic: Forgive me, Knuckles...I couldn't tell you that Tails was completely responsible. I didn't want to worry you anymore.
So then, with Knuckles all on his own to go look for the killer, Sonic started doing his search as well with Tails' Diary still in his grasp, but he'll soon realize that the truth will hurt like Hell itself.
Location: Somewhere in the Green Hill Zones
Y/n: Tails! Where are ya, buddy?
After Y/n left the house to go search for Tails to tell him that Sonic is accusing him of murdering Cream and Amy might be trying to frame him for a crime that he didn't commit since they're both best buds since they have been roommates when Tails' agreed to let Y/n sleep in his own house and Y/n knows that Tails would never do something so sinful like that.
However, as the F/c hedgehog continued searching for his best bud, he soon saw Tails that was kneeling on a pile of dirt and he seems to be...praying with a cross that is holding to his chest?
Praying to what exactly?
Why would Tails be praying on a pile of dirt in the middle of nowhere at the Green Hill Zones?
That's what Y/n intended to find out, even though he didn't want to eavesdrop on his best buddy, but he has to know what's been going on in the fox's mind. So he quietly went over to some bushes and trees as a hiding spot and crouched down to see what was going on, but he has to be quiet and don't get spotted by Tails to see what's he up to.
Tails: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
But then, just as Tails is praying while speaking in Bible verses, Knuckles was standing right behind.
Then when Knuckles got a bit closer to Tails, the fox turned over to the red echidna with an angry animalistic growl with his eyes blood red, but they went normal when he saw Knuckles behind him.
Tails: Knuckles, What are you doing here?
Knuckles: I....I...I just passed here by chance....wh-what are you doing here? I just prayed through cream's soul.
Y/n *Thinking*: Cream's soul? Is that pile of dirt...a grave? Could Tails be the killer?
Knuckles: That's weird....you say it as if she had already died.
Tails: It is not that way...I just prayed for her to come back healthy and safe.
Y/n *Thinking*: Healthy and safe? What does that even mean? *Looks at Tail's chest to see a couple of band-aids with a red heart in the middle* What happened to his chest? Did someone stab him in the chest? I swear to God, Amy if you are the one that stabs him in the chest, I will.
Knuckles: What happened to you?
Tails: *Demonic* Nothing! Go Away!
With Tails in a feral state, Knuckles then raised his hands in defense out of fear of what Tails is gonna do to him.
Knuckles: No, please! don't hurt me!
Tails: I won't hurt you!
Y/n *Thinking*: Tails?! What has gotten into you?!
Meanwhile, Sonic that is still reading through the pages in Tails' Diary, n heard Knuckles' screams for help.
Sonic: *Chuckles* This guy is Sick!
(Knuckles Screams)
Sonic: Knuckles?!
Back with Tails and Knuckles, Tails is in a feral and aggressive state with his eyes blood red like he's been possessed by some sort of demon as he is about to attack Knuckles.
Tails: Shut up now! Knuckles!
Knuckles: I know all you did to Amy and Cream! you can do with my body and my chastity all you want, but please don't kill me!
Y/n *Thinking*: Tails.....what has gotten into you?
Then suddenly, coming from out of the dirt pile, a headless Amy Rose rose from the grave and grabbed Knuckles by the neck with a knife to his throat, causing Tails to go normal to see what is happening right now, even Y/n was shocked to see the dead body of Amy rose from the grave to kill Knuckles.
Tails: Knuckles!
Knuckles: AAAH! SONIC!
With that, Amy slit his throat, killing him instantly Tails was completely shocked to see Amy do that to Knuckles and Y/n was horrified to see what just happened just now. Then suddenly, Tails started laughing insanely before looking at both the dead bodies of Amy and Knuckles and licking his lips, and started eating their dead bodies like wild animals.
Y/n then covered his mouth after he started gagging and nearly lost his lunch when he saw his own best buddy and roommate eating the corpses of both Amy and Knuckles. Luckily, Tails didn't hear Y/n from the trees and bushes that he is hiding in since he is too busy eating the dead bodies of Amy and Knuckles.
But then, Y/n saw Sonic that is right behind Tails with an angry look on his face and he knows that Amy killed Knuckles not Tails and Y/n saw that Sonic is holding Tails' Diary that Tails told him not to read under any circumstances.
Looks like this situation has gone from bad to worse from here...
Sonic: Murderer...
Tails: *Looks at Sonic* Sonic... didn't want to believe it.
Sonic: I thought there was an explanation for all this. I thought it was my suspicions...until I found this.
Then Sonic showed Tails his diary which shocked Tails to find out that his true love has read his diary and found out about his secrets. This also caused Y/n to become angry at Sonic for reading Tails' diary and accusing Tails of killing Knuckles, which was responsible for killing Knuckles.
Y/n *Thinking*: Sonic, you son of a hedgehog...I knew that you had to read his diary, but you had to go out of your way to accuse Tails of murdering Knuckles.
Tails: Sonic...I...
Sonic: I can forgive you for getting rid of Amy. I can even thank you....and cream I don't care, but Knuckles...
Tails: It's not what you think. I did not do it!
Y/n *Thinking*: Yes, it's true! Tails are not the ones who killed Knuckles! It was Amy, she--
Sonic: You killed my best friend!
Tails: I thought I was your best friend!
Sonic: After what you did, you are nothing! Now I know what you keep in your heart! *Tosses his Diary to Tails*
Then Tails suddenly remembered that same line that Cream told him right before he was about to murder her and bury her in Knuckles' garden.
Cream: Now I know what you keep in your heart! You destroyed my dreams, my desires, and fantasies. Now I'll never know what it's like to love someone and what I thought I felt for you....was nothing more than a vague illusion.
Tails: I had to do it! I didn't want anyone else to know it and I would do it again if I had the chance
Cream: You have condemned yourself within your own Hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
*End of Flashback*
Sonic: You idiot! Forget about those dirty fantasies! There will never be anything between you and me!
Sonic: I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y/n *Thinking*: Wait? Tails' has a crush on Sonic? But...Sonic is not gay and Tails is not a girl? What were you writing in that Diary of yours?
Tails: No...Deep down inside you, I know that you have love to give me...I know I'm not female, but I don't need my manhood to make you happy!
Then without a second thought, Tails used his knife to cut off his manhood and he "literally" ate it that grossed out both Sonic and Y/n and they both are about to throw up right about now.
Tails then looked at Sonic with a happy smile on his face and his eyes now blood read with his private area all bloody where his manhood should be at. Now Sonic is grossed out by what just happened and Y/n was both horrified and traumatized by all of this as he quickly went out of his hiding spot and quietly made his way back to his house without them noticing that Y/n was watching the whole thing.
Tails: Now I'm perfect for you, Sonic?
Sonic: You disgust me! I Hate you! I Hate YOU! GOD! I can't even believe what Y/n would say to you if he saw what you did to yourself cause he thought that you didn't kill my friends!
Tails: Huh? What do you mean, Sonic?
Sonic: You know what I'm talking about you freak! Y/n told me that you are not the one who killed Cream, Amy, and Knuckles, but thought Amy was the one who was responsible for these murders and had to frame you for the crime!
Tails: Y/n....said that....?
Sonic: Yes! I knew that he would say all of that just to cover your tracks, but I know that he's wrong about that! You're a monster, Tails! A freak of nature! I don't even care about your weird infatuation with me or your sexual fantasies!! Even if you were a girl, to begin with, and not a guy, you and I will never, ever be together!! YOU SICK, TWISTED, FUCK!!!
After what Sonic said to him in a fit of rage, Tails was heartbroken by all those hateful and negative words that Sonic said to him, but was shocked to know that Y/n was still there for him and knew that Tails is innocent. He now realized that Sonic is not the one he is looking for as he sees the Sonic in front of him as nothing but a total fake, a phony, and an imposter, but he knew that Sonic would never say all of those mean things to him, but Y/n treats him with such love and respect.
Then suddenly, Tails began to growl in anger after Sonic rejected his love for him as he is holding the bloody knife in his hand.
Tails: I refuse to believe it! I am your owner and I will not let you go so easily!
Sonic: What you say?
Sonic: Wait! GAH!
With that, Tails stabbed Sonic in the stomach, slowly dying from blood loss in his stomach Sonic said his last dying words and cried in tears.
Sonic: I wasn't fast enough.
Tails: I love you! Sonic, what you said? That is inappropriate. Y/n would never say those things to me and he's always been treating me like a brother to me. Maybe I should go see him tonight...*Licks mouth* I'm not gonna kill him, but I have some "other plans" for him tonight.....he's gonna love it...*Chuckles Darkly*
Later That Night...
After Y/n saw what happened between Sonic and Tails, he is already starting to pack up some of his stuff in a backpack to get away from Tails when he found out the truth about what happened this afternoon, but he's been having trouble deciding to leave or stay here and not tell Tails what he just saw.
Y/n: Oh my God! I can't believe what I just saw! Tails are in love with Sonic and he rejected him, Why could he just tell me that he had a thing for Sonic so that I could just sign him up for a sex change surgery or maybe create a machine that can do the surgery for him? This is all Amy's fault! I blame her for killing Knuckles to make Sonic think that Tails killed Knuckles! *Sighs* I can't blame Tails for all this, he just wanted to show Sonic how much he loves him, but he just had to yell him right in his face with so much venom in his voice.
Then Y/n knelled by his bed and started praying in silence, hoping that Tails will forgive him for what he just saw if he knew that he watching him behind the bushes and he prayed that Tails will be forgiven for his sins and send Amy down to the fires of Hell, where she will be punished for her actions.
Then suddenly, Y/n heard his bedroom door open, thinking that it was either Tails or Amy coming back from the dead again to kill him next.
Y/n: Huh? Who's there? Amy, I swear if it's you trying to come here to kill me, I'm gonna---
Y/n then looks down to see Tails' Diary on the floor before he heard a familiar voice that made his blood run cold as ice.
???: Gonna what?
Then Y/n looked up to see Tails in his room with the bloodied knife in his hand and covered in blood, mostly in his private areas with a happy smile on his face and his red glowing red.
Y/n: Tails.....
Tails: Yes, Y/n...It's me...
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Tails: I came here to see how my roomie is doing so far and it looks like you were saying your prayers after you said all of those things about me and after you saw the whole thing between me and Sonic behind the bushes. Is that true?
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