《Name Tag | Reader X Cheong-San | ALL OF US ARE DEAD FF》Superman


We ran down the hall, bumping into another Group of Zombies.

Su-hyeok ran infront of us, saving us from the Monsters coming against us. He pushed one onto the floor, and slammed the other one against the wall.

As Su-hyeok was fighting against one of the Zombies, another one came running at us. Su-hyeok tackled it onto the floor, while another Zombie arrives trying to get a bite out of the student.

Cheong-San ripped one of the windows down, hitting the Zombie attacking Su-hyeok.

That's kinda hot ngl.

Soon other students grabbed windows, pushing the monsters away from us.

"Watch your hands!"

"Watch out!!"

"HEY GET OUT THE WAY" Dae-Su took the door of the classroom and ran at the Zombies.


they started pushing the Zombies away, and I started running towards the boys helping them push.

"CMON!" I yelled at the girls, making them move.

We pushed them down the whole hallway towards the staircase, giving us room to run up the stairs. Which we did.

"FUCK DAMN NO GET BACK!" I shouted, seeing the swarms of zombies coming into our direction.


We ran up another flight of stairs trying to safe our lives from the hungry Monsters coming after us.


We pushed another Group of monsters away from us, trying to make our way inside the science lab.

I turned around seeing a Zombie running at us.


He turned around, blocking the Zombie with the door.

How is he still holding onto that?

"Help me! Help!"

A few of the girls ran to help Dae-Su.



"It's locked. We gotta go somewhere else!" Ji-Min yelled.

Shit fr now?

"We can't there is nowhere to go!"

"It's locked! Didn't you hear me?


"What now?!"

I looked around seeing the fire instungisher by the stairs.

"Dae-su push!!" I yelled

I helped pushing them, grunting, out of breath from all this Chaos.

I took the fire instinguisher, running back to the classroom trying to break the lock.


"Why is it taking so long???"

The students yelled and grunt trying their hardest to keep the zombies back.

I started using all my strength hitting against the lock.



The glass of one of the windows we were using to protect us shattered.

We are gonna die

I broke the lock, opening the door.

"IT'S OPENED" I screamed, informing the others.

Seems like we aren't gonna die

"GO!" I pushed my classmates inside


I locked the door from inside. Lowering my guard, taking deep breaths.

"The fuck just happened" dae-su sighed, wiping the sweat of his face


A Zombie reaches his hand trough the window, grabbing Dae-Su's face.

Lucky enough, joon-yeong was fast enough to hit the Zombie and push him, but broke another window in the meanwhile.


They took a table pushing it against the window. I helped by holding the table.


We started blocking the window but the bitch na-yeon started whining again.

I just ignored the situation, trying to safe our lifes.

"Su-hyeok? Has anyone seen him?" On-jo asked worriedly.

Oh fuck.

"You were with him right?" On-jo stated worriedly, asking Cheong-San.

I looked at him, waiting for an answer.

Cheong-San had a guilty look on his face. "He was behind me"

No way

"Then where is he now?"

"I don't know."

On-jo lowered her head, obviously worried and sad.


I hid my face in my palm, not understanding anything.


I felt a warm pair of hands wrapping around me, tightly hugging me. I hugged back feeling comforted. I looked up meeting Cheong-San's eyes. A warm smile met my face, making me smile in return.

I let go of his hug, Taking deep breaths.

Cheong-San took my hand quietly. Pressing it gently as he looked away, comforting me in silence. I smiled.

Do I.. really like him?


"I mean it! I really wasn't bitten"!! I-sak said wiping the blood, dripping down from her nose.

Not again. Not now.

"She was bitten"

"What's going on? Have you been bitten?!"

"I said I wasn't!!"

I-sak ran to the mirror, meeting her eyes, which were filling up with blood.

"Hey.. are you okay?" Gyeong-su said, slowly approaching her.

She turned around looking at On-jo



"No right? I'm not turning right?"

On-jo teared up taking I-sak's hand slowly nodding, embracing her friend.

"I'm not, I'm not one of them"

I-sak pushed On-jo back.

"What are you doing?. GET HER OUT OF HERE NOW" Na-yeon yelled

"Shit they are going to climb over" Dae-Su said. Protecting our wall of tables and chairs.

"No.. Come on! I said I'm okay!" I-sak screamed at na-yeon.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I grabbed Cheong-Sans hand even tighter, causing him to pull me to him.

Cheong-San let go quickly, seeing that i-sak is about to turn, and quickly snatched On-jo away from her.

I-sak fell onto the floor, turning into a Zombie.

But before she could run at them, I ran against her, pushing her out the window.

I fell to the floor. Looking up at on-jo and Cheong-San leaning over the window.

I stood up.

"On-jo you have to let go."

She is holding onto I-sak.

Cheong-San hits I-sak with a chair, throwing her onto the ground.

On-jo fell onto the floor, sobbing hiding her face in her knees. I knelt next to her, comforting my best friend, shedding tears myself.


I feel like this chapter is shit looool

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