《》Chapter 17



"God damn, Drake," Rex barked as he jumped off the plow. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Drake grumped.

"You really need to officially mate Tessa," Gunner complained as he threw his lunchbox in the back of the truck. "You are a fucking asshole without her."

They'd been in the field for the entire morning, and Drake was about to leave to get Tessa when something set him off about the way Rex was running the plow. He'd yelled at him over the two-way radio, causing his middle brother to stop work and give him an ass chewing face to face.

"It's too soon," Drake snapped. "I really don't need you to tell me when I should approach the subject with her."

"You haven't told her?" Rex roared, his brother's eyes flashing a golden glow. "Really, Drake?"

"I've told her that we mate, but I haven't quite gotten to the details yet," he mumbled, taking off his old trucker hat and slapping it against the top of his thigh to knock off the dust.

"You need to take care of that tonight, brother," Rex barked. "Don't come to this field tomorrow and yell at me again, because I won't put up with your shit."

Drake felt his beast rumble behind his skin. He had to force it back where it belonged. Rex wasn't his enemy. "I'm going to get Tessa."

"See you at home," Rex said through gritted teeth. Their little tiff wasn't going to break them. Drake couldn't remember how many times they'd tussled in the backyard after an argument. They fought their battles like the animals they were, and Drake had a few scars on his human skin to show for it.


Drake left the fields and headed north to town. As he passed the field Gunner had planted the day before, he looked over and took note that everything looked as it should. They had a few more weeks of work before they would be done. He planned on making sure Tessa was protected during that time. He didn't know if he could ask the panthers to watch her for that long, but if he had to, he would stay with her and trust his brothers to get the fields ready.

His main concern was Tessa. The human female had weaved a web around his heart. Her ex-husband was in town, and no one knew where he was. He had some connections over the state line in Memphis, Tennessee, but those were a last resort if he was unable to defend his home. Rex and Gunner were well equipped to take care of the male as soon as he was found.

And he would be found.

He saw Tessa through the window of the diner. She was laughing and talking to a customer as she refilled their drink. Drake didn't move for a few minutes, just watched her as she worked. The female inside the diner was his. His nature had proved it to him the moment he'd touched her when she stumbled and fell at his feet. It was as if the goddess herself knew what he wanted...what he needed.

A customer coming out the door broke his train of thought, and Drake turned off his truck to go inside to get Tessa. The moment he entered, Savage, Winter, and Noah stood up to shake his hand.

"I appreciate you being here," he stated.

"Everything went well," Savage told him. "We are offering the pride's services in finding this asshole so you can put him down."


"You are going to put him down, right?" Winter pressed.

"As soon as I can find this son of a bitch," Drake paused to check for anyone within hearing range and continued when he found none, "I will deal out the punishment of our kind."

"I hope it is as brutal as our own," Savage sneered. "I guarantee it," Drake promised.

"We will send over three other Guardians tomorrow," Savage offered.

"I can't ask that of you," Drake said as he waved his hand.

"Why?" Winter chuckled. "Because we only asked you to come hang at The Deuce twice?"

"Yeah," Drake replied, looking up at the males. They were worthy of their titles as Guardians of the Shaw pride. These men were the best of their kind, and not only for their strength, but for their compassion toward others. "I cannot ask this of you."

"Well, you don't have to ask," Noah said. "We are offering our services with no need for repayment."

"That's very kind of you," Drake sighed. "I appreciate it, but I think I will be keeping Tessa at home until this is over."

All three males chuckled and looked over his shoulder. Savage was the first to shake his head, sobering when he jutted his chin out toward Tessa as she was coming out of the backroom of the diner. "That female of yours doesn't like to sit still. I can advise you after having found my mate, they are strong-willed, and I wouldn't put it past that one to disagree with you holding her hostage."

"Why am I being held hostage?" Tessa asked as she approached, overhearing Savage's statement.

"I think it would be best if you stay home for the next few days," Drake stated, wrapping an arm around her waist as she frowned. "It's safer that way."

"I have to work, Drake," she said through clenched teeth. "We've discussed this."

"Then you work for me this week, and I'll pay you twice what you are making here," he stated. He would pay her three or four times what she made if it kept her out of town and away from her apartment and her ex-husband.

Tessa quieted, her expressive blue eyes tracing his face. The other males made their excuses to leave, and she righted her features long enough to tell them goodbye. As the panthers left the diner, she finally closed her eyes. With a heavy sigh, she said, "If you want me to stay home, we need to talk to Gaia. I can't just leave her here alone."

"I'll talk to Gaia," he promised, seeing the owner across the room. It only took a nod from her to give him his answer. Gaia wanted Tessa safe, too. "It is done. Let's go."

"Wait? What's done?" Tessa asked, confused. "Drake?

What's going on?"

"I'll explain at home," he grunted. "We need to go." "Fine," she huffed, but accepted his hand as they left the diner. He would take her home, feed her lunch, and like his brothers suggested, tell her everything.

It was time to officially mate Tessa Ward.

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