《》Chapter 4


Tessa lifted the large tray of food from the kitchen window at the diner and headed toward the table by the front door. The family of five thanked her and dug into their food. The mother reminded Tessa of her own mother as she doted over her children and smiled warmly at their father. A pain bloomed in her chest when she thought of how much she missed her own family, but knew it was better to keep her distance until her life calmed down.

Shaking those thoughts from her mind, Tessa tucked the empty tray under her arm and walked toward the kitchen. There was no need to darken her day with thoughts of things she couldn't control. She had work to do.

Gaia, her boss, was filling the coffee machine to brew a new pot and almost every table in the place was full. As she looked around the small room, she was fine with it being busy, because the tips she'd receive during her morning shift would hopefully pay for the grocery trip she'd planned on her day off.

"Tessa, could you be a dear and bring Mr. Brown some butter?" Gaia asked as she passed with a platter of food to deliver to her tables. Her boss was in her mid-forties and beautiful. Her long, black hair fell to her waist, but when she was at the diner, Gaia kept it up in a bun at the back of her head.

"Sure." She nodded and hurried over to the elderly man's table.

The bell over the door jingled with the arrival of a new customer. The cool morning air crossed over her skin, causing goosebumps to raise on her arms. When Tessa looked up, she noticed the sheriff enter and head for a barstool at the counter after making a quick sweep of the diner with his keen eyes.


This was the third time he'd been in since she had started at the diner. The lawman had an air of authority about him that made people take notice. The customers looked up from their meals and some straightened their backs as he walked toward the counter where there were two empty stools for those eating alone. Gaia nodded for Tessa to take his order since she was held up with her table. Tessa tried to calm her nerves as she approached him with a menu and cup of coffee.

"Morning, Sheriff."

"Morning, Tessa." Sheriff Lynch smiled and took the menu from her hand. "How are you today?"

"So far, so good," she shrugged. "Do you know what you'd like to order, or do you need another moment?"

"Give me a few minutes," he replied, flipping over the menu. She nodded and went about cleaning a table just vacated by two men who worked for the water company. She used a rag to wipe it down and added a clean set of silverware at each place setting.

A look at the clock over her shoulder showed it was nearing nine, and thankfully, the breakfast crowd would dwindle a little so she could take a break and get off her feet for a few minutes after she served the sheriff. She'd already helped Tony, the cook, prep for the morning rush at five that morning, and she was probably going to need a cup or two of coffee during her break.

"Just give me the breakfast special," Sheriff Lynch ordered. "I'll take another cup of coffee when you come back around with the food."

"Sounds great." She smiled and wrote down his order on the pad in her pocket. "It'll be out shortly."


As she helped the other customers, Tessa noticed the sheriff kept looking at her from the corner of his eye. Gaia stopped and spoke to him softly. She felt a moment of panic set in, wondering why he was so observant of her. Had she done something wrong? No, it couldn't be. Tessa had never even gotten a speeding ticket.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" she asked as she cleared away his plate.

"How are you liking our little town?" he inquired, setting his napkin on the counter. Tessa scooped it up along with his cup and balanced it on the plate in her hands. She noticed her hands were shaking and she quickly tightened her hold on the dishes.

"It's very nice," she said, clearing her throat. "What I've seen of it, that is."

"You're working for Tulley, too?" he asked, swiveling the barstool so he could face her. She took a small step back and nodded instead of giving a verbal reply. She would probably answer him with a shaky voice otherwise. "Where did you say you were from?"

"I didn't," she whispered as her heart began to race.

Why was he asking her so many questions?

"Okay, understood," he relented after a small pause. Sheriff Lynch stood and pulled out his wallet, dropping some cash on the counter. He gave her a smile and left without any further questions. As soon as he was gone, she hurried to the kitchen to drop off the dishes, making an excuse to use the restroom. When she closed and locked the door, Tessa leaned against the bathroom counter and let out a harsh breath.

"I don't want to be found."

She waited for a few minutes before returning to the kitchen. Tony was just setting an order in the window, and Gaia was wiping her hands at the sink. "Everything okay, Tessa?"

"Oh, yes," she lied, grabbing a large tray to carry the food. She hurried along and served the last of the morning rush.

It took another thirty minutes for the place to slow down enough for Tessa to take a break. Gaia hurried her along to the small breakroom in the back with a cup of coffee in hand.

She removed her phone and did an internet search for her ex, hoping she'd read something on him being in jail where he couldn't come and find her again. To her dismay, there was nothing new online.

Why was the sheriff being so nosey?

Tessa wanted nothing more than to be left alone so she could go on with her life. She thought back to Drake Morgan and his need for peace on his land. She wanted that more than anything and would make it her life's goal to find a little place in the country like that.

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