《shards - pietro maximoff》chapter twenty-two ; dust and death wheels


Dahlia Anelace's bucket list was completely and utterly strange. From painting the Pope's car rainbow to throwing a watermelon at the U.S. president, there was practically nothing that anyone could do, no matter how outrageous, that wasn't on that list and crossed off.

Well, at least, she thought there wasn't, until today.

She hadn't happened to mention riding a giant spikey alien wheel of terror, for some reason.

Well, on this very day, she was able to add that item to the list and cross it off in the span of an hour.

With Thor at the helm of the battle, the aliens had doubled down on their forces, hitting them twice as hard as they had before.

They had launched eight different 'Threshers' across the field. These machines were meant purely for chaos, and they destroyed everything in their path, friend and foe alike.

"Fall back! Fall back now!" T'Challa's voice tore through the crowd.

However, Dahlia wasn't the type to listen when she had made up her mind, not even to a direct order.

Pietro was busy helping Bucky face Proxima Midnight, so she was free from the fight that he would almost certainly put up if he heard her insane plan.

Dahlia tied her hair up into a ponytail and tried to mentally build up her nerve. Usually, she had plenty, and she still had some, but for something like this... she needed all that she could get.

"You got this Dahlia, c'mon you've got this." She muttered under her breath, and before she could change her mind, broke into a run.

Dahlia grabbed two huge chains that lay where the aliens had left it, and hauled them halfway across the field, towards the wheels of death.

This is fucking crazy, and I'm almost 100% sure that I'll end up dying in the process, but die fast and leave a sexy corpse, am I right?

She moved fast, making sure to not leave any time in which she would rethink this whole situation. Dahlia reached the leftmost wheel and launched herself into the air, wrapping one of the chains around a piece of metal that was stuck out of the side.

Before it could get too far ahead, she ran to the other side, doing the same. After grabbing the far end of both the chains, she paused.

"All right, this is the moment of truth." Dahlia let out a shuddering breath and launched herself in the air, scaling the spikes all the way up to the top.

With a chain in each hand, Dahlia began to run atop the wheels, which were continuously turning, since it was the only way to stay stable.

Upon discovering it was actually possible to stay upright, she decided to carry out the most pivotal part of her plan.

She pulled the right chain hard, and just as she hoped, the wheels complied, turning to the right and running over a pack of alien creatures.

"Fuck yeah! I'm a damn god!"

Dahlia's holler carried across the field, and warriors from both sides turned to see the young woman, perched atop eight Threshers and grinning like a maniac.

The Wakandans and Avengers cheered in unison, while the aliens ran for cover, retreating in the face of the destruction.

Pietro groaned but he couldn't wipe the smile from his face. "I swear, I look away for one moment, and she does this."

Wanda, who had previously been waiting anxiously at Vision's side, entered the battlefield. She had felt the tremor of the wheels on the ground, and knew she needed to help.


She took Dahlia's lead, using her powers to enchant another set of Threshers to move at her will.

Proxima Midnight was furious, not about the death, as most people would be, but about their disadvantage. But at the sight of Wanda, she felt a spark of dark, sadistic, hope. "She's on the field. Take it."

Cull Obsidian approached the lab, killing one of the guards outside. Shuri heard the yelp of the fallen soldier and frantically began disconnecting her equipment from Vision's systems, hastily trying to get him out of there.

The Dora Milaje began engaging with the large alien, battling him fiercely, but he sent them sliding across the floor. The Wakandan princess finished her shutdown and grabbed one of her sonic panther-paws, and fired at Obsidian.

The female warriors attacked again, but Cull sent both them and Shuri through the balcony railing and off the building.

Cull Obsidian chuckled lowly, sure that the Mind Stone was just within his reach, but Vision wasn't laying on the table helplessly, like he had expected.

In fact, Vision was behind him, and immediately charged forward. He knocked the creature out of the window, causing them both to fall out of the window.

Sam's voice spoke through the comms. "We've got a Vision situation here."

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve urged.

"I would, but I'm a tad bit busy with being the best Avenger here." Dahlia grunted as she turned the Threshers around to mow down another wave of enemies.

Bruce made a beeline for the android. "I got him!"

"On my way." Wanda's lip curled as Proxima blocked her path, rolling down in a ditch to avoid a wheel.

"He'll die alone. As will you." Rage sparked in Wanda's mind.

A voice came from behind her. "She's not alone."

Okoye and Natasha were stood there, brandishing spears and swords alike.

Proxima leaped for Black Widow, but Nat blocked her blow with her sword while Okoye climbed up and around the slope to attack from the back.

Natasha blocked the alien's sword blows, and finally knocked it from her hand. Proxima resorted to using her fists, knocking the woman to her feet and pinning her to the ground.

A blade sprung from the wrist portion of Proxima's armor, and she used it to stab at Nat, who barely blocked it with her crossed swords.

The weight of the blade started to push Natasha's swords downwards, and the sharp edge started to dig into Natasha's neck.

Suddenly, scarlet energy grabbed Proxima and threw her upwards into a passing thresher, shredding her to bits and spattering dark blue blood all over the two women below in the ditch.

"That was really gross." Natasha sputtered, wiping the gross liquid from her face.

Dahlia, who was riding the thresher that had killed the alien woman, called out to them. "Oh man, why was she so blue?"

She started cracking up, and Pietro, who had taken up the left chain to relieve Dahlia of some of the pressure, started wheezing so hard that the metal almost slipped from his grasp.

"Never knew you were so good with your hands, Dahls." Pietro wiggled his eyebrows.

Dahlia snorted. "I hope you know that if I wasn't handling a death machine, I would hit you right now."

"Well then, I'll make sure to only make inappropriate innuendos when we're steering wheels of mass destruction."

"Well then, take advantage of this, cause I think the odds of this ever happening again are quite slim."

The battle began to change for the better, the swarm of aliens were thinning with the help of Thor, Wanda, and their new control of a Thresher.


The Jabari began to chant in good spirits, the sound lifting up all those around them.


"Ya hu hu!"


"Ya hu hu!"

Thor began to chase the few ships that had begun retreating, using his new axe to demolish them with every swing.

The wind picked up suddenly, and the world felt... off.

Like something was wrong.

The front line quieted, and the lack of war cries sent chills through her bones.

"Everyone, on my position." Steve said cautiously. "We have incoming."

"What the hell?" Nat's brow creased.

Dahlia would usually make a witty comment, but she knew that she couldn't. Something was seriously wrong. She swallowed hard and took Pietro's hand.

He looked at the woman beside him with concern, squeezing her hand tightly.

Black and blue clouds formed right across the line, and Dahlia wasn't sure what it was, but she knew it couldn't be good.

She knew she was right when a giant, purple alien with a mangled chin stepped out from the mist.

"Cap. That's him." Bruce's voice wavered.

"That's him? I thought he'd be more... less ugly." Dahlia scrunched up her nose.

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Cap looked like he was saying it more to himself than to anyone else.

Bruce lunged forward fist first, but Thanos was quicker, using one of the gleaming gems on his gauntlet to freeze him in place, burying him under a mountain of rock.

Steve moved to attack him, but before he even got the chance to strike, he was forced down by a violet energy.

T'Challa leapt high with his claws extended, his armor charged kinetically, ready to fight. Thanos stopped him easily, grabbing him by the throat and punching him to the ground.

Sam tried next, attempting to swoop overhead, but he plummeted to the ground when he found that the wings were made of rubber, and therefore unable to sustain flight.

She couldn't stand by any more, and Dahlia turned to grab her dagger, but was stopped by Pietro's firm grip on her wrist.

His eyes were desperate, and she hesitated for a moment. "Dahlia... you can't. I can't- I can't lose you."

"I have to. You know that." Her voice was small.

Pietro met his eyes. "I do."

"I'll be back with Thanos's head before you know it."

Dahlia carefully removed his hand from her wrist. With a one last smile in his direction she grabbed her blade and charged in his direction.

Thanos swiped at her, but she was faster, crouching and rolling on her side. She flicked open her dagger and stabbed it into his leg.

She smiled in triumph, but it didn't seem to bother him. Dahlia pulled out the blade, only to find that her dagger has evaporated, leaving only the handle in her grasp.

He grabbed her by the neck and held her up in the air.

"You know, you remind me very much of another young woman I once knew," Thanos's eyes softened, if that was even possible for him. "My daughter. I think you two would've liked each other very much."

Dahlia struggled to breathe, but still managed to let out a snarky comment. "Well, too bad that I think you're a Barney bitch who needs to take chin surgery into consideration."

Thanos sighed. "She did too."

"Well then, she had the right idea."

He seemed to be done with this conversation, throwing her to the side forcefully.

Dahlia landed funny, her arms bent in a weird angle and her leg folded uncomfortably underneath her.

Pietro rushed to her side, his eyes widening as he observed her injuries. His breath quickened, as did his pulse.

"Oh my god, Dahlia. I should've stopped you, I should've done something or-"

She held a finger up to his lips, however painful it was to do so. "Shh. I know, Speedy, I know."

"Are you okay, Dahls?" Pietro looked at her with both concern and love.

"Not right now, but I will be." Dahlia tried to smile comfortingly. "Now, help me up, you douche."

"But of course, my lady."

But while Dahlia and Pietro were trying to make the best of the hurt she had been put in, Wanda was having to make the hardest decision of her life, one that could save the universe, but kill the love of her life.

"Wanda. It's time." Vision spoke slowly, even though he knew their time was running out.

"No." Wanda placed her hands on his face, looking at him like it was the last time.

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me," She shied away from his gaze. "You have the power to destroy the stone."

"Don't." Wanda couldn't even begin to consider the possibility.

"You must do it. Wanda, please," Vision's expression turned desperate. "We. Are. Out of time."

"I can't." Tears had begun to pool in her eyes.

Vision had begun to feel a heavy weight in his chest. "Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies."

But if you die, half the universe means nothing. Not to me. Wanda thought faintly.


"It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is." He grabbed her hand, kissing her knuckles.

She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but her brain didn't comply.

"It's all right. You could never hurt me." Vision put a brave face on, just for her, trying to take the pain from her as best he could.

The red light emanated from her hands, and she looked away, unable to watch what was happening to him. Tears raced down her face, one after another, to the point where she thought she physically couldn't cry any more, and yet she did.

Her powers began working, ripping the stone's power, and Vision's life source with it.

Even with his life being torn from him, he managed to mutter four words, taking all of his strength to ease the woman he loved.

"I just... feel you."

The Avengers used every last bit of strength they had, trying to keep Thanos away from the stone.

Rhodey came in between the android and the tyrant, firing his guns at the latter, up until he used a stone to crush the suit around him, leaving James Rhodes useless.

Bucky ran in to the battle, fighting his way through to Thanos, but was helpless to the Power Stone, which tossed him away as if he weighed nothing more than a stuffed animal, leaving James Buchanan Barnes unconscious.

Two James' down.

Okoye activated the Vibranium powered elements of her spear, but as she hurtled it toward the giant, it stopped in midair. Both her and it were thrown aside like feathers.

Natasha, who had attempted to join the fight, was being wrapped in unbreakable bonds of earth, tethering her to the ground.

Groot stabbed his hands into the ground, surrounding Thanos with vines and bark alike. However, it did nothing except slow him down slightly, for he easily broke away from it and continued on his path to destroy humanity as they knew it.

Wanda's heartbeat quickened as she looked over her shoulder at the destruction that was heading their way.

Cap came sliding underneath one of Thanos's blows, and came up swinging his shield, punching the titan in his stomach and chin. He grabbed the gauntlet, holding the tyrant's fingers apart.

A flash of surprise and fear came across Thanos's face briefly, a flicker of uncertainty leaving as soon as it came. As the moment passed, he came to his senses, knocking Steve on the head, making his whole body go limp.

Dahlia, being the ballsy bitch she was, tried to attack him yet again, despite her injuries. With her legs resting on Pietro's shoulders, due to her legs being, most likely, broken, she threw herself towards the titan once more. Her blade almost made it all the way to his throat, teasingly so, but like all other weapons that had tried to make contact, it was stopped in midair and jolted to the side, leaving her arm twisted as well.

Upon seeing the woman he loved in so much pain, rage sparked in Pietro's mind. With a swift move, unable to be seen by the human eye, he wrapped Thanos's legs in chains, hoping to trip the titan on his path.

He only gave him a twisted smile. "Ah, Pietro Maximoff. You're annoying me."

With a flick of his hand, the dirt beneath Pietro's feet began to tumble, until he was buried neck-deep in the earth.

With no opponent, Thanos made his way towards Wanda and Vision, every step bringing them closer to destruction.

The scarlet energy that pulsed from Wanda's hands was working to destroy the stone, but due to the Thanos's nearing, she used her left hand's magic to stop the tyrant from moving further.

"It's alright."

Tears streaked down her face, blurring her gaze of the man she loved for the last time.

"It's alright."

His voice was too peaceful for the situation, and it only pushed Wanda further towards despair.

"I love you."

At those three, beautiful, yet terrible, words, the Mind Stone began to crack. Vision's face turned to a peaceful expression, and as the crystal fragmented completely, a burst of pure yellow energy exploded through the trees and forest all around, shaking the very core of the earth.

And then it was silent.

Wanda hated it.

Thanos came up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder and sighing as if he had just taught her a valuable lesson, which he believed he had.

"I understand, my child. Better than anyone." His calm tone made Wanda want to rip the life out of him.

"You could never." She snarled, with hate dripping from her tone.

Thanos reached down to stroke her hair, meant to be comforting, but it only felt cruel and twisted. "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now... is no time at all."

Before she knew what was happening, the titan clenched his gauntlet, the emerald stone glowing brightly, a pattern appearing around his wrist. As he turned his wrist, time began to back up.

A burst of yellow light, and the stone began to reform, all on the forehead of Vision, who appeared, intact and alive, in front of them.

"NO!" Wanda's voice was raspy and tired, but she had to try. She lunged for Vision, but was easily swatted away.

Thanos lifted Vision into the air by his throat, raised him to eye-level, and dug his fingers into the android's forehead, ripping the Mind Stone and his life away all at once.

As soon as the stone was loose, Vision's body turned limp and colorless, and Wanda let out a shriek that was so pained, so finished, so heartbreaking, that all the restrained Avengers felt tears come to their eyes.

Pietro had managed to wrestle his way out of the earth, and looked at Dahlia quickly.

"Go," Her voice was soft. "She needs you, more than anyone else."

He didn't need to be told twice, bolting off in the direction of his twin sister.

Wanda was collapsed on the ground, sobbing violently into her hands, all hope for the universe and for her future... gone. Just like that.

Pietro didn't know what to do, he was never one for comfort, so he did the only thing he could do. He held her close and didn't let go.

Thor and Thanos were having a battle of sorts, yelling from both sides echoing in the forest, but it was all blurred for Wanda and Pietro. They just sat there, holding one another on the ground.


He was expecting his sisters voice to be fragile, weak, quiet, and desperate, but it wasn't any of those things.

It was afraid.

Wanda was staring down at her hands, tears still dripping down onto them, but that wasn't what she was focused on.

Her hands were turning to dust.


In the blink of an eye, his twin sister was swept into the air, and Pietro was left holding nothing between his arms.

For a moment, he didn't understand what had just happened. All around him, people were turning to ash and dust, evaporating into nothingness.

He felt as empty as his arms, which once held his baby sister, who was long gone.

Pietro looked down at his hands, hoping that if he wished it enough, the gods would take pity on him and turn him to dust as well, if only to keep him by Wanda's side, but he never did. Pietro remained tethered to reality, no matter how much he wished he wasn't.

Then, only one thought went through his mind.


His breath quickened as his eyes darted around, looking for his girlfriend with a desperation he hadn't felt in years.

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