《shards - pietro maximoff》chapter nineteen ; scotland and saviors
The waves on the shore crashed rhythmically, creating a calming effect as they drew up on the sand, then retreating back to the ocean, never stopping the cycle.
A young woman, with dark brown hair that held hints of red when the sun hit it, lay sprawled out on a bed, wrapped up in the sheets. She was snoring contently, her head resting on a young man's chest.
He watched her sleep with a smile on his face, his fingers running through her hair absentmindedly. She hadn't been sleeping well for the past few nights, so to see her so at peace was a sight for sore eyes. He didn't dare wake her up, though his arm, which was wrapped around her, was starting to fall asleep. Who knows when she'd be able to sleep like this again?
The warm breeze carried hints of salt through the open balcony doors, and Dahlia Anelace started to stir from her slumber, her lips parting with a yawn.
"Quit staring, will you?" Her tone was light and playful, disguising the multitude of butterflies that came along with his gaze.
Pietro Maximoff looked down at the woman in his arms with a look that was comparable to the sunrise, love filling every aspect of his expression.
"Now, why would I do that?" He kissed her forehead gently, and she proceeded to blush a brilliant red.
Dahlia laughed and climbed out of bed, running her hands through her knotted hair. "You're ridiculous, you know that, right?"
"Too bad, cause you love it." Pietro rolled over onto his stomach and looked at her with a smirk.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up."
"When has saying that ever worked?"
"Fair point."
The island that the two had chosen to make their lives on was a quiet one, and they very much liked it that way. They would spend days and nights on the beachfront, laughing in the waves and ignoring the outside world as best they could. For two years, they had managed this way, having stolen away a life that was too perfect to be theirs forever.
Though it was all they ever dreamed of, they couldn't help but feel like they had taken something that wasn't theirs, like all their time was bought and the money was running out.
Dahlia couldn't help but wonder how long they had left before their lives were torn apart, how long until their worlds began to resume their previous crumbling.
The two had thought of the ticking time bomb that was their paradise separately, neither wanting to say the words out loud, for fear they would become true.
Even though she chose to ignore the dread that seemed to follow her everywhere she went, Dahlia could almost hear the ticking of the clock in every moment she had with him, taunting her.
"Are you okay, Dahls?" Pietro's voice interrupted her terrifying tangent.
She didn't know what to say. To bring her thoughts to light could either be relieving or lethal, and she didn't know whether she wanted to take those odds.
So she put on a fake smile, something she had gotten increasingly good at. "Yep! I'm fine!"
However, Pietro was not fooled. When you've spent as much time as he has on studying Dahlia Anelace's face, you begin to notice a number of things.
Her nose scrunches when she's embarrassed, her ears turn red right before she blushes, her laugh varies on how funny she found whatever you said, and her genuine smile?
Well, it didn't look like that.
He didn't know whether to confront her about it or not, for he felt the same impending doom she did, and they both wanted to pretend it wasn't there.
But they couldn't.
If something was going wrong and their friends were in danger, they had to help. It was their fatal flaw, heroics.
"It's okay if you're no-"
Just as he worked up the courage to confront her, a noise sounded from the kitchen.
The noise they had hoped never to hear.
The noise that would pull them from this blissful, carefree life they had created.
It wasn't what you would expect to be a life-shattering sound. Maybe you'd expect a gunfire, glass shattering, or something of that sort, but you would be wrong.
It was a cell phone ringtone.
Quite an annoying one, too.
The issue with this particular sound was that they only had one phone in the entire house, since they had declined the usual landlines and cellphones in an attempt to stay grounded on the island, together.
This one particular phone was kept for emergencies, but not the typical ones, like a fire or something normal.
It was for the Avengers to contact them, if a situation were to arise.
So, now you understand why it was completely terrifying to hear it ring from the depths of the house.
Dahlia and Pietro looked at each other, silently bickering about who should answer it.
Finally, Dahlia gave in and put the call on speakerphone.
"Dahlia? Pietro? It's Steve." A familiar, gruff voice said.
"Yeah, we're here." She answered, grabbing onto Pietro's hand for comfort.
"You know I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to," Steve said breathlessly, like he was running from something. "But you two need to come in."
Pietro began to protest, ready to fight for Dahlia and their life together. "Steve, we really can't-"
He was cut off by Steve. "It's Wanda and Vision."
They were quiet, the sound of the waves overtaking all other noises around them.
Finally, after exchanging a look with Dahlia, Pietro responded.
"We'll be there as soon as possible."
Scotland at nighttime was completely and utterly beautiful, the damp streets glittering in the light of the lampposts.
It would always be beautiful to Wanda and Vision, for it was the place where they got to hide away from the world, and it's terrifying contents.
It felt like home now, because neither of them had ever really had one of those, so the city where they could escape for a while became like a beacon of hope that maybe, one day, they could have this life with no fear of it being ripped away from them.
Vision stared thoughtfully out the window of their shared apartment, observing the street below with a fascination that no one, no human, more like, would have in mere pavement.
He was torn away from his thoughts as a sharp pain caused him to wince, cupping the Mind Stone, which lay on the center of his head, with his hands.
"Vis?" Wanda's voice carried from across the room, and she rushed towards him along with it. "Is it the stone again?"
"It's as if it's speaking to me." Vision's brow furrowed.
"What does it say?" Wanda asked carefully.
"I don't- I don't know. But something..."
The stone made a high pitched trilling noise and he flinched, yet again. Wanda's face was etched with concern, so she took his head in her hands and looked at him with all the love she could convey.
Vision picked up her left hand, kissing her palm, and pressing it to the Mind Stone.
"Tell me what you feel."
A red light emanated from her hand, and Wanda's expression contorted into one of confusion.
"I just feel you." Her voice was soft and comforting, and he couldn't help but press his lips to hers, trying to forget the warning that the stone was trying to give him.
"So, there's a 10 AM to Glasgow to give us more time together before you go back."
Wanda and Vision walked down the street, fingers intertwined and hearts beating together.
"What if I miss that train?" He smiled down at her, pleading with his eyes.
She chuckled. "There is an 11."
"What if I missed all the trains? What if this time, I didn't go back?" Vision wasn't used to this feeling he had around Wanda, to want protect her from everything and never leave her side.
"You gave Stark your word." She desperately wanted to give in, let him stay with her forever, but the world just wouldn't allow it.
"I'd rather give it to you." His soft smile made Wanda want to melt on the spot.
She resisted it, however, steeling herself. "There are people who are expecting me too, you know. I haven't seen my brother in years, and we both owe debts to various people. We both made promises."
"Not to each other," He placed his hands on her shoulders, looking her straight in the eye. "Wanda... for two years, we've stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. And... I don't know."
She smiled at his stammering, which was something he couldn't do previously, but it seemed that every day he became more human.
"You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself- I, I think-" Vision's voice was unsure.
"It works." Wanda finished for him, relieving him of the horrible feeling of anxiety.
"It works. Then stay. Stay with me."
Wanda looked down at the ground, but her eyes drifted off to the side, her attention being captured by something else.
Vision suddenly felt very uncertain, worried she didn't want the same things he did. "Or not. If I'm overstepping..."
He followed her gaze to a television displayed on the outside of a building, showing footage of the invasion of New York, aliens, and the disappearance of Tony Stark.
"What are they?" Wanda's voice quivered with fear.
"What the stone was warning me about." His voice was breathy, the situation catching up to him. He kissed her hand tentatively. "I have to go."
"No, Vision. Vision, if that's true... then maybe going isn't the best idea."
He stopped. "Wanda... I-"
Before he could finish, Wanda gasped in horror as a sharp blade protruded from his ribs, ridding him of his humanoid disguise, returning him to his original red and gold appearance.
A figure, one that was obviously not human, appeared from behind him. He had sickly gray skin and eyes as red as blood. But as terrifying as his appearance was, it didn't match up with the rage that fueled Wanda's magic.
However, as she prepared a counter-attack, a blast came from behind, sending her through a window across the street.
The red-eyed alien pinned Vision to the ground, trying to pry the Mind Stone from his head with his staff.
Wanda collected herself and launched both aliens away from him, sending them flying into the lamp post. She picked up Vision and flew into an empty alleyway. She rested him on the ground, surveying the damage.
"The blade. It stopped me from phasing." Vision grunted.
"Is that even possible?"
"It isn't supposed to be." His voice started crackling, sounding more and more distorted. "My systems are failing."
Wanda waved her hand over his wound, using her magic to knit him back together slowly.
"I'm beginning to think... we should've stayed in bed."
Corvus Glaive, the red eyed alien, arrived, knocking Wanda aside and grabbing Vision, pulling him into the air.
"Vis!" Wanda called out to the synthezoid, but he was being crashed against several walls, too injured to hear her.
Proxima Midnight, the second alien, engaged with Wanda, and the two exchanged blows, staff versus magic, until Proxima used the blaster feature of her weapon, sending Wanda hurtling to the ground.
Vision began to fight back against Corvus, firing beams at him from the Mind Stone. He deflected them with his shield, sending the beam back at Vision.
He yelled out in pain, and as Wanda heard this, she came running towards him, throwing the male alien off of him.
"Hands off." Wanda snarled, sending the alien flying.
The other one of the two returned to the scene, creating a hole in the roof they were standing on, sending the two of them falling into a train station.
The aliens looked at the two with disgust, Wanda glaring them down as she stood protectively in front of Vision, her hands glowing red.
Suddenly, Proxima cocked her head, her gaze focusing behind Wanda, as if she sensed someone else. She looked over her shoulder, noticing several shadowy figures on the other platform.
The express train passed behind them, and Proxima threw her weapon at the figure, but they swiftly caught it, stepping out from the shadows.
There stood Steve Rogers, looking furious as ever. Wanda and Vision's faces relaxed, suddenly feeling a surge of hope.
He threw the alien weapon to Natasha Romanoff, who emerged from the shadows by his side a moment later. She immediately engaged in a fight with Corvus, ducking his blows and kicking him in the stomach.
Sam Wilson, wings and all, flew down into the terminal, sending the second alien flying across the building.
The aliens collected themselves and huddled together, trying to assess their skills. No one dared move for a moment, the echoes of a train in the distance the only sound.
Two figures crashed down from the hole in the roof, breaking the tense silence.
Dahlia Anelace and Pietro Maximoff touched down in front of the two, grinning and immediately beginning to fight.
Dahlia pulled out her two daggers, stabbing Corvus in the gut as Pietro took on
Proxima, dodging her fists with his speed. Their fellow Avengers spring into action, fighting alongside them as Wanda tried desperately to fix Vision's wounds.
After a few minutes, the two aliens were pinned down on the ground, with Sam aiming his pistols at their temples.
"Get up." Proxima hissed to her companion, who was laying on the ground.
"I can't."
Natasha eyed them coolly. "We don't want to kill you. But we will."
"Speak for yourself, I wanna kill them." Dahlia snorted, but covered it up as a cough when they all looked at her with unamused expressions.
"You'll never get the chance again." Proxima's upper lip curled.
A bright blue light burst down into the station, pulling the two up into the sky, along with the weapon Steve had taken from her.
"So, they were ugly." Pietro said as he looked up at the area where they were previously.
Dahlia's voice portrayed mock excitement as she said, "Maybe you've found your people, Pietro!"
He elbowed her in the ribs and she smacked him on the head, causing Natasha to grin slightly.
"I don't suppose you two will ever grow up, huh?" Steve tried to sound disappointed, but after going so long without seeing them, it was hard to be anything other than joyful at their presence.
"Probably not." Pietro shrugged and walked over to his sister, helping her off the ground.
"Can you stand?" Cap looked down at Vision, who looked like hell.
He nodded slowly. "Thank you, Captain."
"Let's get you on the jet."
Natasha gestured for Wanda and Dahlia to come over to her. "I thought we had a deal, you two. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances."
Wanda and Dahlia exchanged a sheepish look.
"I'm sorry. We just wanted time."
Dahlia scratched the back of her neck as Nat looked at her for an explanation. "Same here."
"Where to, Cap?" Sam called once everyone was on the Quinjet.
Steve looked at everyone on the ship in turn, before looking back towards Sam.
Rhodey looked at the hologram in front of him with an exasperated face. Since Tony had turned up missing, he had been placed in charge of a shit ton of things.
One of the things that was left to him that he hated with a burning passion?
Dealing with Secretary Ross.
The man had been incessantly bugging him about things that were out of his control, and never once let up on the chance to call the estranged Avengers, 'criminals'.
"Still no word from Vision?" Ross's holographic face said.
"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." Rhodey was about to punch something, that was the fifth time he had asked that same question.
"On a stolen Quinjet with six of the world's most wanted criminals."
"You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?"
Ross looked like he was about to start shooting steam from his ears. "My god, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own."
"If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here." Rhodey shot back.
"I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel."
He was a bit bitter when he responded, subconsciously shifting on his leg braces. "That's right. And I'm pretty sure I've paid for that."
"You have second thoughts?"
Oh god, if he wasn't a hologram right now, I'd drop kick him. Rhodey thought.
"Not anymore."
The door behind him slid open. Out from it came the fugitive Avengers, unafraid and unaffected by Ross's presence.
"Mr. Secretary." Steve's words were respectful, but his tone was anything but.
"You got some nerve. I'll give you that." The hologram growled.
Natasha smirked. "You could use some of that right now."
"The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?"
"I'm not looking for forgiveness," Cap stared down Ross. "And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight."
He took a step forward, almost challengingly. "And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you, too."
Dahlia called out a secondary comment. "Also, Steve's too polite to say it, but fuck you!"
Ross narrowed his eyes and looked at Rhodey. "Arrest them."
"All over it." He swiped away the hologram and smiled. "That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap."
"You too, Rhodey." Steve smiled and gave the man a hug.
"Well. You guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years." Rhodey shook his head in amusement.
"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam chortled, and Pietro and Dahlia exchanged a look, wondering if they should mention that they were basically on vacation for two years, but they decided against it.
Another voice spoke up. "Uh, I think you guys look great.
Bruce Banner was stood in the doorway, looking timid and nervous. "Yeah. I'm back."
Natasha looked at him, her eyes caring. "Hi, Bruce."
"This is awkward." Sam whispered loudly to Dahlia.
"Really? I had no idea." Dahlia's tone was dripping with sarcasm.
The rest of the group wasted no time in getting to work.
"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey asked seriously.
"And they can clearly find us." Wanda added.
Bruce stuffed his hands into his pockets. "We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?"
"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest." Nat answered.
"Who's Scott?" Bruce was obviously confused.
"Theres an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look... Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. And he's not gonna stop until he gets Vision's Stone."
"Well, then, we have to protect it." Natasha was unwavering.
"No, we have to destroy it," Vision said, and all eyes in the room turned to him. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about it's nature. But also, it's composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps... it's molecular integrity could fail."
He looked towards Wanda as he said that last bit.
"And you, with it. We're not having this conversation." Wanda was insistent.
"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it." He tried to reason with her.
"That's too high a price."
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