《shards - pietro maximoff》chapter sixteen ; attacks and advice
"Alright, Anelace, come with me. They'll hesitate before attacking you the most, I want yours to be one of the first faces they see." Steve instructed, and Dahlia swallowed hard, feeling Pietro's grip on her hand.
"Well that's a comforting thought."
Dahlia looked toward Pietro, who looked to be about two seconds away from getting her the hell out of there. He didn't like this plan one bit, but it was to be expected. He wouldn't like any sort of plan that would put her in danger without him beside her to prevent it.
"I'll be fine, Speedy. I can take care of myself." She put on a smile just for him, though she wasn't really ecstatic about this idea either.
Pietro looked at her, his expression softening at her smile. "I know you can."
"Are we all good? The chopper's out there, we'll try to make our way over there, but in case they get in our way, which they probably will, we'll distract them and try to move Bucky out to the ship."
"I hate being the reason you're all doing this." Bucky grumbled, and Dahlia made it her mission to make him stop feeling guilty.
"Don't worry, Bucky, you're not the only reason. I don't know about the others, but I'm in this for the popcorn Clint promised me, so don't feel guilty!"
A small smile graced his face, and Dahlia felt confident she had done her job.
Steve looked at Bucky for a second, not used to seeing him look like anything other than angry or hurt since he had come out of the ice.
"Okay, Dahlia, let's get going. Everyone else, follow the plan, and if anything goes wrong, listen to..." Steve hesitated, looking at the group. "Never mind, you're all irresponsible, listen to me."
"Ouch, Cap! I'm wounded!" Pietro put a hand to his chest, fake-falling onto Wanda for support.
"Wanda, make sure your idiot brother doesn't get himself killed, please." Dahlia teased.
"No promises, he's really stupid." Wanda replied, a smirk playing on her lips.
She smiled at the twins and ran to catch up with Cap, who was already far ahead of her, making his way into the airport.
"I miss her." Pietro pouted and his sister rolled her eyes.
"Suck it up."
Dahlia and Steve made their way across the airport, running through an underpass and jogged onto a private runway, headed for the nearby helicopter.
Just as they were about to reach it, the chopper was hit with an electro-disabler, effectively shutting it off.
Dahlia audibly groaned, knowing that with annoyingly-effective technology came Tony Stark.
Sure enough, two robotic suits landed in front of them, one silver, one red and gold.
Rhodey and Tony.
"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony quipped, and she could practically hear the smirk on his face, though he had the helmet on.
"Definitely weird." Rhodey said back.
"How long did you practice that on the flight here?" Dahlia snorted.
"That's beside the point." Tony dismissed her comment, leaving Dahlia with a grin, knowing she was right.
Steve tried to reason with them. "Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."
A man, who Dahlia recognized as King T'Challa, dressed in an all black suit, hopped over a truck. "Captain."
"Your highness." Steve looked towards him with a smile, despite the situation.
"Anyway, Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony interrupted.
"Ross, that little bitch." Dahlia had meant it as a whisper, but it came out a bit louder than she expected, but she didn't let it embarrass her— instead owning it with a grin.
"You're after the wrong guy." Steve defended.
"Your judgement is askew," Tony ignored any points Steve made. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."
"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I cant let the doctor find them first, Tony. I cant."
"Steve... Dahlia..." She cringed at the sound of Nat's voice. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"
Tony, as restless as ever, said, "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!"
From the corner of her eye, Dahlia saw a figure dressed in red swoop infront of them. As they did, they grabbed Cap's shield and Dahlia's favorite sword, binding Steve's hands and pinning her arm to her back.
"Nice job, kid."
Kid? Dahlia thought, suddenly curious of how old this dude was. Sure, Cap called Wanda, Pietro, and herself 'kid', but this person seemed a whole heck of a lot younger.
"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's- It's perfect. Thank you."
"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony said bluntly.
"Okay. Cap... Captain. Belladonna. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."
At the sound of the kid's voice, Dahlia was very sure that he couldn't be graduated from high school yet, and her overprotective older sister habits kicked in for this kid who she didn't know.
Dahlia's voice was full of concern. "Tony, you dragged a kid into this? Do you realize how dangerous that is? I bet he doesn't even know half of what he's getting into. How is that fair?"
"You're a kid, and you're a part of this." Tony said defensively.
"I'm a legal adult, he clearly is not." Dahlia scoffed.
"Hey! I'm Peter! Oh-uh, I mean, who's Peter? I'm Peter-Man! I mean, Spider-Pete! S-spider-Man!" The kid stumbled over his words, causing Dahlia to laugh a bit.
"You've been busy." Steve said to Tony.
"And you've been a complete idiot." Tony stated. "Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Dahlia and the twins from a place they don't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying- I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."
Dahlia raised an eyebrow, trying not to retort into a way that Steve would disapprove of.
"You did that when you signed." Steve's voice was firm.
Tony's voice was exasperated, clearly stressed about the possibility of leaving empty-handed. "Alright, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us now. Because it's us, or a squad of J-SOC guys... with no compunction about being polite. Come on."
Dahlia was about to make a snarky remark when Sam's voice came over her and Cap's comms.
"We found it. The quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."
Steve raised his arms in the air, and Clint shot an arrow through them, breaking the web. Dahlia grabbed a knife from her holster with her free left hand in one swift move, cutting the web loose.
She flipped her favorite dagger (which was a gorgeous silver with a light purple ivory handle, not relevant, but she loved to talk about weaponry, so here we are) into her hand, brandishing it while keeping her face stony. Dahlia raised her eyebrow threateningly, watching Tony do a double take.
"Alright, Lang." Steve said into his comms.
Suddenly a web shot from 'Spider-Man's' arm, seemingly by nothing, though she knew better.
Scott ran down Peter's arm in small form, and the boy obviously felt something because he said, "Hey, guys, something-"
He was cut off as Scott grew to regular size, Cap's shield in hand.
"Whoa, what— what the hell was that?" Rhodey's eyes darted around, as if waiting for another person to come out of thin air.
"I believe this is yours, Captain America." Scott held the shield as a mother might hold a newborn baby, though not if the mother in question was Dahlia, for then, she would have the urge to kick it.
Dahlia looked towards Cap for instruction, noticing Tony giving orders.
"Help Sam and Buck in the terminal, Anelace. I can take out here for now."
She nodded, running off into the airport terminal, catching up to Bucky and Sam.
"Hey bird man, magnet arm." Dahlia greeted the two men, who were both annoyed and overjoyed at her presence, knowing she could take on anyone they sent in to fight.
"What the hell is that?" Bucky looked towards the glass, which had a familiar red figure hurtling towards it.
"Everyone's got a gimmick now."
Spider-Man broke through the window, kicking Sam backwards. Dahlia chose to put away her weapons, not willing to put a kid's life on the line for this.
Bucky went to throw a punch at the young boy, but he caught his fist midair.
"You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude!" Peter's voice was giddy.
Dahlia snuck up behind him, kicking his feet out from under him, releasing Bucky from his grip.
Peter got to his feet, throwing a punch at Dahlia which she easily blocked. "You have the right to remain silent!"
She had to admit, his lines were good.
Bucky threw a stand of some sort at Peter, but he merely threw it back, saying, "Hey buddy, I think you lost this!"
Sam flew into the air, kicking Spider-Man off of the beam he was standing on. Peter retaliated by shooting a web that sent Sam crashing to the ground.
"Those wings carbon fiber?" His inquiries were interrupted by Dahlia, who had climbed up onto a beam and used this height advantage to jump onto his shoulders, flipping him onto his back, over her head, with her body weight.
"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam looked thoroughly disgusted by the web.
"Cause that would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man." Peter continued, albeit slightly difficulty, since he was being held to the ground by Dahlia.
"I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking." Sam grunted as he stood.
"I doubt he has, Sam, the kid's barely started puberty." Dahlia remarked as the kid escaped her grasp, climbing up to the rafters.
"I have started puberty!" Peter sounded offended. He swung down from the rafters, but Bucky jumped in the way of him.
Because of this, both Bucky and Sam fell through the glass onto the next floor and Peter webbed them both up.
Dahlia and Peter engaged in a fistfight, her training skills matching up with his powers.
As they fought, he decided to start a conversation, for whatever reason.
"I know this is weird," Peter said as he dodged her fist. "Because you're fighting me at the moment and like five minutes ago you had me pinned to the ground, but can I ask you for advice about this girl I like?"
Dahlia grinned despite the situation, loving to play the big sister role. "Sure, kid."
"How do I get her to like me?" Peter asked, kicking her in the stomach, which seemed to backfire as she grabbed his foot and pulled it upwards, giving her the opportunity to put him in a headlock.
"I'd say, get to to know her personally, learn all about her and her life, all her favorite things and such, and over time, if you feel like you really like her, go for it. Just be open with her, and if she doesn't like you like that, respect that." Dahlia said thoughtfully, while he was still in the headlock, of course.
"That makes sense," Peter wiggled out of her headlock, webbing her hand to a support beam behind her. He turned to Bucky and Sam. "Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry."
Redwing crashed through the glass on his right, pulling Peter out of the terminal along with it.
"About damn time, Wilson." Dahlia groaned.
"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky grumbled.
"I hate you both."
Meanwhile, on the other side of the airport, Wanda and Pietro were having a heated discussion/fight with Tony Stark.
Tony hovered in the air as he spoke. "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings."
Wanda hesitated a tad at his words, but remained strong. "You locked me in my room."
Pietro shrugged from beside her. "It wasn't all that bad."
"Yeah, well, not all of us were making out with Dahlia for entertainment."
"Yeah, cause you were busy flirting with Vision."
"Was not!"
"Were too!"
Tony held up his hands, attempting to break up the sibling's fight. "First of all, that's an exaggeration. Secondly, I did it to protect you. And thirdly, you did what with my Dahlia?"
He narrowed his eyes at Pietro as he spoke the last sentence.
"That's irrelevant." The older Maximoff twin retorted.
"Hey Clint." Tony acknowledged the other man on the platform.
"Hey, man."
"Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?" Tony feigned interest.
"Well, I played eighteen, I shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss." Clint shrugged, shooting an arrow, which Tony deflected.
"First time for everything."
Clint's eyes had a glint of something he didn't recognize. "Made you look."
A car slammed past Iron Man, making him look up as dozens followed after it. Wanda used her powers, only stopping when Tony was buried underneath a pile of vehicles.
The three made their way towards the quinjet. "There's our ride."
Dahlia had managed to cut herself, Sam, and Bucky loose, and now they were making their way back to rejoin Steve, with much complaining from Sam, who didn't feel like walking.
"My legs hurt." Sam pouted, to which Dahlia responded by sticking out her tongue. She didn't care about his tiredness, she just wanted to catch a glimpse of Pietro, to make sure he was okay.
They caught up to the team, and after seeing a head of blonde hair, Dahlia's heartbeat returned to a normal pace. The group of outlaws made their way to the quinjet, only to be stopped by a laser of energy blasting the concrete before them.
Vision flew down from the air, landing gracefully in front of them. "Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."
There was no way in hell they were surrendering.
"What do we do, Cap?" Sam whispered to Steve.
"We fight."
Nat's voice was sarcastic, but it still managed to hurt Dahlia, simply by hearing it. "This is gonna end well."
"They're not stopping." Peter's anxious voice carried over to where Dahlia was standing.
"Neither are we."
"That's what we do, Peter. We fight and don't back down, even if it's for a stupid reason. Oh wait, the last part is just me." She laughed a bit at her own words.
"Wait, since when do you two know each other?" Tony looked confused.
"Since just now! She gave me really good advice about Akira!"
"Her name is Akira? That's so cute!" Dahlia squealed.
"Alright, enough of that." Tony looked disturbed, but was secretly ecstatic that the two kids, who he thought of as children, got along.
The two teams lined up opposite each other, staring each other down before launching into several separate fights.
Tony and Steve broke out into their own fight, Cap catching a punch as Iron Man landed.
Clint fired an arrow at Vision, but the synthezoid simply let it go through him.
Rhodey flew after Sam, the two performing impressive aerial tricks as they took shots at one another.
Bucky and T'Challa began to fight intensely, the former fueled by desperation and the latter fueled by rage.
Scott disappeared from sight, having shrunk and figuring out a plan of attack.
Pietro and Wanda seemed to be having 'fun' of sorts with Peter, the girl throwing vehicles towards him as he swung around, and the boy running around Spider-Man in every which direction, blocking various paths and courses of action, leaving him subject to Wanda's powers.
Natasha and Dahlia had gone head to head, and it was quite like heated battle, like master versus apprentice. It was a carefully fought one, since neither really wanted to harm the other.
Natasha attempted to kick Dahlia in the face, but her foot was stopped by a red force surrounding it. Unsurprisingly, when she looked to her left, Wanda was stood there, and she pushes Natasha down onto the ground.
"Thanks, Wanda." Dahlia smiled gratefully at her friend, and the two split up, Wanda going to go help Bucky, and Dahlia to give Pietro some assistance with Vision.
The first thing Dahlia heard when she caught sight of the two fighting made her want to burst out laughing, and she would have if this weren't such a serious situation.
"This is a horrible way to make an impression on me if you want to date my sister, Vision!" Pietro yelled, dodging a blast from the mind stone.
Vision seemed to falter at his words, and with one simple wink from Pietro, Dahlia knew exactly what to do.
They had only practiced this once at the compound, and it was risky, but it was something.
Pietro zoomed past Dahlia, picking her up as he did. She positioned herself in his arms, and leapt up onto Vision's hovering form as they passed him.
She jumped onto his shoulders, flipping in midair, so as she landed, it sent Vision hurtling to the ground. Pietro sped off to go help his sister, sure Dahlia could take care of the android alone.
He retaliated by sending a burst of energy towards her arm, making her hiss in pain as her bicep started to bleed, red staining her suit.
Vision threw her off of him, and instead of sending her just a bit away from him like he planned, Dahlia was thrown off into the nearby fields, off past where anyone could see. As her head hit the hard stone that lay at the edge of the field, Dahlia's vision went fuzzy, black lacing the edges of her eyesight. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was Rhodey hurtling down into the neighboring grassland, steam billowing from his suit.
Pietro hated handcuffs, which was something he only discovered as the government officials restrained him along with his sister, Clint, Sam, and Scott.
It took all the restraint inside of Pietro not to call Dahlia's name, knowing if he did, she would be found by the wrong people. His heart started to ache from the pain of not knowing where she was. It was strange, his thoughts called out to her, as if she could hear him, and he could only think of one thing while some of the soldiers rounded them all up, and it was incessant and wouldn't stop being heard.
I love you, Dahlia Anelace, you fucking idiot.
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