《Light (Pietro Maximoff x Reader)》Part 5


The next morning Pietro treated Y/N as if nothing had happened the night before, in fact for a week he carried on as usual spending time with her and his sister, talking to her as if nothing had happened that night in the living room. He was acting so normally for these last few weeks that Y/N was almost driven crazy thinking that she may have made up the entire scenario in her head and in fact nothing had happened at all.

She tried to push the thoughts from her head, she had more important things to think about. Mainly her father's proposal to Pepper. He had taken Y/N out to help pick out a ring a week and a half ago and now it was time to get ready for the proposal.

TonyStark was in no way a simple man, I mean he built a giant tower with his name on it in the middle of New York City, if that does not scream over the top then I don't know what does. However for as over the top as Tony was Pepper was just as modest and most certainly wanted a quiet proposal while Tony wanted to go all out so he decided to combine the two. He would take Pepper out to dinner to propose and then bring her back to the tower where everyone would be there ready to either celebrate the couple or help Tony drown his sorrows.Everyone was excited for the proposal, knowing how in love the couple was, well everyone except for Tony, he was a little bit of a mess; though he hid it quite well his daughter could still tell. Since early this morning when the two of them sat in her lab talking she knew he was the most nervous he had been in a long time.

"You know dad, Pepper loves you, like a lot, and I am sure she is going to say yes."

"I hope you're right sweet Light, I just have never done this before. I mean when I proposed to your mother it was a mutual conversation we were having. We had just driven away from the cemetery and we were sitting in a parking lot just down the street and we were talking about what we were going to do now, what I was going to do now. I told her how scared I was and she looked at me and said 'You know we could get married' and I said 'Yeah that actually is a really good idea. Let's do it.' and 6 months later we were married. I never really had to ask her, never had to worry about if she was going to say yes or not because it was her idea."


"Well if I know Pepper like I think I do you don't have to worry about her rejecting you either because for some reason or another she loves you like you wouldn't believe."

"You are always so sure of things. I love that about you. So anyway there is another reason I came down here other than to talk about my nerves. I have something to give you. I debated for a long time about giving it to you because it was one of the last things I held on to that was your mother's. Though I figured that tonight is the start of a new chapter in my life and I am ready to give it up."

Tony reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small velvet pouch. Inside was the necklace Y/N had seen in almost every photograph of her mother. It was a silver and diamond heart shaped necklace.

"Dad this is beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it. I got it for her just before our wedding day and she wore it every single day after that."

"I'll keep it always. But no more talking it's time to get ready for that proposal of yours! And don't be so nervous. She will say yes."

"Thank you my Light I don't know what I would do without you."

"Thankfully you will never have to find out."


Y/N sat off to the side of the room watching everyone interact. Steve was talking with Sam and Darcy, Rhody and Maria were sitting with a group of strangers, Natasha and Bruce were sitting at the bar with Clint and Laura laughing, Thor and Jane were out on the balcony, Vision was having, what looked to be, a very riveting conversation with Dr. Cho, Pietro was once again surrounded by girls looking disinterested though she could not spot Wanda she figured she was having a wonderful time. Y/N looked down at her drink, though it had been in her hand for over an hour she had yet to take a sip of it.

"You know that you are supposed to drink it not stare at it yes?"

"Yes Wanda I do know that. I guess my mind is just other places right now."

"Like on your kiss with my brother?"


"How did you know about that!?"

"Do you forget I read minds?"

"First of all that's rude, second of all I don't even know if that kiss happened. I was up late, sleep deprived, I could have been hallucinating; or dreaming. He hasn't been acting any differently towards me, he hasn't mentioned it. I am really thinking I was just dreaming it."

"Well if that is what you think, how could you and Pietro both have had the same hallucination or dream on the same night in such good details."

"So it did happen?"

"From what I have gathered yes."

"Then way has he been acting as if it hadn't."

"My brother, he is strange. He and I have cared for each other since we were 10 years old, we have never been apart, even when we were separated during the experiments we were right next to each other. He never really learned how to act around girls that weren't me and when he would try I always shut it down because I was worried about being without him. It was wrong of me but it was what I did and now that there is potential for real feelings for someone he is scared. If you want my advice, Do one drive yourself mad over it, he is working to come to terms with his feelings, I will help him with it but just know that you didn't imagine anything from that night."

"Thanks Wanda, I really appreciate you telling me that. I am just going to let what is going to happen happen at this point and let him figure things out."

"That is the best option for now and I will help him so it won't be long and at this point he isn't acting differently so for now at least just pretend nothing has happened."

"I can so do that. I mean it was a nice kiss but honestly I have been going a little crazy over it."

"I know that friends are supposed to listen to each other talk about their love lives but really I would rather not hear about my brother kissing you I already have heard enough out of both of your minds."

"In all honesty Wanda you are only making trouble for yourself by reading our minds."

"I know I am I but I am very nosy and I like to know things about my friend and brother. I can not help myself. I just do not want to know too much and I feel like I do know too much. "Wanda and Y/N started to laugh when Steve made his way to the center of the room to make an announcement.

"Everyone quiet! They are coming into the building now. Prepare for the worst."

The whole room became quiet as we waited for the couple's arrival. Then the door opened and in walked Pepper and Tony. They stood in the doorway, everyone gawking at the two of them waiting for some sort of response.

"Well, isn't someone going to pour the champagne? Because she said 'Yes'!"

The room erupted with cheers and chatter and Y/N made her way over to her father and Pepper.

"See dad I told you she would say yes."

"I know you did. I don't know why I ever doubted you."

"Neither do I but that doesn't matter right now I am so happy for the two of you." She moved to hug her father and then Pepper. "I love you both so much."

"And we love you too Light. Now go have fun I am going to go introduce people to my fiance."

"I am pretty sure everyone already knows Pepper dad."

"Oh they do but now I get to call her my fiance so it's different."

"Whatever you say dad."

So Y/N walked away to go talk and mingle with people, happy that life for someone she loved was finally going well for them.

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