《Claws of Metal | Pietro Maximoff》C h a p t e r 2:


"Block.Slash.StepBack.Block.Repeat" said Natasha Romanoff as she was training the now 18 year old Morgana de La Cruz. Years after rescuing the Latina, Black Widow along with the assistance of Nick Fury, was part of helping the poor girl be part of something better than she was before. This included helping her overcome being timid and scared about things. Still, she had trust issues, not being able to entirely believe what others told her. It was since then, that Momma Widow had became a big part of Morgana's life after the death of her parents.

"Keep going, you're doing good- Stop! No that was bad move, a very bad move. Never take your eyes off of the enemy. Like that, your opponent will easily take advantage and kill you." replied Romanoff as the teenager suddenly lost focus and eye contact. She sighed, "Why don't we just stop for the day, and go at it again tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry, I messed up. I promise I'll pay more attention." Morgana apologized to her "mother".

"It's fine, I understand that sometimes it's hard for you to do so, remembering what they did to you ." Nat answered. And it was true, Morgana would often get images in her head about the times she was with HYDRA and all the pain she had gone through. It never the best years of her life with them, but she had found out what kind of monsters they really are.

I walked back to my bedroom in the STARK tower, passing Captain America and Iron Man argue over the remote control. They're so stupid, I thought as I quickly walked by. Once inside, I went over to my small bathroom and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror to see a sweaty-faced girl with red cheeks. I then looked down at my hands. Swiftly, I retracted my claws and examined the dangerous weapons that have ended many lives. I was never happy with myself after all of that, but there are just some things that occur in life without having a say in. After having a little side-track, I eventually took a shower and washed my hair, scrubbing all the yucky stuff off. Once out, I changed into grey sweats, a black v-neck, and my penguin slippers. Still having wet hair, I decided to leave it down and have it dry on it's own.


"Morgana, dinner's hot on the table." I heard Steve say through the door.

"Coming!" I replied back before closing the bathroom door and going into the hallway. Once in the dining room, I saw: Tony, Thor, Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Banner all crowding the big table, where all the food was.

"Finally decided to join us Lady Morgana?" asked The All Mighty Thor as I took an empty seat next to Clint and served myself.

"Yah, I found out that always being locked in your room isn't good for you." I replied.

"So, have we decided on the problem we've been talking about?" questioned Captain Red, White, and Blue suddenly.

"What problem?" I asked, having a mouth full of food to actually make it sound more like," Mut mobem?"

"You weren't supposed to mention it around her, you dummy." said Money-Rolling Billionaire Stark, as he smacked Rogers across his head.

"Look you guys, I don't understand what this is about, but it's kinda confusing not being told what's going on." I said looking around the table.

"We didn't want to tell you, because we probably wouldn't have agreed to let you go, but," started Romanoff, " we're going on a mission to retrieve Loki's Scepter in Sokovia from Baron Von Strucker."

"That would be a great mission to do!" I exclaimed. "I don't understand why you wouldn't let me go."

"You're not ready pipsqueak." said Tony as he insulted my small 5'2 height. I then stuck my tongue at him and sighed.

"I am perfectly ready, if you didn't know. I've been on worse missions when I was younger for your information." I argued back.

Fortunately, after going back and forth, it was agreed that I would go on four conditions: 1.) No fooling around, 2.) Follow directions, 3.) Stay close to either Nat, Clint, or Steve, and the best one of all (note my sarcasm) 4.) Not getting distracted by the enemy, even if he is the most attractive guy on Earth ( as if! ).


"So it's settled, Little Widow, you will accompany us." said Banner. Inside I was screaming in excitement, but in the outside, I smiled happily. When I finished my food, I then excused myself from the table. I walked back to my room sleepily and almost fell, being the clumsy little thing I am. After rethinking what had just happened, I eventually fell asleep, trying to get enough rest for my big day tomorrow.


Hey Guys! Sorry there's no Pietro in this chapter again, but I promise there will be in the next one! I guess this was just a little preparation for the mission to Sokovia and a little look at how Morgana is with the Avengers. Until next update!

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