《love songs | robin buckley》1. blending in


tuesday, october 12th; 1984

Beth picked on her lunch, completely lost in her thoughts. She was nervous, and it caused an awful feeling in her stomach. That didn't excite her to eat at all.

Well, neither did the half-eaten sandwich she was holding. But mostly the nervousness.

"Beth, you okay?" A voice snapped the girl out of her trance.

Cassie gave a worried look to her friend. "Are you okay?" She repeated.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Cass."

Cassie's eyes twitched between her friend, and the sandwich in her hand.

"You just seem, i dunno, out of it?" The blonde girl said. "Did you even listen when Amy told us about the party last week?"

"Yeah, yeah! It sounded like fun. I wish I could've been there."

I'm so glad I wasn't there.

"I know, right? You should've seen the look on Jake's face, after he chugged down the cup, that he thought was beer, but it wasn't, it was vodka, he looked so-"

And, I'm out.

Beth checked the time from her watch and groaned, interrupting Amy's babbling.

"Amy, you've got to explain later. I have a chem test next." She said while standing up.

"Oh! Good luck!" Cassie said, squeezing Beth's hand gently.

Beth picked up her tray and left the table. She heard Cassie and Amy instantly going back to their conversation -about Jake and the vodka shot.

Cassie and Amy we're fine. After all, they were the only friends that Beth had managed to get during her time in Hawkins' High. They were sweet, trustworthy, and the perfect people to blend in with.

The only problem about them was the things they liked. Boys, lipsticks, parties (including vodka shots)? None of those things interested Beth in any way possible. Especially not boys.


So, why did she stick with them? Because they were the perfect cover.

She was a normal girl. Works at the music store downtown, gets good grades, loves music, has a fresh haircut, sometimes gets invitations to Tina's parties?

That's what she was to Hawkins' High.

A lonely, weird nerd. Lesbian, kissed a freshman last year in the janitor's closet. Sits alone at lunch. Rumoured to buy weed from the local freak..

That's what she would be to them, if she didn't play her cards right.

Beth threw the rest of her sandwich into the trashcan and placed her tray on top of the pile. She gave a quick wawe to Cass, who mouthed back: Good luck!

Beth didn't totally lie to them. She actually had a chemistry test next period. But that was not the reason she was nervous.

She walked down to the eastern wing, making her way to the classroom.

The brown-haired girl stopped on her tracks as she passed a notice board.

A bright yellow sheet was what had caught her attention. Well, who couldn't see that giant-ass poster that took up half of the board?

Everyone is free to join

Every thursday, classroom 205

Contact Ms. Grace, if you're interested.

Drama club. That sounded nice. How come Beth didn't know about this? It must've been going on since last year - starts again. Every thursday, thursday...

She didn't have any shifts at the store on thursdays.


Beth slowly smiled. She never took part in any school activities. Marching band -no. Swimming team- definitely not. Basketball?

She would rather sleep on a pile of legos.

All of a sudden, someone crashed right into her, causing Beth to drop the book she was holding. She groaned, as the person backed off and Beth gained her balance again.



The person quickly picked Beth's book and handed it back.

"I'm so so sorry."

That's when Beth recognised who it was.

Her stomach took a twist, and the feeling from lunch returned in a second.

The actual reason to her nervousness was standing right in front of her, holding her chemistry book with a terrified look on her face.

Robin Buckley.

"I-I didn't see you, I came from around the corner." Robin explained.

Beth smiled and shook her head. "It's okay! I was standing in the middle of the hallway, there was no chance you-"

Beth and Robin talked over each other, both apologizing.

"It was my fault. Sorry."

"It's totally fine, believe me!"

They both went silent after that, and Beth took her book back from Robin, who now looked relieved.

The knot in Beth's stomach was easing up a little. She couldn't believe that she just spoke to the Robin Buckley.

The Robin Buckley, a junior, sits two seats away from Beth in chemistry, is the most gorgeus human being in this planet.

Robin Buckley, who she had had her eye on for a few weeks now.

Beth tried everything to keep her voice steady:

"We're in the same chem class, right?"

Robin nodded, smiling.

"You wanna walk there together?"

Please say yes.


The final bell rang, dissmissing every student on the building.

Beth gathered all her stuff in a moment and packed her bag. But this time she didn't rush off the door; instead, she made her way to the the teacher's desk.

Even though Robin bumping into her had stolen her thoughts for the day, she hadn't forgotten about her plan.

Ms.Grace, her english teacher, looked up from her desk and smiled.

"Ms. Parker. Do you have questions about the essay?"

"No, not about the essay. I was, uh, wondering. Is there still spots open on the drama club?"

Ms.Grace's face lit up. "Yes! How nice that you're interested." She opened a drawer and placed a paper on the table.

"You're the second one to join, so yes, there's a spot for you." The teacher grabbed a pen and started writing on the paper.

"Ms.Buckley made it before you." Ms.Grace laughed, and Beth's face dropped.

"Robin?" She asked.

"Robin Buckley, yes. Are you two friends?"

"We- we, uh share a few classes." Beth stuttered.

"Your name is on the list. See you this thursday, Ms.Parker!"

"Bye, Ms.Grace."

Beth walked out of the classroom, and put her jacket on, smiling.

But actually, she was fighting the urge to jump and scream out of pure joy.

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