《Loving Min Yoongi: How To Love Him》Chapter 20


That Saturday, after the last concert had ended, Alex and Ji-Hoon were filming the guys back stage. They had 2 more weeks left in Japan, and tomorrow they would be leaving for Osaka. This was the longest they had stayed in one place on tour, but it gave them more time to rest between shows and they were able to extend their tour, unlike in the past. They were glad to have more time with ARMY and reach more places.

The guys were headed to their cars, and Alex and was walking with Tae when he realized he forgot his jacket in the dressing room. 

"Oh, don't worry I'll go grab it!" Alex turned and hurried back down the hall before Tae could stop her. 

She ran into the dressing room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Yoongi changing into his shirt. He saw her and quickly turned around while he finished putting it on. He turned back and saw her grabbing Tae's jacket off a chair. Her face had turned red and her eyes were staring at his, now, clothed chest. 

"I, I, I'm sorry, I was just grabbing T, Taehyung's coat he forgot. Bye!" She stuttered as she backed into the door frame. She dropped Tae's jacket and bent quickly to pick it up. She waved and disappeared down the hall. 

Yoongi's shoulders started shaking from laughter. He didn't think he had ever heard Alex stutter, and the look on her face had been priceless. Perhaps the guys were right, maybe he had the same affect on her as she did him. He grabbed his stuff and headed out the door to catch up with everyone. 

Alex had just caught back up with Tae to hand him his jacket. He noticed her flushed cheeks, "Are you ok Alex? Your cheeks are red."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, just fine." She gave him a distracted smile. 


Tae looked over at Yoongi as he jogged up to them, "You ready to leave?"

"Yep!" Yoongi watched as Alex hurried ahead to reach the others. A wicked smile played across his face.

"What is that look for?" Tae asked him.

"I think I gave her a surprise when she saw me changing in the dressing room." Yoongi said as he watched her walking with the others. He turned to Tae with a smile still on his face, "I think she likes me." He swung his arm around Tae as they headed to the car. 

Tae smiled to himself. Hyung was in a good mood, and it was all thanks to Alex. This was definitely working out the way they had hoped.


The next morning they boarded the plain for Osaka. The guys took a quick nap on the way while Alex worked on her notes. She was staring out the window deep in thought when she felt someone sit in the seat next to her. She looked over to see Jimin smiling at her.

"So, how are things going?" He asked conversationally. 

"It's going, we've got a bunch of footage already and it's only been a couple of weeks. We'll have a ton of stuff to go over when we go back for the break. Are you looking forward to getting back home for a bit?"

Jimin thought for a second, "We haven't been gone that long, so the homesickness hasn't set in yet, but by the time the Asia portion is over we'll be ready to get back. I miss Korean food," he said laughing. 

"Oh I can imagine, traveling always makes me miss a homecooked meal."

"What is your favorite meal back home to make?" Jimin asked her. 

"Grilled steak and homemade garlic mashed potatoes with asparagus." Alex closed her eyes and made an mmm sound.


Jimin threw his head back and laughed, "That sounds really good, maybe we can make it when we get back to Korea."

"I would love that!" Alex beamed at him.

When they got to Osaka and checked into their hotel, Alex had just gotten to her room when her text alert beeped. She grabbed her phone and saw it was a group chat request. She opened it and smiled when she saw it was the guys.

Nuna! What are you doing?

LOL, unpacking, how about you?

Would you like to have dinner with us?

Sure! What are we having?

Burgers, we heard about this place that's supposed to be really good!

I'm in!

I'll come get you when we're ready to leave

Can't wait!

Alex finished putting her stuff away, and freshened up in the bathroom. While she waited for Jungkook, she changed the names of the guys in her phone. Jungkook>Baby Boy, J-Hope>Sunshine, Jimin>Trouble, Jin>The Joker, RM>Joonie, Taehyung>Teddy Bear, and Yoongi>My Kryptonite. She laughed at herself on the last one. Yoongi had no idea of the effect he had on her. She heard the knock on her door and grabbed her purse as she headed to answer it.

She swung the door open to find Yoongi standing there. He was leaning against the door jam with his hands in his pockets. He had on a hoodie and jeans, and the black hat she favored the most. Her cheeks flushed and her heart skipped a beat. "Oh, hi." She gave him a shy smile.

"I'm here in place of Jungkook to get you. You ready?" He nodded his head towards the elevator and walked off before she could answer.

She checked to make sure she had her room key in her bag then shut the door. The elevator doors were just opening when she caught up to Yoongi. He motioned for her to go in before him. She went and stood against the back wall. Yoongi pushed the button for the lobby then went to stand next to her. Their shoulders were touching even though there was plenty of room. Alex was starting to get hot being next to him.

"So what's on the agenda for this week?" Yoongi asked her.

"We're taking Tae to a castle, and then Jimin and J-Hope to the aquarium and universal studios." 

Yoongi let out a small laugh, "Those places are perfect for them, except Hobi will avoid the scary rides."

Alex smiled, "I know. In the beginning I wanted to get to the core of everyone's personalities, something that would bring out their brightest self. Then later we'll get into the deeper stuff, that will be different."

Yoongi turned to face her and leaned against the wall, "So where are you taking me?"

She looked over at him, trying to play it cool while her heart leapt in her chest from being so close to him. "Somewhere uncomfortable," she bit her lower lip to hide her smile.

"What? Why?!" Yoongi laughed.

"It will make sense on that day," she assured him.

The elevator doors opened to the lobby and the rest of the group were already waiting for them.

"What took you guys so long?" Jin asked as they approached. 

"I trapped him in my room so he couldn't leave," Alex said with a wink at Jin as she walked by.

Yoongi stopped short with his mouth gaping, staring after her. His cheeks had turned three shades of pink. The guys all burst out laughing when they saw his face, and kept laughing as they headed to the car. Yoongi couldn't believe she said that. This woman was going to be the death of him. If she wasn't careful he might just make her words a reality when she was least expecting it. 

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