《Orochimaru X Reader X Itachi {completed}》Lets go on a date


*Your POV*

I woke up the next day feeling better, I began to collect my things and take a shower. I just want sometime to myself and collect my thoughts. If I don't give myself space I tend to get stressed out, I over think things way more then normal. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower, I began to strip while testing the temperature of the shower. Once it was just right I jumped in and let the warm water run down my back and relax my muscles. Once my body was completely covered by the water, I sat down in the tub just letting the shower hit me perfectly and I lost myself to my thoughts. I roughly spent an hour in there before I got out and dried myself off. I slipped on my new clothes and made my way out of the bathroom. I exited my room and grabbed my straw hat, I walked outside of the hideout into Zetsu hidden garden. I sat down in one of the cherry blossom trees, I took out my notebook and began to write down my thoughts. I got so lost in my writing that I failed to realize two onyx eyes watching me. I jumped when the person sat next to me.

"Itachi! You scared me"

"Hn, you Call yourself a ninja and I scared you?" He replied flicking my forehead.

"Itachi one of these days I'll get you back for it!" I stated.

"I'll be waiting"

"Anyways what do you want?"

"Zetsu sensed someone in his hidden garden and I figured it was you so I used my sharingan to find you and I wanted to talk to you about something"

"Well what is this something?"

He went silent for a moment, he looked everywhere but to me.


"Will you possibly be interested in going on a date with me?" He finally spoke up.

"Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you. When?" I asked

"How does later today sound? I found a meadow and it's surrounded by your favorite flowers. We can have a picnic"

"It's sounds amazing I can't wait". He left to go plan our date and I just leaned against the tree and thought about the date. I'm not gonna lie but it made me feel nervous, as I was deep in thought I felt as if something was watching me and it freaked me out. I gathered my things and I left the garden.

* Orochimaru's POV*

So that Uchiha is taking her on a date? We'll see about that. Kabuto came up to me and leaned against the wall.

"Lord Orochimaru, What are you planning?" He asked.

"I want to ruin their date, I want to make it so bad that she hates his guts afterwards. I want to ruin the date and any chances that he thinks he'll have with her" I replied with a sly smirk.

"Sir that sounds petty, but I'm here to support your plan. What will we need?" He asked.

"We'll ruin the food, have her get bit by a snake, obviously non poisonous. We'll steal some of the blondies clay and make it go off" I relied and we began to gather the things that we needed.


We followed them into this meadow and I must say that it was extremely beautiful but it doesn't compare to (Y/N)'s beauty. We concealed our chakra and hid in a tree getting a perfect view of them. I watched as Itachi wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. My blood boiled! He's too close.


I was so close to jumping down and killing him but Kabuto held me back with his arm. I glared at him.

"I'm just here to make sure you don't make a fool out of your self" he stated and I sighed. He's right, if I make a fool out of myself I'll blow my chances with her. I watched the scene in-front of me, she was laugh at what Itachi said and my chest hurt. Why couldn't I make her laugh?! I smirked as I saw Itachi reach for a chocolate covered 'strawberry' truth be told it's not a strawberry but a red radish. She bit into it and spat it out. Itachi looked so worried and he took a bite, he glared at the radish and apologized for a prank done by the other members. I smirked my plan is coming together sweetly.

(Y/N) screamed as my pet snake bit her finger. Itachi stabbed the snake with a Kunai and was at her side. "I'm gonna suck out the poison, okay?" He then placed her finger in his mouth and sucked on it making her blush. I growled, that dammed Uchiha. I sat back as I watched the rest of this damned date. Itachi reached for a 'dango' and it blew up on him! I held back my laughter.

"Itachi it seems like this date is fated to end up horrible" she said and he sighed.

"It seems you are right, doll" he replied and she rested her head against his shoulder.

"It sucks, I was having a good time on this date" she replied. Itachi placed his hand on her waist bring her closer to him and he kissed her! He kissed her! I growled and grew angrier.

"Orochimaru sir, please clam down you don't want to blow your cover" Kabuto said. I sighed.

I released another non poisonous snake and it slithered towards her, sliding up her sundress.

"Itachi please don't get any ideas, I'm not ready to give myself up" she said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Your hand is up my dress"

"No it's not, see my hands aren't on you" he replied. She let out a blood curdling scream as my snake bit her thigh.

"Itachi something bit me" She said as tears came down her face. My heart broke. I caused her so much pain because of my jealously. My plan back fired on me, they grew closer instead of her hating him.

"Come on, let's go see if Konan can check out your wounds. I'm sorry I never intended you to get hurt on this date. Maybe we'll have another one?" He asked and she nodded.

"I'd like that Itachi, a do over date". They began to walk away, Itachi carried (Y/N) as her leg was in a lot of pain.

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