《Hockey Imagines》Michael Bournival ~ MC


Michael was always the type of boyfriend that would never leave Y/N's side. It's almost as if he was afraid to let her go, as if she was his life. Michael and Y/N met in the streets of Montréal but she was in a Cinderella situation as she had to go immediately after she bumped into him as she was late for her job and he had go to practice. He had the Prince Charming moment to look for her all around Montréal, in which, he felt like he was in a little part of France and Monaco as the city had a French culture as well as a Canadian one. Long story short, Michael found her again at a masquerade ball that the Canadiens were hosting and she was along with her cousin, Carey Price and he asked her out on a date.

He was always in a daydream 24/7 with Y/N on his mind. He dreams of marrying her in the future and settling down with kids. He never wants her to slip through his fingers, because he knows how much he loves her and how much she loves him. With Y/N, he was always in paradise and he was Y/N's sun. Y/N never wants to let "the sun" aka Michael slip. Their love made almost everybody jealous, wanting a relationship like Y/N and Michael's....

Star gazing was the couple's favorite thing to do besides playing a little one-on-one NHL competition. Michael would always say to Y/N,

"Vos beaux yeux brillent comme les étoiles infinies dans toute la galaxie la Voie Lactée. Et votre sourire brille comme eux aussi. Je t'aime, Y/N..."

She would always blush after he said it and usually rewards him with a kiss on the lips...

To Michael, Y/N was like Grace Kelly, the former Princess of Monaco to him. She was always beautiful to him, no matter what she was thinking or saying to him. He always would spoil her with expensive gifts just because he loves her, no matter the occasion. Michael always loves to treat Y/N like a princess because she was his princess.


Y/N was the only person he would want to spend his life with him, otherwise, he was nothing without her. Their love was like peanut butter and jelly, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, or Victoria and David Beckham. Y/N was so happy the moment she found Michael at the masquerade ball when she accompanied her cousin while his wife was on a business trip. She still remembers the moment at midnight when they took off the masks to reveal each other.

"Tu es très belle ce soir..." Michael smiled, twirling Y/N around a few times before her back was against his chest and her arms were crossed.

"Merci." She smiled, looking up to the "stranger"'s beautiful green eyes.

The clock struck twelve. Midnight was finally here.

Michael and Y/N gently took off each other's masks, revealing who they were.

"Je t'ai enfin trouvé!" He gasped, looking at the familiar girl he had bumped into earlier in the week.

"Huh?" Y/N looked at him with a confused tone in her voice.

"We bumped into each other a few days, I'm Michael by the way." He tried to speak in English, French was his native language and he didn't really speak English unless it was for hockey-related things.

"I'm Y/N... That's why you looked so familiar when you asked me to dance with you." Y/N smiled before they started to dance again.

It was since that day they fell in love with each other, with no plans to leave one another....

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