《Beneath The Surface》Chapter 13: Decisions


"So what's the plan?" Nat was on a call with Alice and Karine. It had been about 5 months since Nat and Jamie had left for the Philippines.

"I don't know..." Nat shrugged as Karine rolled her eyes at her brother's answer.


"How long are you going to stay there?" Alice spoke up after lightly smacking Karine.

"I don't know about that either...I'm happy here for now. Jamie likes it here too..." Nat sighed. He really didn't know.

"You should be glad that Dad allowed you to continue working for the company...Or Mom and I would have flown over to kidnap you and my baby niece home." Karine let out an exasperated sigh.

Nat knew it was irresponsible of him to leave the headquarters without giving the board of directors a good reason and was thus prepared to bite the bullet to ask his father for permission to join the Philippines branch. However, Nat's father had beat him to it and sent his current personal assistant right to his doorstep 3 days after he and Jamie had arrived.

"Don't remind me about the hour long lecture that I got...although I deserved it." Nat admitted.

"Count yourself lucky that the Philippines branch is doing well or the board would be freaking out at the fact that our dear heir to the throne isn't here..." Karine folded her hands in annoyance.

"Enough, Karine. Let me talk to your brother alone." Alice sent Karine out of the room after the girl muttered a goodbye to Nat.

"I'm sorry..." Nat let out a loud sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What for?" Alice asked.

"Everything. I know Dad is still angry at me and you have been stuck in the middle because of me..." Nat knew that a big reason that his Dad was tolerating him was because of his stepmother's intervention.

"Silly, you're my son and Jamie is my granddaughter. What's there to be sorry about? Anyways, how's the search going?" Alice assured Nat as she gave him an assuring smile.

"I've heard some things here and there. Apparently she's in Manila but..." Nat hesitated.

"But you don't know what to do if you find her?" Alice completed Nat's sentence.

"Like, am I supposed to just approach and confront her? What if she wants to see Jamie? Or even worse, wants to take Jamie away?" Nat scoffed.

"Fair point, but you do first need to decide whether you're going to continue with the search. The problem isn't going to disappear with you being indecisive." Alice knew she sounded harsh but she also knew that Nat needed this push.

"I hate that you're always right..." Nat fell silent for a second.


"Also, does Aika know?" Alice threw another curveball at Nat.

"If you're referring to the fact that I initially came to search for Aly, then yes. If you're referring to the fact that Aly is literally in the same city as us, then no..." Nat avoided looking straight at the screen.

"And I assume that you are planning to tell her soon?" Alice raised her eyebrows at Nat.

"I should...Anyways, let's stop talking about that for now. Please tell me that Dad doesn't know about me and Aika?" Nat bit his lip nervously.

"Not yet. But it's only a matter of time before he does." Alice and Nat knew that Nat's dad had his sources.

"Fate works in the most cruel ways, don't you think? I came here searching for Jamie's non-existent mother and ended up finding Aika. We're both happy yet our inherited 'titles' means a road of challenges ahead..." Nat massaged his temple.

"Well, you have the longer end of the stick..." Alice presented Nat with a bitter pill.

"I know. I hate the fact that the entire relationship is unfair to Aika. I hate myself to the core for this." Nat knew Aika had much to lose the moment he confessed.

"I think I've given you enough headache for the night. Think things over and make sure you talk to Aika. You can do this, both of you." Alice had faith in them.

"Thank you...Ali...mum." Nat changed his address halfway.

"Call me anytime you need help, son." Alice gave Nat a smile. It had been a long time since Nat called her mum in private.


"Any cravings for dinner?" Nat had just picked Aika up from work for dinner.

"Actually, mama was asking if you could come over for dinner.." Aika asked hesitantly.

"I'm not in trouble...am I?" Nat wondered why he was being summoned.

"No, of course not..." Nat figured something was off but didn't probe further.

"Good evening, Ma'am VP. Hi, Doc!" Nat greeted VP Leni and Tricia as he entered the condo.

"Tita. How many times have I reminded you, no formalities!" VP Leni jokingly chided Nat.

"No presents today, kuya?" Tricia mischievously stretched out her hands, earning her a palm smack from Aika.

"I'll get you kaya next time." Nat whispered to Tricia as they headed to the dining table.

"Relax Nat, I can see you shaking." VP Leni chuckled as she spotted Nat fidgeting in his seat.

"Sorry Ma'am, I can't help but think I have done something wrong..." Nat confessed anxiously, making the trio laugh.

"Actually, there's something I would like to inform you about." VP Leni cleared her throat. Nat sat up straight.

"I'm going to run for President next year." The table remain silent other than the soft humming of the air-conditioning.

"Congratulations, Ma'am. If there is anything I've learnt in the past 6 months about you, it's that your dedication, commitment and love to this nation and its people is more than one can ever imagine." Nat hoped he didn’t sound rude.


"Thank you, Nat." VP Leni gave the young man a bright smile.

"With that being said...things are going to change." Aika placed her hand on Nat's.

The Robredos were no stranger to media coverage, privacy invasions, trolls, political and personal attacks amidst everything else. From the time that Sec Jesse passed away in 2012 to the current role that VP Leni had been holding since 2016, the family had been bearing the brunt of untrue accusations.

"I understand. Is there anything I can help with? Or that I have to know?" Nat was earnest.

"Thank you but things are still not official yet...I thought it would be good to give you a heads up since you're part of us." VP Leni appreciated the support.

"Do let me know if you do, Ma'am. I will do my best." Nat had utmost confidence in and respect for the older lady.


"Sorry for the sudden news...mama has been thinking about it for a while until she decided two weeks ago." Aika and Nat were in her bedroom.

"Hey, what's there to be sorry about? This isn't a simple decision and the fact that your family chose to share it with me, I'm more than honoured and grateful to be part of it." Nat assured Aika with a hug.

"That means we have to be more careful now though...the moment mama announces her candidature, things are going to get crazy..." Aika furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm guessing crazy may be an understatement too. I know it means we won't get to go out together in public like we do now but that's totally okay. The campaign concerns the future of your country." Nat softly kissed Aika's temple to soothe her tensed muscles.

"I hate to stress you out even more but I do have something of my own to confess..." Nat found himself sitting up straight.

"What? You forgot that Jamie is at home alone?" Aika joked.

"That indeed sounds scary but thank god, it's not that. It's about Jamie's mother." Aika instantly regretted her joke.

"Oh, sorry. Did you...find her?" Aika didn't know what she wanted Nat's answer to be.

"That's what I wanted to discuss with you about..." Nat took a deep breath.

"With me?" Aika was confused.

"Yes, with you. I wanted to know what your thoughts were..." Nat held Aika's hands in his.

"I don't want to influence your decision..." Aika was conflicted.

"I can't seem to come to one, that's why..." Nat sighed.

"How about you tell me what you think first?" Aika suggested.

"I got news that she's in Manila. But I don't know if I should look her up...her reaction scares me already. What if she doesn't want anything to do with Jamie? What if she wants Jamie back? What if..." Nat was slightly agitated.

"You have an answer already, don't you? This was the entire reason you came and something you need to do as Jamie's father. You know it full well but you’re just making excuses." From Nat's answer, Aika knew what he needed was a push.

"Gosh, I hate that you two know me so well. I can't hide from both of you..." Nat felt guilty. Aika immediate knew Nat was referring to his stepmother.

"Go for it. I'll be here for you and Jamie no matter what. Let's worry after you meet her." Aika spread open her arms for a hug, the usually muscular Nat feeling weirdly small.

"Funny how we're both at crossroads..." Nat let out a resigned laugh, so did Aika.

"Dealing it with all at once seems better than challenges coming at us non-stop. Plus, at least we're facing them together." Aika gave Nat a peck on the cheek.

"Having you by my side definitely makes things a million times better. It's like you're my magic pill..." Nat held Aika's hand in his.

"I thought you'd say I was like magic candy. Pills are bitter..." Aika pretended to be offended.

"Who says medicine can't be sweet? This one in front of me is the sweetest I've ever tasted..." Nat winked as he leaned his face closer to Aika's.

"Oh really? I don't believe you." Aika leaned in as well.

"They say when in doubt, try it out yourself." Nat teased as he gave Aika a quick peck on the lips before retracting.

"That was too fast for me to come to a conclusion...Let me show you how to do it properly." Aika cupped Nat's cheek in her hands and planted her lips straight onto Nat's.

Smiling as their lips moved in tandem, Nat lifted Aika so she was sitting on his lap and her arms around his neck. Nat stole a quick glance at the door and was relieved to realise that they had already closed it. He didn’t want to get thrown out of the house by VP Leni...

"God, you're irresistibly sweet..." Nat grinned as he rested his forehead against Aika's.

"I know. You aren't bad yourself." Aika gave Nat a tilted smile, both of them still a little breathless.


"Text me when you reach." Aika and Nat were at the carpark. Nat had to be home so Jamie's nanny could leave.

"Will do. Love you." Nat gave Aika a hug before entering the car.

When Nat reached home, Jamie was already asleep. After sending her nanny off, Nat tiptoed into Jamie's room and sat next to the sleeping girl.

"Hey Princess, I'm going to meet your mommy...No matter what, remember that you will always be Daddy's princess and I love you very much." Nat stroked the hands of his daughter gently.

As he lay on bed, his phone buzzed. It was Aika.

When doubt and fear paralyses you, courage is the only thing that breaks such bonds. I'm always here for you and Jamie <3

Nat couldn't help but smile.

The darkest time will soon pass because the sun will always rise the next morning no matter how bleak the night. Good night my sunshine <3

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