《Tricia Robredo x Y/N (Oneshots)》Shot Through The Heart


Former Vice-President Leni Robredo steps up to the stage as she is called to take her oath as the 17th President of the Philippines. Crowned, loved, supported, and joined by the people- The crowd stands up to applaud her and the sound feels like victory to those who had been persistent in fighting for good governance and fair elections.

A few steps behind her, you stand with the Jillian, Tricia, and Senator Risa while Aika stands beside her mother- Carrying the book the future President is to swear her oath by. Your self-proclaimed mother-in-law raises her right hand as per request of the judge, and puts her left hand atop the book in Aika's hands.

The three of you at the back hold each other's hands tightly as if to say: We did it. Unable to remain extremely still Senator Risa lightly sways hers and Tricia's hands and the domino effect ensues, with Jillian doing her best not to sway her left arm that holds no hand and therefore would probably look weird and distracting to the audience.

The four of you share glances of pride aimed at the woman standing just a few feet from you, as if to silently reassure one another: We did it! When you see it start to unfold in the seats behind Jillian.

"I, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo-"

You drown out the sound of her voice as time moves in slow motion for you. A man moves to stand up with a hand reaching for something inside his blazer. Your heart starts to pound in anxiety as he draws his arm and your eyes catch a glimpse of something rectangular and metallic peeking through his blazer's edges.

Your mind screeches to a halt.

A gun.

You waste no time in shoving your girlfriend and her sister back, before making a mad dash for their mother and eldest sister. You use all the force you can muster to shove Aika back to her sisters with one arm, your mind composes a small apology for what you're about to do.


You ram your shoulder into that of the Future President of your country, the mother of your girlfriend, and the number one supporter of your relationship with her daughter so hard that she ends up taking the judge down with her.

You end up standing where she stood, and in the span of a few milliseconds- There's scorching pain all over your body, your eyes shut tight, and a scream fills your ears.


The security team tackles the perpetrator seconds too late.

Her older sister jumps into the fray, stomping on the man's hand that is a little too close to the weapon for comfort before picking up the Uzi and running to her family.

Tita Risa's by hers and her little sister's side, in the process of helping them both stand up when the older woman freezes as a blood curdling scream leaves Tricia's lips and shaky hands fly to her mouth in shock.

She doesn't register much in her surroundings, but faintly she hears Jillian call out. Ate teka lang! Tricia moves on autopilot. She manages to haul herself back on her feet and run to her lover's side before her shaky legs give out and she's back on her knees beside you.

The crowd has fallen into chaos and all she can see is the stillness of your normally energetic body.

Your back is riddled with bullet holes, and when Tricia curls over you with tears blurring her vision- Her heart stops at the sight of your shirt's bloodied front.

"May exit wounds.."

She doesn't notice her Mother kneel by her side, nor the warmth brought by your blood seeping into her dress. The tears fall and she's torn between letting you lie on your side as she should from a medical stand point, and taking you into her arms and begging for you not to go.


Leni can only watch as her second daughter leans over the body of her lover, tears streaming down her cheeks non-stop as her eyes fall blank and all she can hear from her child is a single, repeated phrase.

"May exit wounds.."

The ambulance team has just arrived, rushing to the stage with a stretcher, and Leni doesn't know what scares her more. The lack of color in your face when the paramedics lift you onto the stretcher, or the way Tricia was so easily handled and pulled away from your body by Aika.


Aika's head snaps towards the shooter, eyes filled with anger and hate. Her heart stops at seeing her eldest let go of Tricia before raising her hand that holds the same gun that had shot you, with bullets meant for her. She's thankful for Risa when the Senator rushes to Aika's side and whispers something to her.

The hate in her daughter's eyes vanish, replaced with disdain and anger as she lowers the gun, flips the safety on, and drops it. Aika cries in anguish into the shoulders of the other woman who holds her tightly. You're her best friend and the bastard who took you from her family is working for people who care nothing for their fellow countrymen. Risa meets her eyes and Leni can only convey her thanks through her gaze right now.

The man opens his mouth to shout more propagandist statements, but someone acts before another sound can make its way into the air. Luke swings at the man with his whole weight behind the punch, knocking his head to the side with an audible snap of the man's jaw. The shooter lies limp in the hands of those restraining him.

Jillian gently helps her sister up. Out of the family she's the one least close to you, and so even if the events leave her shaken and traumatized- She takes it upon herself to stand for her mother and sisters. She approaches her mother and outstretches a hand to help her up on her feet as well.

Leni takes her daughter's hand, and the youngest family member can feel the coldness, shakiness, and the lack of strength with which her mother holds onto her.

"Halina kayo, sunod tayo sa hospital."

She hears Tito Kiko and Sir Luke bark orders at the security team to escort them to the hospital. While helping her mother and sister make their way into the car, she meets the eyes of her Tita Risa. They nod at each other in solidarity and there Jillian decides.

They'll have to be the pillars while everyone else's world falls apart right now.

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