《slip | vkook》X 1


- unedited

"Same students, same teachers. Ain't really that different." Jungkook mumbled, looking around.

Jimin giggles silently, "we might get new students, you never know." He said, nudging his friend.

Jungkook just sighed. "Hey, at least this is our last year!" Jimin said cheerfully.

I wish I could be as cheerful as Jimin hyung. Jungkook thought to himself, wishing he was more like his hyung.

"Oh, hyung, can I see your schedule?" Jungkook asked him, seeing they were getting closer to his locker.

Jimin nodded, pulling the slip of paper from his pocket. He handed it over to Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned at it, seeing they only had two classes together. Korean lit, and gym.

"Hey, its okay! At least we have some classes together." He said, nudging him.

He nodded, grabbing his stuff for first period, which happened to be English for him.

"Bye kookie!" He exclaimed to the younger, he hums in response. He remembered his slutty teacher who happened to teach English, and he sighed.

Thinking to himself, he also remembered she had a soft spot for hoseok, his other friend.

Speaking of hoseok, he hadn't seen him at school. He sighed, telling himself to look at lunch.

Walking into said class, he found a seat and sat down. Noticing a pretty girl walking towards him, he automatically straightened up in his seat.

"Hi! I'm min jihee!" The girl greeted him, smiling brightly.

Jungkook smiled back, "are you related to my hyung?" He asked the girl, and he wanted to facepalm for sounding so innocent.

"Yoongi-oppa? Yes, were step-siblings!" she exclaimed, then took a seat beside Jungkook.

"Oh, also, I'm jeon Jungkook."

Just then a teacher enters the classroom, surprising the students. Jungkook was looking down, of course, so he didn't notice.

It wasn't until he heard one of the girls squeal that he looked up. He was met with the most hottest teacher he had ever seen-no homo though.

"Hello everyone. Mrs. Tuan is um, not joining us this year, for some, um, reasons." He paused, "im your teacher now, Mr. Kim."

Hot damn.


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