《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》Epilogue


So this was it, today was the 25th of April meaning today I Keegan Pierce was getting ready to walk down the isle and be proudly renamed to Keegan Fisher while wearing a beautiful golden band around my finger meaning I was finally and officially going to be Alex's.

Alex had proposed five months after graduation and we waited until the next year to actually get married so we can arrange a few things first. Alex did the whole cheesy sappy proposal, so here what happened.

We went to dinner at a very fancy restaurant that ended up costing Alex two weeks of rent because he forgot to pay it then spent it on dinner for us, anyway after eating we sat there for a while sharing stories about college and sipping fine wine trying to make the other laugh when he stood up from he chair searching his pocket with a delicate smile walking to me chair then got down on one knee.

The whole restaurant watched and 'awe'd loudly as I went a deep red letting a stray tear of happiness fall as I nodded and hugged him tightly saying yes over and over. I swear I haven't stopped smiling ever since that night.

But today was defiantly better.

I fixed my suit up looking into the mirror, my hands shook slightly but I was super excited mainly because I get to see Alex in a suit again, what you can't blame me because he looks hella fine in a suit but also I'm going to be officially Alex's partner better yet his husband.

Meaning a lifetime of love and happiness

"Keegan it's time hurry up" One of Alex's friend Courtney that I met a few months ago and is now my best friend sassily ushered me out of the dressing room and outside where we made our way to walk the isle.

My family wasn't here today but I didn't care because I had Alex's family and I love them with all my heart. The accepted me straight away and was always asking Alex when I'm coming back to see them, they didn't care if Alex was there only if I was which made me laugh.

Our friends from college were coming as well and over the period of time since graduation most of them turned into rather fine looking people.

I stood at the end of the isle looking to the scene before me, where Alex was standing there was a podium for the guy who binds our love or what ever he does, there was white flowers surrounding the place, I don't care if flowers weren't manly but then again we weren't, I mean seriously we're two gay dude about to get married, the place looked absolutely breath taking.

The Man up front look down and saw me standing there so he ordered everyone to stand as Alex turned around be couldn't see me yet. Courtney was walking down the isle with me hand in hand because she begged me to allow it but truth be told I was actually going to beg her to walk down with me so win win.


Everyone turned and looked smiling but when Alex finally saw me he held the biggest smile, his smile was so big I feared a gravitational pull was going to form because of how big it was.I wasn't aware how much I was smiling at him until my cheeks started to hurt.

Finally getting up to where Alex was I kissed Courtney's cheek and took Alex's soft hand standing in front of him. Soon everyone was seated and the guy began the speech. We both listen carefully to the man and spoke parts that we needed with strong loving voices.

Alex was the first to speak while smiling to me holding my hand.

"Will you honor him, love, respect and protect him. Will you accept him for who he is and who he will be? Do you aspire to nurture him and help him grow as an individual? Will you be honest with him and stand beside him no matter what may come your way?"

"I do" Alex said proudly making butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"Keegan" The man turned to me, breathing deeply I held Alex's hand tightly.

"Will you honor him, love, respect and protect him. Will you accept him for who he is and who he will be? Do you aspire to nurture him and help him grow as an individual? Will you be honest with him and stand beside him no matter what may come your way?"

"I do" It felt right saying those words and believe me I've been dying to say them for a while now.

When it came to our vowls I instantly died but came back when hearing Alex's choice of words.

"Keegan, I take you to be my partner; to have and to hold, from this day forward. I give to you my unending love and devotion. I promise to be true to you, to cherish you, and to share my thoughts, hopes, and dreams with you. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, my best friend. I will love you forever"

When Alex finished I instantly wanted to hug him and kiss him but I wasn't allowed to until you know everything was said and done, I was almost crying because of how sweet and sincere he sounded and the wording was perfect, he was perfect.

Now it was my turn.

"Alex, Today I will marry you, my friend, the one I will live with, dream with, and love forever. I take you to be my husband. From this day forward I will cherish you. I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrows, knowing we will walk it together side by side, hand in hand, and heart to heart. "

Now Alex was almost crying, it was a true happy gay moment. When our best man brought up the rings, sliding them on each other finger was the purest moment during the whole ceremony. When finishing with the rings we stood holding hands before the man smiled.


"You may kiss the groom" Alex's eyes lit up and instantly pressed his lips to mine hearing everyone cheer and clap as we kissed.

"I may now present you husband and husband" I heard him almost call me the bride but I giggled ignoring it focusing on Alex's lips before we walked down hand in hand down the isle having white flower petals thrown on us until we got to the car.


At the recessional everyone was seated at perfectly decorated tables, some were up and dancing with their partners, drinking wine and having a genuine good time. I was speaking with some friends and Alex's family when Alex popped up from behind hugging my waist.

"Hello Husband" Hearing those words made me extremely happy and I instantly smiled turning in his arms to face him.

"Hello husband" I repeated the words, they felt natural. He kissed me passionately swaying our hips to the song when Alex's parents got out on the dance floor and started dancing laughing while swinging each other around.

We looked to each other holding blushes of embarrassment but whats a wedding with out one embarrassing moments.

Later we were sitting listening to volunteers get up and share stories about us, friends from college talked about games of truth and dare we played, telling everyone about how I fell into the lake in only my boxers when I was drunk then proceeded to show a video of it.

I almost died of embarrassment since I didn't remember it neither did Alex but it had everyone laughing so it was a good moment.

Alex stood up explaining how he first saw me in year 7 but he was to shy to talk to me which I found rather funny since it was the opposite for me and when I stood up I too talked about funny and loveable moment with the idiot and I had everyone 'awh'ing making Alex hide as he turned red which was my goal.

Soon it was time for our dance so Alex laced out hands together brining me to the dance floor before pressing me against him and held my hips firmly as I held onto his neck. We swayed lovingly to the Ed Sheeran song Photograph, people videoing the scene but I only rested my cheek on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

This was perfect

I was finally happy and I knew I was always going to be happy with Alex.

My husband.


5 years later

"Hazel give me that" Alex chased after the brown haired girl. I watched amused as the adult chased a seven year old girl around the living room trying to get a pair of scissors from her hands. I wasn't actually sure how she even got them but she's running around with them.

It was only then when my eyes grew wide when I realised something.

My daughter is running with scissors

I jumped from the tabled and joined my husband in a game of cat and dog trying to grab the little monster. "Hazel give me the scissors!" I yelled but she giggled and ran faster. "She's going to fucking kill herself" Alex stopped breathing. I smacked his arm

"Young ears are in the room" I scolded, he apologised cautiously walking to our daughter who stood watching with wide brown eyes and a cheeky grin.

"Please Hazy" I begged softly but she only laughed more and started opening the blades up but Alex was quick to dash and grabbed her small frame lifting her up over his shoulder and I ran to collect the deadly weapon from her grasp.

"Daddy no!" She giggled wiggling but gave up shortly. I placed the scissors on the fridge seeing Alex tickling Hazel on the ground. I leaned against the door frame and watched with a proud smile.

We had adopted Hazel when she was five, I instantly fell in love with her because when we were introduced to her she held an adorable smile, long brown wavy hair and giant brown eyes. First meeting us she ran to me and hugged me asking if I was going to be her dad.

Raising Hazel has been the best years of my life besides waking up on the weekends to a kid screaming in your ear wanting pancakes and never getting sleep in's, it's made me the happiest dad on earth.

Hazel had only just started school and she would always come home with a new drawing for up to pin up, I already knew Hazel was going to be a beautiful artist when she grows up and I god hope and pray she never has to suffer from what I did when I was a teenager but she's only seven years old, She has a while to go yet.

I'm almost tempted to never let her grow up

"Daddy you coming?" Hazel yelled running out the door. Alex came over to me kissing my lips lovingly. "You weren't listening were you?" I shook my head earning a playful shove.

"I'm taking Hazel to the park, care to join us ma'am" Alex joked so I pinched his bicep earning a pained yelp making me grin with satisfaction.

"Evil" He eyed me.

I agreed to go with them, walking out with him and down to the park with Alex holding Hazel on his shoulders.

At the park the sun shined over warming my frozen skin up since it was now in the middle of winter, Hazel was yelling and laughing loudly at Alex to push her higher on the swings. I feared that she might go to high and go flying over to the next city but I trusted Alex enough not to kill our daughter or he won't live to see the next sunrise.

I watched the two play for hours on end just sitting there enjoying every minute I could. My life was perfect now, I had everything I wanted. A husband and a daughter.

A family

I defiantly would not trade this for the world because its simple.

They are my world.

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