《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 13- Eye rolls


I woke up with something sticking to my head. I moved my hand up to head feeling what was there. "Keegan, hows your head" I looked up seeing Alex sitting up on his bed looking at me intensely. What did he mean about my head?

"Whats wrong with it?" I asked with confusion. I think theres bandage on my head oh god.

"Ah well funny story I scared you and you cut your head open." He looked down with shame. I WHAT!!. "Oh just lovely ALEX" I could feel the blood pulsing in my head, it made it hurt. I stood up from my head and made my way to my closet. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Hannah.

I guess Alex didn't lock the door.

"Alex!" She squeals. I cover my ears, saving my self. "Morning baby" from here I can hear them starting to make out again. I groan and made my way into the bathroom picking my glasses up on the way there. For a second Hannah and I made eye contact and she immediately rolled her eyes.

I decided to speak up about that.

"You know Hannah the more you roll your eyes, the lower your IQ will get" I smirked seeing her face grow annoyed. My statement was fake but she's dumb enough too believe it. "It will not, Im very very smart thankyou" She held her head up high. Let see shall we.

"Okay whats 18 squared?" lets see how smart she is, honestly this question is really easy. "Umm 52 maybe" She batter her eyelashes. I brake out in a laugh. "Oh sweetie good job and no its 324 genius" I strolled off to the shower feeling proud of beating her.

I could hear her whining to Alex about me being mean and that I'm an asshole, honestly it didn't phase me, I found it funny.


After my shower I walked out seeing that barbie had left Alex to get ready. He looked up and met my gaze. He started to approach me and I got worried. He didn't seem to happy.

"What was that?" He's eyes were dark."W-what did I do?" I stuttered, fearing Alex a aittle bit. "You basically called her dumb Keegan!" His voice grew louder.

I collected my self and replied calmly. "No I didn't I asked her a question, she got it wrong big deal" I walked passes him and packed my bag. I feel different towards Alex this morning, she had ruin everything, especially my mood.

"Plus she started it" I argued.

"Im heading to class, bye" I was about to head out when Alex grabbed my wrist and turned me around. His face soften when we met eye contact. "Look Keegan Im sorry, I know she can be a bit umm you know bitchy but I like her a lot okay so be nice" Ouch, me be nice, i'm always nice.

"Plus she'll be over here a lot more so you have to get along with one another" back up. what, like hell she's staying here over night and during the day. I decided to leave it though.

"Fine what ever, Im off" I turned back around and headed out the door for my first class. Alex has no classes today fucking lucky but to be fair I only have one and its this morning so I get the rest of the day off.

I got half way to class when I felt a tight grip on my right wrist and my arm was pulled. I turned around to see barbie behind me. Now It was my turn to roll the eyes.


"Yes Barbie sorry Hannah" that earn't me a glare. "Listen here faggot, I know your little secret about you being a homo and guess what I know a lot of people here that would love to hurt you because of your sexuality. So I would start being a a lot nicer if I was you" She smiles wickedly. I cant believe Alex told her. I trusted him.

"Oh and by the way Alex is mine faggot, so don't bother falling for him because he doesn't go for faggots" with that she turns on her heels and walks away. She really needs to find another word than 'faggot' seriously.

During Class all I had to do was read but it was very hard knowing that Alex let my secret out to her. If she tells any one else then that could end very, very badly for me.

Class finally ended and I made my way back to my room but half way there I saw Barbie talking to her friends, she spotted me and decided to say hi.

"Hey faggot" She yells and winks, knowing if I react, she'll let my secret out. I stormed off to my dorm room and slammed the door shut. Alex jumped from his bed at the loud noise and chuckled. Oh he's about to be real scared

"Jesus dude you fucking scared me" he exclaimed getting comfy on his bed again. Oh he's about to be real scared in a minute.

"You fucking told her!" I yelled, I was furious with him. His head snapped up towards me, He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"You fucking told her you asshole, she threaten to tell everyone here that hates gays about me because of you!" I clenched my fist to stop the tears from flowing. Alex had a wave of guilt slapped on his face.

"Keegan I-" I cut him off mid sentence. "And you fucking lied about your self!" I threw my bag on the floor and headed for the door. Im leaving Ive had enough of Him and Barbie for one day.

"Keegan I didn't mean too!" He's voice cracked like he was worried I was leaving for ever. I turned back around. "I don't care Alex, you still told her, Im heading back out for the day so you and your fuck toy can have fun" with that I slammed the door shut and headed out side.

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