《Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)》No 3- Meet and Greet


Its finally time. Time to leave my mother and father. Its 7:30 in the morning and with out a doubt my parents are both passed out still.

I woke up early because today I'm finally leaving this hell hole. I grabbed my bag and got changed into some skinny jeans, black t-shirt and headed out the front door, not daring to look back.

I contemplated on leaving them A note but they would find me not matter what so not thank-you.

I caught the bus to Yale University. I know what your thinking Yale, don't you need to be a genius to get into that.

You see I'm not a genius but I'm not dumb plus its not rocket science to get into Yale, trust me a lot of idiots some how slime their way into Yale university.

The Bus finally pulled up in front of the university and I could feel the nerves starting to get to me. I don't know how this is going to go. Will learning here be the same as high school with the bullying.

I get off the bus with my bags and head inside the corridors. I make my way up to the front desk, being greeted by an pretty women, with long curly brown hair and glasses.

She was pretty adorable, I may be gay but I can still think women are cute.

"uh Um hi" I say shyly while inner face planting my self. "Hi! how can I help you" She says loudly but sweetly. "Im Keegan Pierce, I'm checking in" I say in one go with out stuttering.

" Oh you were Mrs Grinton's student, I hear lovely things about you" She smiles warmly, I couldn't help smile back to her.

I nod to her while she start sifting through papers.

"Here you go, You're in dorm number 325, Have A lovely night" She hands me a key for the dorm room. I give her a quick thanks and start heading off to my dorm room. Here goes nothing I say to my self.


I reach the third floor and search for room 325. When I come to a stop at the door I search for the key in my pocket and Unlock the door.

When I entered the Dorm the first thing I noticed was a black bag on a bed on the other side of the room and the blanket was messed up.

Great I have a Room mate. I groan quietly while shutting the door and making my way over to the spare bed. I dump my bags on the bed and look around.

The dorm was actually quiet big. It had a kitchen, bathroom which Im assuming my roommate is using now and a living area connected to the kitchen.

I turn back around to my bags and start unpacking saving me having to do it later.

While I was unpacking a deep but gentle voice startled me. "Hello" I whipped around in surprise. "Sorry I didn't meant to scare you" He chuckled .Hot dayum.

My roommate was a male, a very attractive one may I might add. He had dark electric blue eyes, jet black longish hair and he was tall very tall. Wait a minute Ive seen him before but where.

"Hi" I squeak. As Ive said I'm very shy. "So you're my roommate huh" He looks my up and down and smirks "I know you, Keegan right" He says making me confuse.

"Uh yeah, how do you know me" I was beyond confused. "Wow forgotten me already Keegan, we were in a group together on the last day" He chuckles at my confused expression.

"A-alex" I stuttered out realizing I'm roommate with a Jock.

"Thats me!" He yelled making me flinch "Oh sorry" He noticed me jump back . "You're a shy one arent ya" He smiles warmly making me feel funny in a nice way.

"Yeah I guess" I mumble. I turn around to continue unpacking But I notice Alex hasn't even unpacked a thing.


"You're not gonna unpack anything?" I muttered to him. He looks up from his bed over to me. "Nope, I'll do it tomorrow, I ain't in any rush to do a single thing" He grins while laying back down

I headed up to the Front desk with my Bags to check in. I knew the girl at the front Desk. "Alex Honey" Grace jumps from her sits and runs around to tackle me with a hug. "Hey Grace, how are you" I smiled a heart filled smile at the cute person in front of me.

"Oh I'm doing just fine, finally in college. Such as big boy now" She winks.

Grace and I go way back. She used to look after to me when I was little. She's 10 years older than me. So she's 28 currently.

"Did you manage to sneak me a room to my self" I grinned hoping for a good answer. She chuckles.

"You know You have to have a roommate but don't worry I paired you with a shy but cute boy so you should have no problem" She winks. Grace knows I'm bisexual and she's always excepted me, thats many reason on why I love her.

I pout "Not fair" but I ended up grinning. She hands me my key. I kiss her cheek before heading off.

I headed up to my dorm room and dumped my bag on the bed, maybe my roommate wont be here for another day or so.

I headed into the bathroom, needing a much needed shower. Bus germs are gross. And no I'm not a germophobic I just prefer to be clean thats all. I stepped under the hot water feeling my tense muscles relax.

Hot water is the best feeling after playing football all season. Now I just gotta wait for next season to play again but until then I'll be attending Classes on psychology.

Just as I finish up in the shower I heard the door open and shut. Guess my roommate is here. I got changed into some other clean clothes and Opened the bathroom door revealing a skinny, long haired boy at his bed.

"Hello" I said nicely Causing him to whipped around. "Sorry I didn't meant to scare you" I chuckled while the boy stared at me with big grey doe eyes.

He's kinda cute I thought to myself smiling at the thought. "Hi" He squeak, he seems very shy.

"So you're my roommate huh" I looked him up and down. He was tallish, had longish black hair that fell on his face, big grey doe eyes and very pale skin.

Suddenly he looked really familiar then it clicked. "I know you, Keegan right" I think he may be confused now.

"Wow forgotten me already Keegan, we were in the same group together on the last day of school" I chuckled at his expression. "A-alex" He stutters out. Awh so cute.

"Thats Me" I yelled happily, He flinched backwards "Oh sorry" I noticed he doesn't like loud noises. "You're a shy one arent ya" I smile at the pale boy before me.

"yeah I guess" He says ever so softly. He turned around and continued to unpack. I jumped on my bed and laid down needing a nap.

"You're not gonna unpack anything?" His soft voice Asked. "Nope, Ill do it tomorrow, I ain't in a rush to do a single thing" I grin laying my head back down. He seems alright to live with.

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