《Diary Of An Archaeologist - Wattys 2019 Non-fiction Winner》Winners of the Archaeological Halloween Contest


The moment has arrived to announce the winners, but first I would like to thank all who participated and took the time to write a story on this prompt. I had a lot of fun reading each and every one of them, although I had a little trouble finding them through the tag search of Wattpad. A good lesson for me if I chose to launch another contest.

But now I would like to give the spotlight to the two winners of the Archaeological Halloween Contest: &

Fantastic story from begging to end. I loved the amount of detail you managed to put in such a short story that was both gripping and surprising. In your writing style, it's clear that you have done your research on Etruscan culture, which I was so pleased by because it is an often overlooked culture. I was also pleasantly surprised by the ending, which I won't spoil here, but I did not see it coming.

Well done, I would also recommend everyone who likes non-fiction stories to check out Gianna's 'The War Among Us'.

If The Mummy and the Indiana Jones movies had a baby, this would be it. From the ominous signs of decay and cold that keep popping up to the mysterious sarcophagus, it invoked the timeless classic horror stories in my mind. And I loved every second of it. Although you have the same Achilles heel as me; grammar. Despite that, the ending left me wanting more; I wanted to know who the mummy was, where everyone had gone, you could write an entire novel about this, and I would happily read it.


If any of the winners need help adding the sticker to their cover, feel free to pm me. I'll gladly lend you a hand.

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