《My Husband》6
Удам залгах хүүхдийг нь ч төрүүлж өгөөгүй би өөрийгөө Жунины хайрыг хүртэж байсандаа одоо ч итгэж өгөхгүй нь.
Түүний дэргэд нь хамт хэвтээд энгэрт нь наалдан унтаж байгаа өөртөө уур хүрч байна.
Түүний дэргэд цугтаа өөд өөдөөсөө харан хооллож байгаа өөртөө уур хүрч байна.
Түүний дэргэд хамтдаа буйдан дээр суун кино үзээд инээлдэж байгаа өөртөө уур хүрч байна.
Түүний дэргэд нэг дээвэр доор амьдарч байгаа өөрийгөө би үзэн ядаж байна.
Гэхдээ би түүнийхээ дэргэд хором мөч бүрийг хамт өнгөрүүлэхдээ жаргалтай байна...
Бурхан та бидэнд хамт байх боломж олгосон хэрнээ яагаад үүрд хайрлалцах боломж олгоогүй юм бэ?
Түүнийг надад өгсөн шигээ удмыг нь залгах хүүхдийг нь ч гэсэн өгч болохгүй гэж үү?
Хэлгүй, Дүлий, Сохор байсан ч хамаагүй ээ тэр бяцхан амьтан бидэнд ирэх гэж их зовсон гээд бид түүнийг бусдаас илүү хайрлах болноо. Гуйя бурхан минь.
намайг гэсэн тэр агуу хайр нь буцаад ирэх ч
- In Serial25 Chapters
The Big Bang System
Our protagonist dies at a young age to an unfortunate accident but is startled when she then wakes up in a small wooden shack. Opening the door, what she sees, or rather doesn't see, shocks her... Big Bang System initialising. if you want to ask questions or if you have any suggestions feel free to join the discord https://discord.gg/789xxnv
8 57 - In Serial12 Chapters
Fight To Live Another Day
A world full of abundant beauty and energy, populated by wondrous creatures.Renn, a human boy was tossed into the wilderness and should have died, when everything changed for him as a wolf mother found him and took him into her loving care.But meanwhile, a mysterious darkness overshadows the world... -Credits to Kyo-chan12 for the cover-
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The Pillar of Enera
Eight children leave their mother's strict upbringing in the arctic to explore Enera, a world where the planet's fractured crust floats in the sky. They join other adventurers on the Isle of Dreams hoping to one day be inscribed on the Wall of Legends and receive eternal life. While mastering their martial arts and magic, they must also discover who they are, fend off assassins, and prevent another Dark Age.
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Empress' Evolution
The bright red light of the flames swallowed her vision but soon that red light transformed into a blue hue and she was dragged into that light. ‘What’s happening?’ It was too bright and she was forced to close her eyes, she was blinded — even though she was already dead. After being pulled into the light she began to feel annoyed as her skin was irritated by some kind of rough sand. By the time she opened her eyes. She could see the full view of the sky. It was blue and there were clouds scattered about. ‘Ugh, is this Hell?’ She stated as she rubbed her head with her fluffy and furry ‘hand’. ‘Furry?’ She looked at her ‘hands’ and her mouth opened wide. Her hands had become soft and fluffy paws of a white-furred beast with purple spots. ‘What the hell?’ She touched her face with her paws and confirmed that it too did not belong to a human. Below, she felt something was moving, she can tell as if it was another limb connected to her. ‘Don’t tell me!’ Turning her head around, she found a seven-inch tail sticking out behind. ‘Phew!’ She felt relieved that it wasn’t what she thought it was. “These soft and paws, this cuddly fluffy hair, this cute tail — ah shit, did I become a beast after my death or have I been dreaming of being human as a beast all this time? If it is the latter that is one long and realistic dream.” === [It’s the former, stupid *] === Said a woman’s voice from in her head. === As always thank you for reading, also the image in the cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest and thought it was cool and suitable. All credits got to the illustrator. Also, this is a new type of story that I have not read about yet. Basically I am writing an evolution novel without prior knowledge so I don't really know what is considered cliche in this genre.
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Pennywise the Dad!
I decided to do this story because a lot of my friends say that I look like pennywise and that he's my dad(which i can see and okay with) and i thought if this story.There's a bit of a spoiler if you haven't read the book: Pennywise in his spider form gives birth to his off spring but finds out only 1 lived. Pennywise and all his horror friends all help raise his little clown baby and teach her how to use her powers. What could go wrong with horror villains who kill children trying to help raise an alien demonic shapeshifter clown baby spawn?
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Always There || Greta Van Fleet
Jaime has lived next door to the Kiszka's her entire life but how quickly life can change when their band finally starts getting the recognition they deserve. A story of love, friendship, and appreciating the ones who were always there... before it's too late.-"When you've spent your whole life waiting for the love of your life, what happens when you discover they were always there?"
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