《My Husband》3
Жунин бид хоёр нэг албан байгууллагт цугтаа ажилладаг юм. Жунин гүйцэтгэх захирлын албан тушаалтай бол харин би Загварын хэлтсийн ахлах хийдэг үүрэгтэй.
Саяхан хэд хоногийн өмнө Жунины нарийн бичиг залуу гадаад ОХУ-Д гэр бүлээрээ амьдрахаар болж түүнд минь шинэ нарийн бичиг хэрэгтэй болсон тул тэрээр ажилд авах зар тавьж хамгийн туршлагатай гэсэн нэгнийг сонгож чадварлаг эмэгтэй нарийн бичиг ажилд авав.
Түүний шинэхэн нарийн бичиг нь үнэхээр үзэсгэлэн төгөлдөр, бүх юм нь таарсан жигд гуалиг өндөр сайхан биетэй учир манай ажлын газрын ганц бие эрчүүд түүнд хөл алдан араас нь гүйнэ.
Манай ажлын газрын хүмүүс
"Сүжон ирснээс хойш манай ганц бие эрчүүд түүнд хөл алдаж байнаа. Жүхён, Жэнни хоёр ч хүчтэй өрсөлдөгчтэй болж дээ" хэмээн жиг жуг хийцгээх нь мэр сэр сонсогдоно
Тэдний энэ хов жив хийсэн ярианд би тийм ч их ач холбогдол өгсөнгүй, учир нь би чинь нөхөртэй хүн шүү дээ. Жүхён ч бас үүнийг нээх их тоогоогүй гэж бодож байна , учир нь ерөнхий захирлын ганц хүү, ирээдүйд энэ байгууллагын залгамжлагч У Сэүн тэр хоёр сүй тавьсан хосууд билээ.
Жүхён буюу Аирины тухайд гэвэл тэр миний хамгийн дотны найз мөн манай байгууллагад нүүр царайгаар ажилладаг үзэсгэлэнтэй эмэгтэй.
Энэ хэсэг жоохон утгагүй болчихлоо тэ?
Сүжон буюу Кристал нь өмнө нь манай Жунинтай үерхдэг байсан эмэгтэй бөгөөд алдарт F(X) хамтлагийн гишүүн бөлгөө.
When Lake wakes up in hell, he's a little upset. All those horrifying demons outside aren't helping his mood, and neither is the fact that he has no food and water. But at least he has a game UI to help him out! Hopefully the situation doesn't get worse from here...
8 89Wish of the End
Somewhat unemotional, and cynical main character who is bored of monotony of normal days. Walking to a two graves, he slowly looked at them and said-"""How long has it been?"With silence as answer he slowly turns back and walks away."""I will visit soon again mom, dad..."""" said person with dead fish eyes, walking as sun was setting, giving red and depressing feel to the scene as he was descending the graveyard. Yeahh....dunno what to write more, don't want to spoil. Follow our main character as he will be in world not as boring as ours and live dream, all of us want.-Disclaimer: I will definitely make MC be OP. As i not just like op main characters--- I LOVE THEM!!!. I hate harems, not just hate but I DESPISE THEM!!!!... so no harem. English is not my first language so pardon my errors in story.
8 184The 900 lives
Sabela is an 18 year old girl who lived all her life away from civilisation, in a hut with, her father and brother, working day in and day out in the boring job of cutting down trees. However, she does not want to be a lumberjack for all her life. Her greatest wish is to become an adventurer in the guild of the Children of the Sun and fight against all kinds of evil monsters that threaten the peace of the Green Moorland. Sabela also wants to avenge the death of her mother, who was a Son of the Sun adventurer killed by the fearsome Monster King Maeloc. He is a sinister character who moves in the shadows of the Kingdom as he weaves an evil plan to end it up. A few days after her birthday, she defeats a monster that wanted to eat her brother in the forest. Sabela decides that she will become an adventurer. However, it won't be easy for her as she dies in her first fight. Fortunately, this is not the end of her adventure, because Sabela receives a gift from a mysterious force: 900 more lives, which she can use to become a legendary adventurer and put an end to the life of her mother's murderer, Maeloc. This is how Sabela begins her adventure, one in which she will meet allies such as Rodolfo, a somewhat snooty healer, Melinda, a bit irritating snotty wizard, and Laura, an art history teacher who doesn't know really well what she is doing in a fantasy world. Together, they will face a multitude of dangers, but the question is... Will 900 lives be enough for Sabela to defeat the evil Monster King?
8 151Healing Hearts ❤ Derek Hale ✔ (Under construction)
(Previously titled as Teen wolf Derek hale)Layla McCall is Scott McCall's twin sister and is best friends with the crazy and sarcastic stiles. What happens when she meets this mysterious guy who lives in the woods and what will happen when she finds out their mates?!Will they fall in love? Read and find out! (Season 1&2)
8 130Bts oneshots
sweet and smut one shots of bts. Boy×boyRecommendations are allowed.
8 210silence; vkook
In which Jungkook only ever hears silence.
8 134