《Rock Star's GF》Chapter 11


Eddie fuckin Munson...what a little shit.

The guy always finds a way to get involved in the shadiest shit imaginable and I mostly stopped being surprised at the wild shit he tells me a long time ago.

I'd have to say that my favorite thing about Eddie is that not only does he constantly get himself into trouble but he also gets me involved somehow.

Asking me to cover his ass for Benny is one of the lesser favors I've granted Sir Edward over the years as our legendary DM and it will definitely involve

a) getting yelled at

b) getting yelled at but in public just to spice things up


c) all of the above while dodging the small projectiles Benson's definitely gonna throw at my head

Good old Benny boy...at least he's consistent. What a national fucking treasure.

The problem with covering Eddie's ass is that it's a fucking photo opp so I don't know what he expects will happen when Benny pulls up and sees an Edward-sized hole in our group photos. Plus the press will go feral asking all types of questions we don't have the clearance to answer and Eddie's absence would fuel the fire if we made it on the front page or a feature article.

Either way I would do what I could since I owe Eddie for some decent years back in high school when he was our DM for Hellfire Club.

Me, Jeff, and Eddie all graduated 3 years ago and finally had our big break. It was an opportunity to move on from Hellfire to heavy metal and all of us agreed it was the best decision we ever made.

The Corroded Coffin gig's been pretty sweet so far and I'm kinda glad I didn't have to part ways with the freak squad after high school. College would've killed me and Eddie, that's for sure. Jeff's pretty smart so he'd probably do fine but it wouldn't be the same band without him.


The very same way Corroded Coffin won't be the same band without Eddie here for the photos.

The shit he said about the guy stalking y/n was definitely sketchy and I didn't want anything happening to her obviously but I don't really see how he has a choice. Plus I can't think of a single excuse Benny would actually accept if we're being honest. I shot another text Eddie's way the moment I saw Benny's black sedan pull up to the studio lot.

Shit shit shit he just walked in downstairs.

I ran out to the hallway towards the elevator and called it up before Benny could get in. Stepping inside I mentally prepared for the various magazines I was about to get hit with when Benson realized I was responsible for this.

Do it for a brother in need, right? Plus it's kinda hilarious thinking of how red Benny's head is gonna get when he can't use the elevator and baby rages in the lobby.

Enjoying that visual, I started pressing every single button from the 4th to the 9th floor and stepped out before I got stuck in my own act of sabotage. Hopefully his little friend at the desk up front gives him a sympathy suck or something and he forgets all about the stairs in the back of the building.

Just to test my theory, I ran back to the studio and paged the ground floor phone. Benny's "girlfriend" picked up and almost immediately told me off for keeping the line busy. In the background I could hear faint dinging as the elevator started traveling rapidly to all the upper floors and then heard a much louder "godfuckingdamnit" from Benny in the background. I pretended to oblige her request to open up the line and hung up, very much pleased with myself. Thankfully Eddie hit me with a text at that moment promising to be here in 5 minutes with y/n and I just hoped Benson didn't get bored enough to start using his sleuthing skills to figure out who fucked with the elevators.

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