《Rock Star's GF》Chapter 10
AAA got to the parking garage surprisingly quickly while me, Eddie, and Stuart waited by the car for them to remove the tire lock. The whole time the two guys driving the truck kept wondering aloud how the lock could've possible gotten onto my tire inside a parking garage and I had to kick Eddie in the shins multiple times to keep him from snitching on Stuart. Finally they left and I piled our weird crew back into my car so we could get to Dirtbag and figure this whole robbery situation out.
As we began driving Eddie kept hmphing from the backseat and finally I had enough and glared at him through the rear view mirror.
"Are you quite finished yet, Edward?"
He rolled his eyes.
"Actually no I'm not. Not even close. Cuz ya know what I wanted to be doing right now? Sleeping. Ya know what waking up early got me? A stolen phone, a stalker, and a goddamn Scooby Doo mystery on our hands."
From the backseat I heard Stuart mutter "Ruh roh, someone's grouchy," and resisted the urge to laugh.
Eddie glared at him and continued ranting.
"I could've stayed in bed and guess what I would've gotten instead? Some PEACE AND FUCKING QUIET," he groaned.
"Dude relax. Think of it this way: have you ever been on the other side of the tabloids like this before? Usually you're on the subject's side of things getting interviewed and having your words twisted and whatnot. Now you're on the journalists' side and we get the scoop on things wayyy before the general public. It's our narrative for the making, right?"
I nodded at Stuart's words and was starting to like the little dude despite our very unsettling start.
After the whole fiasco with the break in, Stuart, Benson, and the record label turf war we unwittingly stepped into, I was pretty much exhausted and ready to unwind when Eddie and I finally got home.
One thing I had heard early this morning slowly returned to my mind and it echoed in my head as we walked into my condo and shut the door.
"Wait did you call me your girlfriend?"
Eddie turned to me in confusion.
I tilted my head and concentrated on the showdown in the parking garage this morning.
"When you were intimidating Stuart...didn't you say something about protecting your girlfriend...or something?"
He grinned softly and bent down to pet Josie.
"I don't know. Did I?"
I scoffed and put Josie's food down with her carrots pre-made. Eddie had insisted on teaching me Benson's meal prep deal since "I fucking despise it but the dude always has his shit together so maybe it'll help you keep Josie's schedule regular," and so far it was looking like 1 point for Benson.
Eddie made his way to the sink and washed his hands for a long time, which made me give him a look.
I know this man isn't trying to use the faucet to drown out my girlfriend questions right now.
Finally I turned the faucet off and threw a hand towel at him.
"Christ Munson you're gonna get pruny. AND you still haven't answered my question so confess already...or I'll be forced to take extreme measures."
He laughed and wielded the towel like a weapon.
"Oh yeah? You think you're the only one who can dish out some cold hard punishment?"
I put my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows at him. He smirked when he realized what he'd said and tossed the towel on the counter as he crept towards me.
"Okay not what I meant but also not a bad idea. What do you think, y/n? You down for a little punishment tonight?"
I slowly backed away from him as a playful smile crept onto my face.
"Hmmm you know I may have to think on that one. And besides," I backed into the hallway as he followed me and got ready to turn heel and run, "I thought boyfriends were nice to their girlfriends."
As his face lit up I turned and booked it into my room, laughing as he chased after me and tackled me onto the bed. He stared down at me as he tried to hide a smirk and looked into my eyes searchingly.
"So you're calling me your boyfriend now, huh?"
I wiggled my eyebrows at him and mimicked his sly tone from earlier.
"I don't know. Am I?"
He smiled and kissed me softly before trailing his kisses down my body.
He tugged my clothes off without breaking the kisses for more than a few seconds and began caressing every inch of me. His stubble tickled my stomach as he made his way down and he laughed when I shivered at the sensation.
I knew where his mind was at and wanted him desperately to do what he did best to me.
"Will you...you know? Do the thing?"
Even though he's technically my boyfriend now I'm still super shy about asking him directly for stuff so I hoped he knew what I was talking about.
"Is this you telling me you want my head between your thighs, princess?"
I looked at him a little shocked.
"Um...yes. Please," I added, trying to ignore it.
Literally the one time he tried to call me princess I said it felt degrading and he agreed not to do it again. Honestly I just don't want it coming out of his mouth while he's using that deep husky voice he gets when he's horny...otherwise I might start to like it.
"Mmm well whatever the princess wants I shall faithfully deliver."
Okay now he's definitely antagonizing me.
"Oh absolutely not sir. You do not get to call me princess and still get a taste," I chastised, closing my legs before he could get his head between them.
A smirk crossed his lips and he climbed up next to me on the bed and cupped my face with his hand, turning my face towards his.
"Aw don't play this game with me."
"I'm not! It's...degrading."
His smirk intensified and he slowly reached his hand down to squeeze my thigh.
"Hmm. Well I have a theory," he slid his hand between my legs and I opened them just a little, "that you like it more than you wanna admit."
He ran his hand over me and smiled widely, holding up his fingers so I could see them.
"See? Look at what one little word did to you."
I looked at his wet fingers and tried to compose myself.
"Okay that's just...a fluke. You were about to eat me out just a second ago anyways! That's what did it."
Eddie rolled his eyes and licked his fingers, holding eye contact as he slid them inside me. I blushed and he started pumping them in and out slowly while he kissed my neck.
"Mmm I don't believe you."
After a minute he looked up at me and tilted his head.
"Can I get the Hitachi?"
I couldn't keep his intense eye contact and looked away before nodding.
He laughed and sprung off the bed to grab it from the drawer across the room.
I smiled to myself at how excited Eddie got whenever we did anything sexual. He acted like it was a treat or something and it was really cute. Usually he's pretty playful anyways but he uses this really specific tone whenever he's turned on and it honestly turns me on hearing him use it.
He walked back to the bed and sat next to me with his back leaned against the headboard. He beckoned me over to his lap and I hesitantly settled in between his legs. Eddie looked across the bed at the mirror we had hanging on the wall and wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I raised an eyebrow myself and looked over my shoulder at him.
"You're so odd."
He shrugged and gently pulled me into his chest.
"Yeah but don't act like you don't love it."
I scoffed and turned away from him.
"Yeah okay Munson."
He chuckled and bent both his legs over mine, propping them open. I gave him a confused smile in the mirror and he met it with a mysterious smile of his own. Trying to figure out what this pose was, I experimented with trying to close my legs and he immediately resisted my attempt. A look of understanding crossed my face and I looked back at him.
"Oh shit."
Eddie pushed my hair away from my ear and leaned in.
"This is gonna be a lot of fun."
I rested my hands on his thighs and glanced at the vibrator he had set next to us. He must have noticed my head turn towards it because he snatched it up and held it up to my mouth.
I smirked and did what he said. He kissed my jaw and lowered the wand towards my clit. He switched it on and turned it up to 4 (out of 10), tracing circles around my clit without touching it. After a few minutes of teasing I looked up at him.
"Is this punishment?"
He smiled and shook his head.
"Not at all. You just have to tell me how much you want it."
I blushed and looked down. I love all the degrading and exhibitionist type freaky stuff Eddie does with me BUT he knows I'm still kinda shy about asking him to do things. I nervously bit my lip and tried to build up the courage to say it when thankfully Eddie swooped in and interrupted my thoughts.
"Come on princess. Tell me how bad do you want this on your sensitive little clit."
I blushed even harder as he smirked at me in the mirror.
Oh lord.
"I want it...really bad. Please," I added.
He chuckled and turned the vibrator up from 4 to 5 before pressing it directly onto my clit. Immediately I started squirming at how intense it felt and I could see Eddie grinning like a maniac as he watched me struggle as the minutes ticked by to take all that power from the Hitachi. He started moving the vibrator in circles again, clearly enjoying the way it made me squirm.
I arched my back and he started moving the wand in even faster circles, making my whole body feel paralyzed with pleasure.
Eddie was clearly loving this borderline torture and chuckled as I finally came all over the wand.
"Now what do you say when someone gives you what you want?"
I felt my cheeks warming and I looked up at him in the mirror.
"Thank you."
"That's right," he grinned, "Now this time try not to wiggle so much or I'll have to hold you down."
My eyes widened and I realized that of course Eddie would keep up his pattern of overstimulating me.
"Let's start on 6 this time, yeah? Make things more interesting."
Eddie switched the Hitachi back on and ran it over my chest in little teasing circles. I looked in the mirror and watched a grin spread across his face as he teased me again. It only took a few moments before I was asking him to give it to me and he just laughed at my begging. Finally he ran the vibrator over my clit and I gasped at how much stronger it was than the 4.
He held it there for a few seconds before taking it away. I squirmed a little and he put it back for a few seconds before pulling it away again. He did this a few more times until I involuntarily whined impatiently. Eddie pushed my hair away from my ear and rested his head against mine, his lips grazing my ear.
"Tell me what you want."
"I want it on my clit."
He hovered the wand right above me and smiled at me in the mirror.
"I'll let you have it but first you have to promise me something."
I tilted my head in confusion but nodded.
"I need you to promise that you're not gonna get shy and look away from me if I give you what you want. Can you do that?"
I looked at him nervously but also a little thrilled. His voice sounds so fucking hot when he gets like this.
"I promise."
He kissed my head and wrapped a veiny hand around my neck firmly.
"Very good."
Eddie held the vibrator against my clit and it was already so intense I wanted to scream.
It only took a few minutes before I was struggling against him trying to close my legs and feeling his muscles flex as he held me down only intensified how good the wand felt against me. I gripped his thighs as I tried to pull myself out of his arms and he moaned softly, leaning his head back as my nails dug into him through his boxers. When he looked back up at the mirror, he turned the vibrator up to 8 and groaned happily as I jerked away from it. Between incoherent moans and whines I somehow fit in an "ohmyfuckinggod" and saw his face light up in the mirror.
The hand he had around my neck moved up over my mouth and my eyes widened as he held my head back tightly against his chest so that I was looking up at him. His brown eyes were shiny with happiness and seeing him this into giving me orgasms sent a jolt throughout my body. He slowly rubbed the wand in circles and I felt my eyes roll back in my head as I fought to sit up and get in a less vulnerable position.
Eddie shook his head like he was disappointed in me and spoke to me in a mocking tone.
"Fuck is my baby getting sensitive? Is that too much?"
I moaned around his hand and his thumb stroked my face as he gripped me tighter against his chest. He cranked the vibrator up to 9 and smiled cruelly as I grabbed onto any part of him I could in a futile attempt to stop him.
I nodded as best I could through the intensity and he looked down my body at the wand.
"Yeah? Those little circles around your clit just make you wanna scream, don't they?"
He sped up the circles and I felt like I was ascending. Everything felt so good but so fucking intense I felt like my brain was gonna explode. He looked down into my eyes and tilted his head, groaning happily as I bucked my hips against him.
"Oh my god. Give it to me, y/n, come on. Give me another gorgeous little orgasm."
He smiled cruelly down at my wide eyes and cranked the Hitachi all the way up to 10.
Instantly my eyes rolled back and even though he was covering my mouth the neighbors definitely heard me screaming. I gave him the orgasm he wanted and prepared to wind down from the intensity but he sped up the circles around my clit and I finally let go of his thighs and gripped the hand holding the wand with my nails. He shook his head at me and grinned with a dark look in his eye.
"Put those hands away and fucking take it."
Holy fucking shit.
Through his hand I struggled to cry out a "please" and he responded by rubbing circles against my clit even faster.
"Please please please. You think that's gonna stop me? Cuz I gotta admit...you're just making me wanna torture you even more," he taunted.
I squeezed my legs together as hard as I could but I was weak from the overstimulation and he overpowered me easily. I gripped his thighs again and then his upper arm and finally his face, trying anything and everything to get him to have mercy on me. He shook his head again and smiled down at me.
"I'm so sorry baby but you're only done when I say you're done...and right now I just wanna watch you fucking break."
My eyes were rolling back more often then they were staying forward but I could see him grinning with those deceptive doe eyes and those goddamn dimples that fucking melt me every time I lay eyes on them. I grabbed the arm holding the vibrator again and looked at him while I fought back tears of ecstasy and he gave me a pitying look.
"Aww poor baby. Tell you what: I'll be nice but first I want another one of those pretty little orgasms before I let you go."
It only took about 20 seconds for that one to happen. His words and tone sent me over the edge like always and he moaned with me as I came all over the vibrator for who knows what number orgasm. He slowed his circles and eventually took the wand off.
Eddie took his hand off my mouth and pushed my hair away from my face so I wouldn't overheat too much from all the overstimulation. He leaned over and kissed me passionately, moaning into my mouth as he ran his hands over me. All I could do was whimper and he groaned again as he squeezed my chest and started leaving a hickey on my collarbone.
My whole body was limp and I just stared at him with a dazed smile on my face.
Eddie finally looked up from sucking on my neck and slowly slid out from under me, moving all our pillows around so I was resting in a soft little nest. He went around to other side of the bed and climbed over, gently grabbing my hands and planting kisses on them before letting those kisses trail up my arms and over my neck. I used the energy I had left to wrap my arms around him once his kisses made it back to my collarbones and he gave me a much more innocent smile than I had seen the past hour or so.
"You really are beautiful, y/n. It's kinda unbelievable actually."
Eddie's voice was soft now and once again the contrast startled me. He continued his trail of kisses all the way down my body taking his time on every curve. The kisses were so gentle it made me wanna cry and slowly I realized he was mumbling "oh my god" under his breath as he worked his way down. He avoided my clit (thank god) and trailed his gentle kisses down my thighs all the way to my ankles. Then he wiggled his way back up to my thighs and stared lovingly between them, his eyes flicking up at me every few seconds to see if I would let him use his tongue,
I looked down at him and shook my head, my eyes pleading him not to. He slowly spread my legs and I shivered as he gently blew air against my clit. It was a little odd but felt kinda good considering I was so incredibly sensitive right now.
Eddie smiled at how my legs immediately tried to close around his head and he looked down at me with unreadable eyes.
"I kinda feel bad I made such a mess of you. It just doesn't feel right not cleaning it up now."
I regained a bit of strength and held myself up on my elbows.
"You really don't have to, Eddie."
He smiled and looked between my legs again.
"I don't know I kinda think I do."
"Eddie. If you use your tongue after all that I think I'll actually cry."
He smiled and leaned in closer, his mouth millimeters away from me.
"You sure? I'll make it quick."
I smiled breathlessly and cupped the side of his face.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
He rested my legs over his shoulders and wrapped his arms under my thighs and around my waist. At this point everything he did made my body react and he ran his hands up my body, smiling as I shivered at his touch.
He leaned closer and looked up at me with his doe eyes and kissed my clit as I squirmed. He pulled away and looked between my legs before looking back up at me and doing it again. I shakily put my hand against his forehead and tried to push him away but he ducked under and started licking softly. I immediately arched my back to get away from his tongue and he grabbed my hand and placed my palm behind his head, using it to push himself closer to me. I gripped his hair and closed my thighs around his head, making him groan happily.
He pushed his head deeper between my thighs and I could feel his tongue on my clit again. I squeezed tighter but he just sped up and I couldn't stand it another second.
"Eddie please fuck I can't do it anymore. Please no more? Please? It's too much holy shit."
Eddie finally nodded and pulled his head out, closing my legs and grabbing my hands again to hold them sweetly in his.
"Okay baby okay. No more tongue. How about a towel then? I mean I still wanna clean up my mess but I agree that you definitely might cry if I get my tongue in between those thighs again."
I shivered and smiled at him gratefully. He winked and hopped off the bed to go grab a towel and I laid back in bed contemplating the past week.
No one could have ever predicted my life would come to this.
Especially me.
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Vast Asleep
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