《Rock Star's GF》Chapter 8


Eddie was still burning holes into Gareth's head with his eyes when he huffed and wrapped an arm around my waist. My stomach fluttered as I got flashbacks from earlier today when we had our fun in my office. He must have been thinking the same thing because suddenly he snaked his other arm around my waist and held me tightly.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip so I could stop thinking about the office in public but he held on tightly. Without a word he gently slid me onto one knee and started bouncing it. It definitely jolted me and I realized what he was trying to do, grabbing his wrists to try and loosen his grip. I still had my skirt on so there was barely any fabric between me and his leg and every bounce was starting to do things to me. I frantically glanced around the room to see if anyone had noticed but no one was paying us any attention at the moment.

Pulling harder I finally removed his arms and quickly stood up, turning around to chastise him. He smiled and pulled me onto his lap again so that I had to face him this time. He put me right back on his knee and locked his arms around my waist immediately. The bouncing started again and I gave him a "what the hell are you doing" look.

He smirked and sped up his pace as he looked me up and down. It had only been a few hours since the office and admittedly I was still a little sensitive from that moment so this forced knee-riding was getting me flustered way quicker than it should have. Eddie grinned as I started squirming a little and leaned closer to whisper in my ear.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

I blushed and shook my head, refusing to feed into his shit. He gently began moving my hips back and forth and I immediately grabbed his hands to stop him. I leaned forward and put a hand on his chest.

"Eddie stop it," I whispered.

He locked eyes with me and continued moving my hips while he sped up his knee-bouncing. I closed my legs as best as I could around his knee to stop the sensation but it didn't help. Eddie smirked up at me and watched me blush again as I tried to pretend nothing was going on in case someone looked over at us. I looked around the room again and when I looked back at Eddie he pulled me into a kiss. His lips were soft and the kiss itself was so sweet in contrast with the public humiliation he was putting me through on his lap. He pulled away and grinned, opening his mouth a little as he looked down at his lap. He pushed my hips back and groaned while I held in a gasp.

There was a wet spot on his pants from me.

Oh god.

I looked at him horrified and he grinned, holding up a finger to his lips. I glared at him and tried to pull myself off his lap before it got any worse. He looked over at Gareth and then at the producer behind us to make sure no one was looking before tugging my underwear to the side. I widened my eyes at him and shook my head frantically.

"We are in public," I hissed into his ear.

"Guess you better stay quiet then," he whispered back.

He took his thumb and started rubbing gentle circles around my clit. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the feeling so I wouldn't alert anyone to what was going on but he slowly slid his fingers inside me and forced me to open my eyes. I looked at him pleadingly and he leaned in again to whisper in my ear.


"Every time you're not looking me in the eyes, I go faster. And harder," he growled.

I shivered and resisted the urge to glance around the room again to make sure no one was looking.

"Please don't do this to me," I whispered desperately.

Eddie smiled and tilted his head.

"But I love seeing you get all flustered."

He reached the thumb he had been using up and held it against my lips, forcing my mouth open. He smiled as I blushed harder and ran his thumb over my tongue.

"See, look at you. Beautiful," he whispered, returning the thumb to my clit and rubbing gently but definitely faster than before.

I fought the urge to whimper and grabbed both his shoulders desperately.

"I was looking at you!"

He shrugged and curved his fingers as he pumped them faster inside of me, the corners of his pretty brown eyes crinkling as he happily watched me struggle to handle what he was doing to me.

"Yeah I know. But now that I've seen it I think I'd rather just watch you squirm."

I looked at him with pure desperation and tried to move him away from the sweet spot that he had somehow found already. It worked for about 5 seconds before he corrected himself and then the full intensity was back. It was getting so fucking hard to stay quiet and I grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him before I got too noisy and drew attention to us.

Eddie smirked and threw his own head back a little as my nails dug into him, meeting my eyes again as he sat up. Suddenly he pulled his hand away and stood up. I quickly righted myself and looked at him with wide eyes, very much confused. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door, tapping Gareth's shoulder.

"I'll be back in 20. Cover for me."

Gareth smirked at me and nodded at Eddie. With that he pulled me out of the room and walked me down the hallway, pushing open a door marked "21D."

We stepped in and the first thing I noticed was that it was noticeably empty aside from a couch and a desk.

"Old studio moved out so we have it all to ourselves."

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Eddie I don't know how you think this works but I think any more stimulation from you might break some part of my brain."

He sat me down on the couch and got on his knees, pulling my legs over his shoulders so my body tilted up towards him. I immediately tried to sit upright so I wasn't so vulnerable to him but he held me tightly.

"How about a compromise?"

"A compromise?"

He nodded.

"Yeah. I won't hold your legs open...and you can squeeze me when you've had enough."

I already knew I wanted more but I pretended to think about it for a moment or two before giving in.

"Fine. But please be nice, okay?"

He nodded happily and softly started licking my clit. Almost immediately I threw my head back because it felt so good. It was really intense even though he was being gentle and I bit my lip to keep myself together. Eddie ran his hands up and down my thighs as his tongue ran over my clit and I couldn't help moaning softly, closing my legs around his head. Eddie kissed my thighs and looked up at me.


I nodded and he smiled before continuing.


The intensity was getting to me already and I felt my face heating up as Eddie gripped my thighs and dug his rings into my skin. I put a hand through his hair and he groaned into me before I felt him cupping his tongue. I shivered again and braced myself because he always did that right before he started the little sucking motions that sent me over the edge every single time. He honored my request and started slowly sucking on my clit much gentler than he had been at the office.

Even so, I couldn't hold back much louder moans than I intended and his eyes crinkled, smiling while he pleasured me.

Eddie's eagerness was sexy enough on its own but the fact that he was so good at finding all the right spots so that I'd get the best experience every time made him so much sexier.

Thinking of that on top of how good his tongue felt ignited something reckless inside of me and I gripped his hair a little tighter.


Immediately he pushed my legs back and intensified his speed so quickly that I had to fight back literal screams.

"Holyshitholyshit ohmygod Eddie," I whimpered.

My legs involuntarily closed and he squeezed my thighs roughly as they closed around his head again. The moment I arched my back he took the opportunity to put his hands underneath me, holding my whole body closer to him. I bucked my hips as I realized squeezing him with my thighs didn't actually stop him and he managed to follow my every move, keeping his tongue right over my clit. My whole body was fighting now trying to escape his tongue but he kept at it, shaking his head back and forth wildly. I barely kept myself from screaming and tried to push Eddie's head away.

I held him back for a few seconds and he smirked up at me.

"You think I'm gonna give up that easy?"

I shook my head and desperately tried to keep his head back but he found a way around it and simply pulled my body closer to his tongue since he couldn't move his head any further. Immediately my thighs tightened around him again and he moaned into me, the sound vibrating against my clit.

"Fuck ohmygod please no more," I begged.

He moaned into me and propped me up even closer to him, shaking his head back and forth as he gave me this intense eye contact that made me weak. After a few seconds of looking into his doe eyes I couldn't hold his gaze anymore and I felt my eyes roll back in my head for a second. I did everything in my power to get his tongue off my clit because the pleasure was completely overwhelming me now but he blocked my attempt to push his head away again by locking his hands in mine and pinning them to the couch. After a few more moments of pure ecstasy he finally took his tongue away and looked up at me with a satisfied look on his face.

"Holy shit. I'm sooo tempted to just absolutely fucking ruin you, y/n, you have no idea."

My hands were still pinned at my sides and he leaned in like he was going to lick my clit again. I whined and Eddie stopped, looking up at me with those innocent doe eyes that completely betrayed how deliciously cruel he could be.

He kissed my thighs and worked his way up until he was giving little kisses all around my clit. I squirmed and whimpered again, overwhelmed past the point of words. He laughed and released one of my hands to run his thumb over my clit.

"God look how sensitive you are now."

I tried to protest but genuinely felt so worn out that I barely raised my hand off the couch. Eddie smiled darkly at me and started rubbing slow circles over my clit again.

"Please," was all I could get out.

He bent down and spit inside me. I gasped and he smiled as he watched his spit drip down my body. He ran his thumb teasingly over my clit a few more times before finally having mercy on me.

He took his hands away and straightened up, grabbing my face with both hands. He kissed me passionately and smiled as he lovingly cupped my face. Pulling away, he looked me deeply in the eyes.

"Fuck. Everything about you is just so...mmm," he groaned, kissing down my neck.

I smirked.


He nodded.

"Mhm. I think I like those pretty little whimpers the most."

My face reddened at his words and I looked away.

Idk what kind of crack's in Eddie Munson's eye contact but its both addictive and scary at the same time.

He grabbed my jaw and forced me to look him in the eyes and I almost fainted at his next words.

"From now on though? You'll look me in the eyes when I fuck you, y/n. Understood?"

All I could do was give him a dazed nod and he smirked at me looking pleased with himself.

I shakily closed my legs and realized that the pressure alone was enough to make me squirm.

"Oh no," I muttered.


"I don't think I can...get up. Nothing hurts," I added quickly when Eddie's eyes widened with concern.

"I'm just a little nervous about remaining casual in the studio after this," I laughed.

Eddie smirked and pushed my hair out of my face to gaze into eyes.

"Poor baby. Well hey I can stay here with you instead of the recording stuff if you want. We'll just go whenever you're ready and I can drive us back...with GPS of course; I definitely haven't memorized your address."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wow. Really living up to your namesake aren't you, Edward?"

Eddie's eyes narrowed and he looked deeply offended.

"Don't you dare compare me to fucking Twilight. If I'm anyone in that show I wanna be the hairy dude that says 'where have you been loca?' That shit was the only funny line in the whole movie and I honestly doubt they did it on purpose."

I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the couch to try and unwind before I had to walk out of here and pretend my lower half wasn't covered in Eddie's spit. He sat next to me and slowly put an arm around me like he was still unsure if it was okay for him to touch me affectionately or something. I noticed his hesitation and snuggled into him in the hopes that he'd take a hint and understand that I did want his affection.

"So uh...just checking," Eddie blurted suddenly.

"But if we hadn't done all the uh...sex stuff just now...would you still wanna hang out with me like this? Like say sex was off the table for whatever imaginary reason; does that change anything for you?"

I looked at him in surprise. He seemed genuinely worried all of a sudden and though it was unexpected I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Benny's talk definitely planted that seed of doubt in his head about his feelings so I understood why he would ask.

I've rarely had to look for ulterior motives during sex but if he does that all the time...god I can't imagine living that way.

"You're asking me if I actually like you beyond physical attraction?"

I felt Eddie tense next to me and felt bad for him. I didn't know his history relationship-wise before now but I'm sure it hasn't been the best considering he was pushed into the limelight that most definitely brought in a bunch of people interested in Eddie for the wrong reasons.

"Well of course I do, Eddie. And hey maybe I shouldn't even admit this but I would honestly never dream of letting a guy have access to me the way you do with pure and not so pure context. Like these last few days have been super weird and surprisingly more enjoyable than I ever imagined when I saw you slumped behind that dumpster."

A small smile crossed Eddie's face and I looked over at him more intensely, turning his head to face mine for once.

"I can't tell you that I really understand it but I feel good around you with or without sex. I liked you even before you drunkenly offered me your morning wood so that's gotta count for something, right?"

Eddie's eyes went from happy to indignant at the last line.

"O-kay fuck off. We don't speak of that night anymore and we never will again."

I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Speak for yourself! I'm never letting you live it down."

"Oh I believe you. But be warned, there will be consequences" he chuckled, pulling me onto his lap again.

"Like I'll admit that I've never met a woman that made me wish I could live off of eating her out sooo maybe those consequences won't be so bad. In fact I've changed my mind: mention that night as often as you want as long as you can take what I give you."

I blushed and he smiled.

"There it is. See, I like that I knew that'd get to you! It's kinda cute actually seeing your face get so red."

I playfully pushed him and he smiled, pulling me in close to his chest.

"You know we're both probably crazy for doing this Eddie," I whispered.

He traced over my face with his doe eyes and nodded before leaning in for another deep yet always surprisingly sweet kiss.

"Crazy's good for me."

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