《The black phone ~imagines~》Nightmares (finney)


Finney was prone to nightmares, I mean isn't everyone? But for my poor finney they sometimes got too real.

As we slept soundly in our shared bed. Finney was restless. He'd always been a restless sleeper but tonight it was bad. The worst I've seen

I could feel the sweat pouring off his body

He was having a nightmare. About the grabber. This time the grabber got y/n. She was all he had and the thought of her being taken scared him.

He could never tell her though. She'd tell him he was crazy.

In this nightmare, finney went to save her. Once he reached the basement he saw the grabber stabbing her, over and over until every drop of blood in her body was drained

He woke up, screaming. Tears threatening to spill.

I jumped up, pulling him close to me. I could feel his heart racing.

Y/n- hey, finney it's ok, it's ok

He slowly calmed down.

I understood what he was going through. I dealt with it for months after robin.

Finney- Shit, I'm sorry for waking you

Y/n- finney, I told you it's ok

Finney- no it's not, you can't get a single night of peace with me!

Y/n- ok? It doesn't bother me finney!

As selfish as it was, I liked doing this. I liked comforting him. It made me feel needed. God it felt so good to be needed. At home my mother never acknowledged me and my dad hates me so for finney to need my 10 minutes of attention every night was amazing

Finney- he got you this time

We had now moved to the kitchen, I made him a warm cup of tea and sat next to him. He likes to talk about the nightmares

Y/n- what did he do to me?

He didn't answer. It must've been bad.

Y/n- he can't hurt you, or me , anymore finney. You killed him. He's gone, forever

It seemed like that was all he needed to hear. Just the reassurance that everything was ok. That nothing bad would happen.

That night I held him in my arms as he drifted back to sleep. Kissing his cheek, I slowly moved away from him and rested my head on my pillow before falling into a deep sleep, ready for my nightmares to being

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