《I SEE YOU|| A Vsoo FF ||》8. I Know



"And that's the plan, can you review please?" Jungkook asked.

Rose was sitting in the couch, processing what Jungkook just said, she was going to take this seriously, not only to go under BLACKPINK's back, but to discover her ability. Jungkook stood in front of the Tv waiting for rose's response, he was glad she fell for it, his intentions weren't what she thought, but she knew that, and that had to stick to her mind.

"Well, when Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie come back, yo would have to leave through the back door and go home, while you're doing that I will. . . " Rose thought.

"COME ON! You ALMOST got it!" Jungkook cheered.

"Then I will pretend I did something horrible! TERRIBLE! Then I will explain that your group came to attack me and that I killed one of you, and that I feel guilty about it. Then I will run through the door and of course Jisoo will chase me, I'll lead her to your warehouse and. . . then . . . what will you do too her! She's not only my leader! She's my friend!" Rose stood.

"Was your friend, they don't treat you right!" Jungkook defended.

Rose nodded they heard muffled voices. "THEIR COMING! GO!"

Jungkook was leaving and stopped, he turned and and pecked Rose's cheek "Thank you" He said. "No problem."

"I'm a nice actor" Jungkook thought to himself.


"You KILLED him?! Are you SURE!?" Jisoo questioned.

"YES! I'm sure! I carried him to the neighbors backyard, but I'm guessing the group took him!" She acted.

"Rose, calm down, we will solve this, it isn't bad- they provoked you, you had the right to defend yourself, besides, your ability may be defending, OR KILLING! YOU COULD JST HAVE CALLED US!!" Jennie Panicked.


"It isn't a big deal! I knocked off the cashier guy last week because he was starring at me eat!" Lisa Flexed.

"Guys, it's OK!-"

Rose Ran off according to the plan, she felt RIGHT! She felt free!

"ROSE WAIT!" Jisoo ran after her, of course she felt bad, Rose's team join anniversary was coming p, they had gone to the mall withouth her, to BUY her the gift, they couldn't give her the gift if she wasn't there!

Jisoo felt unfamiliar where the place she was in, Rose was nowhere to be seen, Jisoo went in into wat seemed to be an empty warehouse, unaware of what was in there she yelled "Rose?" She heard an echo of her voice.

"Well. . . well . . . well . . ." She heard a guy voice say.

"R-rose?" Now Jisoo was suspecting something wasn't right.

She was for the first time, scared.

Like a bunny fearing for it's life, very close to a wolf, more close that she thought.

"Who's there!" Jisoo yelled grabbing the knife in her sock quickly, so quickly, she hurt herself.

"ISH! Ouch!" She whispered.

"Hmm, Need some help?" She heard a deep voice now.

"Maybe she needs a band-aid" She heard the same girl voice as her last fight, but she knew it was guy.

She looked around.

"Come on, let's play!" She heard behind her, she didn't turn around but before that, she felt a force pull her waist, covering her mouth.

She saw a guy with wavy hair, blackish brown eyes, super soft skin, a brown leather jacket, and a white shirt.

"MMMMMM" Jisoo tried speaking, the guy had put a towel in her mouth, she held her breath, she twisted her leg behind him, making him fall, he fell backward with Jisoo.

Jisoo was facing up on top of him, weird position, but she could stand up now.

She looked back, picked up the towel the guy used, and said

"You should know it takes about 5 minutes to intoxicate someone with this smell, so what you see in movies, is FAKE."

He groaned, he stood up six more guys came from the shadows.

Oh no.

- - - - - -

I know :)

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