《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》Chapter twenty two


???: imagine being one of those authors who leave for almost an entire year and then coming back, believing that everything will be the same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Insomnia: that we are. . . . . I swear every time you make an amount your vocabulary decreases every time.

E: wha' chu' mea' fo'?

Insomnia: . . . . . . . . . . . Just start their story please

E: ok! *punches camera*

Insomnia: *just audio*. . . . . . *deep inhale* why did you do that?

E: *hums idk*

Y/n pov

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Why am I looking at the ceiling again? I thought to myself as I was laying down on my bed. I then looked over to my left to see the potato on the pile of ammo I had.

E: *mimicking Irish accent* oi potatoe. 'Ow long 'ave I been 'ere?

GlaD0s: I would prefer it if you called me by my assigned name. . . And to answer your question. You've been here for 5 days, 25 hours, 42 minutes, and approximately 52 seconds.

E: . . . . . . Huh. And I'm not dead yet?

GlaD0s: surprisingly.

E: *takes a deep breath and gets up* well I think I'm gonna visit that pub I saw a couple of days ago. Would you like to come and keep me accompanied?

GlaD0s: . . . . I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I am currently a potato.

Y/n: okay?

GlaD0s: I am currently giving off 1.1 volts. That is barely enough to keep this conversation and my self going.

Y/n: your kidding?

GlaD0s: no. I literally do not have the energy to lie to you.

Y/n: . . . . . Huh. Okay, guess I'll see you later.

A/n pov

Y/n grabs both his trench coat and his mask and puts them both on. He knocks on the door of his cell and Arther opens it on the other side. His optical glows white.

Y/n is it alright if I go to the. . . . . . . . . . . . Town. I guess?

It took Arther a second before his optical turn green and then he moved out of the way to let y/n pass.

Y/n: thanks

Y/n walked out and headed to the town as he heard arther close his cell door.

He then reached two doors and opened them. He walked through and started walking down the stairs. If I had to describe how the town was designed, I'd have to describe it like this. Their were about 5 different stair cases leading to the "hub" of the town. Along the stairs were either shops or Armouries that specialize in weapon modification or disassembling. Their were your occasional bank like buildings but most of them had a lot of security dew to all the raided that were forced here. Then there were also. . . . . . . . . . . Um



Insomnia: whats wrong?

E: *holding a script* Im not so secure if I feel comfortable saying this.

Insomnia: here let me see *puts on glasses and grabs script* oh. Its not that bad.

E: I just don't feel comfortable saying that first word.

Insomnia: . . . . . . You mean whore?

E: *mask changes to blushing* Y-Y-YES!

Insomnia: . . . . . Would you like me to say it?

E: . . . . . . N-no . . . . . I'll say it.

Insomnia: atta boy.


The second place was the pub he was talking about in the beginning. It was a two story building that was also a inn. Y/n was really craving something to drink since he's been getting his nutrients from potatoes. He reached the the final steps and turned to the pub which didn't seem that busy compared to the other buildings.

Y/n started making his way over there. Once he was infront of the doors he opened it and looked inside he say a bunch of tables, some stairs leading upstairs, the bar, and a kitchen in the back.

Y/n: oh shit this place is also a restaurant?

In almost an instant y/n walked in and closed the door behind him. He took one step and the floor creaked. He ignored and since almost no one was there no one cared. He walked over to the bar and saw some one under the counter. Y/n looked around and saw a bell. He rung it and it caught the person's attention

???: oh. Give me a sec please.

Y/n took a seat and put his arms on the counter of the bar. And looked at his scared hands.

???: okay done. Phew. Sorry for the wait. Sorry about the wait. Needed to restock. Now, what can I get you?

Y/n looked up and saw a cute girl in a maid outfit.

Y/n was shocked for a sec and blinked under his masked, then he shook his head and responded.

Y/n: . . . . . . . Those real? *points at wings*

???: pardon?

Y/n: sorry, I was just surprised from the wings. Umm . . . . . i'll just take a (f/ad)

(F/ad) = favorite alcoholic drink.

If you don't have one just think of jack daniels. Unless that is your favorite, so you have nothing to worry about.

???: alright give me a sec.

Y/n saw that she went the left and then got the (f/ad) down from the shelf.

???: ice or no ice?

Y/n: ice please.


She nodded and put ice in the cup. As she was doing that three people came through the door laughing. Y/n didn't pay to much mind to them except he looked over his shoulder to look at them.

(Ignore the guns in the first two)




???3: hey I got one.

???2: it better not be stupid.

???3: its not trust me.

???3:alright, do you know why divorces cost so much?

???1: no why?

???3: cause their worth it!

???3 started laughing at his own joke while the other two just stared at him.

???1: oooookay? Alright get take a booth ill get us some dinner.

???2 and ???3 went over to a booth near the door while still having a conversation

Meanwhile ???1 came over to the bar and put his elbow on the counter

???: hey meidri. . . . . Can we get the usual over at our booth?

Meidri: sure just give me a minute.

Meidri got out from the bar and then went over to the kitchen. Leaving y/n and ???1 alone. ???1 looked over at

Y/n as he took a shot with his mask only covering the top part of his face.

???: you're new arnt you?

Y/n put the shot glass infront of him on the counter and put his mask back over his face.

Y/n: yep. . . . . . Why you asking?

???: just wondering, and because I've never seen you around here.

Y/n turned his head to face ???.

Y/n: how long have you've been here?

??? Took a seat beside y/n

???: well. . . . . That depends how does it look on the surface.

Y/n: its still irradiated but now there are small town in location that aren't as much.

???: hmm. I think I've been here for allllmostttt. . . . . . . . Two or three years.

Y/n: *gets another glass of alcohol* and you've managed to recognize every face here?

???: only on this ground. We've never been able to fight the last beast here. To tough for us.

Y/n: hmm. . . .*swishs drink around the glass* would you like to here a joke?

???: sure.

Y/n: do you know the real reason to why you have to pay a prostitute?

???: *shuffles in seat* no. Tell me?

Y/n: its so they leave you alone afterwards.

They both looked at each other until they both let out a slight chuckle.

???: thats a good one.

Y/n: yes, yes it is.

???: you wanna hear an old saying of mine?

Y/n: sure.

???: life is good because we decide to make it good.

Y/n: wise words.

Y/n lifted his mask and took another shot before letting out a satisfied "ahhh". Then he put his mask on and-

SUDDENLY ??? Takes out a sword he had around his waist, while Y/n quickly smashes his bottle of alcohol and points it at ???.

(His sword)


???3 and ???2 both quickly got out of the booth and pulled out their weapons.


???1: NO I ASKED YOU!!!

???2: what the fuck is happening!!!

???1: you two stay out of this!

???1 then focused back onto Y/n and aimed his sword towards his mask.

???1: Take off your mask.

Y/n: you first.

???2: so can we relax?!

Both ???1 and Y/n turned too ???2 and then looked back at each other. They lowered their weapons.

???1: how about this, we both take of our masks at the same time.

Y/n: . . . . . . . . . Alright.

???1: okay.

Y/n dropped the broken bottle and ???1 put his sword away and they both reached for their masks.

???1: on three.

Y/n: yeah.

???: three

They both loosened the straps on their masks.

???: two.

They both grab onto the sides of their masks.

???: one.

Y/n took off his mask while ??? Took of his helmet and Y/n's eyes widened

E: *just audio* so it seem like I still haven't lost my touch eh insomnia?

Insomnia: nope, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . surprisingly.

E: whats that supposed to mean?

Insomnia: oh nothing.

E: hmm. Anyway hope yall enjoyed my comeback! Now ill just leave you guys with your meme and- . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insomnia whats this?

. . . . . .

Insomnia: looks like rope. . . . . . But darker.

E: yeah no shit I asking where it came fro- *GASP* WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? IT JUST WRAPPED AROUND MY WRIST!!!

Insomnia: oh shit!

*the sound of struggling and stuff crashing can be heard*


E: . . . . . . . . OW!

E: . . . . . Oh come on thats not even the right meme.

E: . . . Thanks insomnia. . . . .

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