《Huh....... neat. (Apocalyptic Realm x male "Latino" reader)》chapter Twenty


E: alright.... so I won't waste your time explaining it here at the beginning so I'll explain after y'all read thus chapter.

A/n pov.

Veronica: oh my god! How long are we gonna keep walking?

Beatrice: veronica please..... but seriously gaige where are we going?

Beatrice turns to Gaige.


Veronica: but how do you know that we're going In the right direction?

Gaige looked down and slightly pointed down.


Beatrice looked down to see tracks left behind by y/n's motorcycle.

Beatrice: oh.... how did we not notice that

Veronica: Shit! Then let's hurry and get to him.

Veronica went on all fours and ran following the tracks. Beatrice and gaiges watchedher

Beatrice: need a lift?


Beatrice got on all fours and Gaige climbed up.

Gaige: alright go-* Beatrice

Gaige got a better grip and looked onwards.

Gaige's thoughts:


Y/n is seen crouching down near a pile of guns

Y/n: so your saying...... this entire floor has floral slash plant like.... criaturas?

shoulder to look at the "advanced potato" on his bed.

GLaD0s: yes..... from my memory while working with the creator.

Y/n smirked and faced back at the pile of weapons.

Y/n: perfect...

He tosses weapons over his shoulders until he finds a oddly designed shotgun.

He flips it open and puts four shotgun shells in it.

GLaD0s: I'm detecting high levels of thermal heat coming from the weapon..... it's perfect.

Y/n flicked it closed with a satisfying.


Y/n: good.

went straight for the door.

He kicked it open and instead of a plain old arena he saw an entire forest.

Y/n: wow..... this is actually beautiful.

Y/n: oh..... that's ne- is that a- *jumps out of the way from crashing rock* Jesus fuck! Okay not beautiful anymore!

Y/n quickly jumps of the ground and looks in the forest. He saw a bunch of these things walk out.


They all looked at y/n and he looked at them.

Y/n: okay..... Cuál de ustedes perras tiró eso?

They roar and charged at him.

Y/n: motherfuckers.....

Y/n charged at them and when he was in close distance he jumped up and slammed his shotgun down on one of the creatures. It's armor broke and time he did something different. He pumbed the shotgun and the body of the gun started to glow red. He aimed it to another creature and this happened.


The creatures skeleton fell to the ground and y/n reloaded again. He kept killing those creatures until...


Y/n stopped punching the creature he was on and looked up. The timer was flashimg and it said 1 minute. Then it said


As music started to play.

Y/n: Compermiso... Que?!

Suddenly a tree was sent flying towards y/n he dodgeda bunch of trees

Y/n: FUCK!

Y/n: holy shit that's a tall one!

It looked at the ground covered with the corpse of its companions then at y/n. It's eyes went blood red and then it charged at y/n roaring with pure rage.

Y/n: oh shit!

Y/n quickly got up but the boss had both arms up, ready to slam down. Y/n jumped over the fallen Tree as the boss slammed it'slooked for his shot gun but couldn't find it. Then the tree got throw into the air again, but this time the boss tossed it back to the forest. Y/n backed up and quickly looked up to see the boss swing it's

Then y/n noticed something stuck onto the hand of the boss. It was his shotgun!

Y/n: you've got to be fucking with me!

Y/n wasn't paying attention behind him and the boss kicked him away with his left foot.

Y/n: FUCKING CHRIST! * slides on the floor* *breaths through teeth* Oh This is gonna leave a bruse!


Y/n got up and saw the boss about to claw at him.

Y/n: OH FU-

floor. He got the air knocked out of him.

Y/n: *gasping for air* FUCK! *cough* not this....


Y/n: *covers mouth while coughing*

He stops coughing and removed his hand from his mouth. It was covered in a lot of blood.

Y/n: fuck... it's getting worse.

He then saw something green in his blood.

Y/n: que?

He was confused but suddenly his vision got all blurry and he looked up to see the boss charging at him. Y/n's eyes suddenly shook and grew black veins. He growled and ran towards the boss. The boss tried to swing at him again, but y/n jumped over it. Then everything went in slow-mo as y/n was in the air, bloodie teeth showing andwith black veins in them. Y/n then reeled his right hand back and made a fist. Everything went back to normal speed and y/n landed a punch straight into the boss's arm. It in pain as you broke it's arm and It went limp. The boss clutched it'sscreeches again and y/n jumped up into the boss's empty stomach and rip it off severing it's timechargedaimed

Y/n: let this be a warning....... Don't! Fuck! With Me!

Y/n pulled the trigger and blew a hole straight through the boss's face/ body. He then walked over to where he tosses his mask and picked it up. He looked inside and saw it had some blood from when he coughed up blood. So he put it on his belt and walked towards the door as the time buzzed. He walked through the door and went straight towards his cell. Arther stops him before he could go in.

Y/n: *annoyed* what?!

n's torso. He looked down and saw his white shirt was ripped and he was bleeding from three clawmarks.

Y/n: oh great..... where the medical aid?

Arther pointed down the hall way to another door. Y/n sighed with annoyance and put on his mask.

Y/n: great.... I'm gonna leave this here okay.

Y/n drops his shotgun at Arther's feet and walked to the doors. He opens them and sees a big area of stores, pubs/bars, and a medical tent. There were also other "champions" in the huge area. Y/n didn't want to waste anymore time so he headed straight to the tent. He walked down the stair and was about to make it to the tent until someone grabbed his shoulder.

???: well well well.... look what we got here.

Y/n shook the person's hand off and turned around to face them.

Y/n: the fuck do you want?

???: me?.... oh nothing..... except just to take you down a couple notches....

Y/n looked around and saw some people gathering around. He shook his head and said.

Y/n: I don't have time for this.

???: what the-

???: AAHHHH!

guy falls back and holds his arm. Y/n then punches him in the face knocking him unconscious and cracking his mask. Y/n looked at the crowd and yelled.


Everyone jumped from y/n's aggression. He then pushed everyone out of the way and went into the medical tent........ but little did hegot the attention of a lot of people.......

E: *Sigh* alright..... time for me to explain. If you don't want to read this then just go now.

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