《Blue Friday》Blue Flames
Beca wrings her hands, deep in thought even as her eyes stare intently at the screens that show the entire stage along with every angle that would eventually look good on live television.
Beside her is the music festival's director, Patty, who is currently instructing technicians and camera crew to the crucial shots and other technical terms.
"We'll have the air shot of the fireworks and pan around the camera towards the crowd," she was saying before looking at Beca.
"Yeah, that's good," she nods whilst flexing her fingers and twisting her rings anxiously.
Having an event as big as this always makes her nervous but she tries not to let it show as much as possible.
Years of experience had taught her that no show goes smoothly, there's always going to be a hitch somewhere and she needs to be prepared for that.
After almost a year of planning and two months of grueling preparations, this event is finally coming through and in an hour the grounds are going to be filled with thousands of people, some who have travelled across the country and maybe even abroad just to watch this beloved event.
Beca does not want to disappoint them. It's the last thing she wants.
A bottle of water is held in front of her and she turns to find Jesse.
"Everything's running as it should be despite the small accident earlier. The guy just had a minor sprain. Nothing serious," he reports and Beca nods again.
At least that one's solved. Workplace accidents are the worst. One of their maintenance crew slipped and fell at the back of the stage earlier and had landed on his ankle.
She twists the bottle's cap and takes a quick sip before excusing herself to follow Jesse backstage.
Everything needs re-checking so any issue can be fixed. Jesse continues his report and Beca instantly suggests what else needed to be done. She scrutinizes everything from the smallest details to the most important. If she had to yell at people to get things right and done, then yelling it is.
Her phone hasn't stopped ringing either and when it does, she takes a moment to breathe somewhere behind the huge sound equipment back stage. She's reminded to put it on silent mode from now on. There's no time for unnecessary distractions once the event starts.
The stress is finally catching up to her and Beca only does what she always does, try to sail through it as hard as it seems.
She's again deep in her thoughts, planning everything, when a hand gently wraps around her arm. Warmth spreads from the touch and she already knows who it is.
"How's social media taking it?" she asks before looking at Chloe, baby blue eyes looking back at her in concern.
She looks exceptionally good today. Keeping up with the press, the artists and the media, Chloe has to literally put up a good image as she carries Amplify whenever she's out there.
Beca tears her eyes away.
"We're trending on fifth place as of the moment, thanks to the artists' tweets," she says in a light tone before pausing uncertainly, the one that Beca knows means something important has come up and Beca's presence is needed somewhere.
"Also, World Genre wants an interview with you personally. I've already done three from different music medias and now they want you. Would you like to do it? I can tell them that you're busy," Chloe suggests and Beca sighs before straightening up.
"It's okay, I only have time for one though," she says as they start to walk around the twists and turns backstage.
The bigger artists always want to go out with a bang so the stage is built like a maze to hold tons of wiring, sound technology, lights, screens, fireworks, the performance platform, the band, secret makeshift paths that leads to the stage, electrical lifts below and harnesses up above. Beca has already almost tripped twice going around and she has already made it known to the stage crew that tripping artists as they run about to their marks would be a big no-no.
"Some of artists will be arriving a little late due to traffic issues so we might be slightly switching the line-up," Chloe says as they make their way to the front of the stage where the camera crew awaits.
"And the rest?"
"All settled in their trailers. There's been a small issue earlier but it's personal and we've had trailers moved far from each other. The usual dramatic stuff celebrities get into," Chloe sighs and Beca stops to face her.
It's been a very hectic week, everyone's as stressed out as she is. Jesse is already wearing his 'I'm ready for war' red necktie and Beca gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder for running errands everywhere all day. CR is probably having a headache sitting with the computer people as they edit specific visuals to be played later and Beca does not want to break the creative flow by breathing down their necks back in there so she stays away for the moment.
And now, here is Chloe, standing up to be the face of their event and Beca proudly watches her handle everything with the natural ease she always carries. Chloe always makes it look easy. People are quick to like her because she gives off this comfortable vibe and that's very essential when it comes to presenting their year's worth of work to the sponsors and media people.
"Have you briefed the managers already?" she asks and Chloe nods.
"I did. Photos and videos with the sponsors are scheduled in thirty minutes and then we'll have the artists sign our Wonder Wall,"
"The infamous Wonder Wall, right," she muses, the wall had become pretty popular as people started writing on it and Beca's lips finally curve up with Chloe's smile.
The small moment passes as quickly as it came and Beca immediately reverts back to work mode.
It's been two months since that Saturday night at the Hilton and they've maintained a pleasant work relationship since then.
Chloe had respected her decision to put some distance between them and Beca appreciates that. There's still that usual happy morning greeting and the freshly brewed coffee cups which need no excuse to be given anymore.
It's been cordial and the only thing that's changed really is that the dinner hang outs have stopped. They don't meet outside office anymore, except for the last Friday of the month hang outs, or talk about things that aren't work-related.
It's better now. Beca feels like her heart is in a good place after feeling so lost, angry and miserable for so long. More so, now that she and Rachelle had began to settle their issues two months ago.
It wasn't exactly the best talk because there had been a lot of hurt in between and words that really hit home but that's a start. Better than having no closure at all.
Beca admits she's still not ready to jump into a relationship but at least there's now a tinge of hope in there. Chloe had made her realize that her heart is still capable of feeling and Beca looks forward to the day when she finds someone whom she's willing to take the risk again for.
Even if it takes a while.
"Okay, just make sure none of the drama gets worse," she tells the redhead before pausing to give her a look.
"And... Beale? Good job," she says softly before turning to walk towards the camera crew for the interview, head held high and camera ready smile in place.
It's a rare thing to get out from her these days but Chloe deserves it.
The night gets busier and noisier as the event begins and Beca has already run into issues from missing back-up dancers, to security issues regarding people selling fake tickets, to a few of the audiences needing medical attention due to various reasons. A fight almost breaks out at one point but Beca's had orders to take drunk idiots out of the open grounds immediately before anything happens. So, they're good, for now.
Chloe gets her a sandwich but her anxiety kills her hunger so she carries it around with her instead. Eating would have to wait.
The wait lasts for about five hours and by now the bigger artists start taking the stage. Things are running better than expected and Beca finally takes a bite on her sandwich, eyes looking on to each of the various monitors listening to the director instructing on which camera angle to switch to.
The crowd naturally goes wild for Paris Blake and Beca watches on. Her fingers even drum to the beat only to still when a song she's so familiar with starts to play. Beca suddenly looks up the stage, freezing up, clenching and unclenching her fingers.
Friday, the song that Beca wrote. It was initially a gift on their first anniversary as a couple. Beca had poured out her heart into every beat and melody of that song and Rachelle loved it. She loved it so much that she had it included in her first album, the official beat had been tinkered with a bit, adding more flavor to it and Beca herself even approved the final edit. The song was the second most popular track in the album.
It was different from the rest, the beat, the melody, the vibe, it was more personal and was literally a love letter Beca, who unsurprisingly majored in music, had made because for a long time, music was the only outlet for her emotions yet as the track reached public airwaves, nobody knew that whenever Rachelle sung it, she sung it for her. For Beca.
It was a promise. Their promise to stay together.
Rachelle never performed that song on camera for so long and suddenly it brings a nostalgia of feelings deep down her chest. It twists and begins to rumble up a brewing storm.
She suddenly feels like she's been stripped bare. Swallowing hard, she focuses on playing with the ring on her forefinger.
Why Rachelle chose this song to sing has her suddenly wondering and itching for answers.
She doesn't realize that she's clenching her jaw, her brows furrowing when an arm touches her shoulder to rip her away from her thoughts.
Her chest jumps, caught off guard only to find familiar bright pools of blue looking at her. They widen as she looks up.
It's Chloe.
"There's something I want to show you," she blurts out and before Beca knows it, she's hastily pulled away by the wrist into an empty waiting room. The song's bass still vibrates from the outside along with Rachelle's voice. It sounds muffled now though and it's only then that Beca really breathes.
And that's how she finds herself standing awkwardly in an empty room a couple of steps from Chloe, wondering about what in the world she's supposed to be 'looking' at.
Chloe shuffles her weight from side to side and there's a look on her face that reminds Beca of the morning after the redhead crashed her place. It's that same look she made before she asked her if she could stay for another night.
So this, whatever it is, must be something crazy that she needs Beca's approval for.
She just hopes it's not a drug problem which unfortunately, events like this are known for, or something that involves a dead body.
Now she's worried.
Until a phone is shoved in front of her.
"We're trending on first place!" Chloe abruptly quips, albeit slightly forced, and Beca blinks at the screen. The hashtag for their event, along with the names of their top performers, taking up most of the top ten spots in social media worldwide.
"That's... great," she slowly utters, still not sure how to react because based on the level of urgency a moment ago, she was expecting something... bigger or... worse.
"Is... that all?" she asks, uncertainly and there's really something suspicious about this. She feels it. Beca knows enough to figure out that Chloe is stalling.
"Food!" the redhead yells out after a breathless two second pause as if the idea just occurred to her.
Suspicious, indeed.
"Right, I brought you here for... food!" she says before shoving a brown paper bag with their catering's logo her way.
"Thanks but I'm good. I ate the sandwich you gave me," she replies, remembering the half-eaten sandwich she left on the desk earlier and looking down at the paper bag's contents which looks like chicken.
It smells delicious.
When she looks up again, Chloe's hurriedly pulling a chair behind her before pushing her down by the shoulders to sit in front of a table.
The relief coming from the muscles of her aching legs and feet rushes all over her immediately that she almost moans. She hasn't had time to sit down for hours.
"Jesse is overseeing the monitors now and CR has got things handled back at the tech room. Besides, the event is ending, nothing's burning and nobody is currently being rushed to the hospital. Everything's totes fine!" Chloe assures her, voice jumping up in a higher octave than usual. She's also talking so fast that Beca almost doesn't catch what she's saying.
"Chloe," she tries to stop her but the redhead continues babbling about things Beca already knows.
"Chloe," she says in a firmer tone and that does the trick, silencing her, so Beca continues in a softer manner.
"What are we doing here?" she breathes out, eyeing Chloe pointedly.
The redhead, who sat next to her, looked twitchy and a little guilty that Beca is already sure the truth's about to come out.
And it does. Chloe, as it seems, finds it hard to lie.
"You said you hated that song," she mumbles, chewing on her lip.
Beca slowly leans back against the chair, exhaling.
It amazes her though, how Chloe still remembers that fact. It had been months, she was sick, emotional and the words slipped out of her unintentionally.
Chloe avoids her eyes.
"You looked like you were about to bolt for a second there..." Chloe softly admits and Beca can sense the hesitation.
"... it's your song, isn't it? Yours and... Rachelle's,"
Beca picks on the paper bag, creating little tears on the edge, anything to keep her hands busy. She could choose to avoid it to be honest but...
Chloe seems to have this way of getting her to open up. She's kept invoking feelings out of her after all. Had her doing things she wouldn't normally do. It just feels right, admitting things to her and Beca doesn't even know why.
Chloe's presence always is comforting and steady. She's that extraordinary kind of soul that people easily feel relaxed with.
It's a rare to feel that way for someone, at least for someone as cautious as Beca is to trusting people and showing a hidden side to her around them.
"I made it for her," she says and she doesn't miss the small gasp leaving Chloe's lips.
"It was an anniversary gift and believe me, I never thought the world would get to hear it. That was Rachelle's surprise for me," she says, a small smile on her lips as she shakes her head.
It all seems so far away now, like it's been a decade when it had just been three years.
"She showed me the official list of songs a month before release and well," she shrugs.
"There it was, my little gift being re-wrapped and added glitter to, something like that," she remembers it clearly.
It was her birthday, Beca's birthday.
"Our relationship, obviously, was a secret. I even had to sign papers for it. Contracts that were made to keep me quiet in case I turn out to be an ass and take advantage," she laughs dryly, realizing how crazy it sounds like now.
"So when she added that song I made into her album I felt so... happy," she emphasizes the word because she really was the happiest that day.
"In a way, it's like shouting my heart to the world after having to keep it in for so long. It felt like this heavy weight pressing down my chest got lifted, even if for just a little bit," she breathes out, closing her eyes for a while.
"It meant so much to me. That every time she sings it, I'd know that it was for me. That... no matter what they say or do, we still have the best of both worlds. Besides, who wouldn't want to be proud of being with someone you love?" her eyes begun to sting and she quickly blinks them away as she casts her eyes hard on to anything that wasn't Chloe.
"And now, whenever I hear it, I am reminded that a love as great as that can easily break and cease to exist," her voice almost breaks before softly adding, "Everything can change in a snap. You have so much and then suddenly there's nothing," she frowns, silence following her words before she realizes that the mood has dropped and it's turning to be as cold as Siberia now.
Tonight should be a celebration. Not pouring out sad memories and feelings to Chloe, of all people.
"Sorry, that was..." she quickly straightens up and is on her feet before anything else.
"I should head back," she adds before holding up the paper bag. "Thanks for... the food. I'll eat this after the event," she says with a small smile as she pauses by the door and turns to Chloe who is now standing as well.
She moves to leave but stops when Chloe speaks, "You should keep making music. Your art, it's beautiful and you should continue doing it. It helps heal hearts and inspire people. Friday might've left an ugly scar in your life but it's blossomed into something special for others, changed lives, a comfort for the bad days. It means a lot to people, I, included,"
Beca swallows a lump in her throat. She's never thought about it like that. Music will always be a part of her, a passion she threw away because it reminded her of nothing but pain and to have someone actually validate that, it's soothing. She didn't know she needed it until Chloe had done so.
"Thank you, Chloe," she says softly, quickly brushing a tear with the back of her hand before slipping out the room, ready to face the music.
Paris leaves the stage, the crowd still on a high as the sky lights up with bursts of sparkling colors. The cue for the event to end as the band plays the climax and the emcees thank everyone for coming, promising to return next year.
Beca gets handshakes and compliments for another successful music festival. CR pulls her for a hug with the rest of their team despite her protests. Jesse is crying. While Chloe is pulled away for another interview about their sponsors. Everything feels good.
Taking a moment to look up the shower of confetti raining down on them, she finally breathes out, satisfied at the outcome.
Making her way back to talk to Amplify Media's president, she unexpectedly crosses paths with Paris Blake, or better yet, Rachelle.
Beca's footsteps come to a stop. She's met with a sad smile and a motion to talk which she wordlessly agrees by staying.
"Hey," Rachelle starts.
"Hey," Beca replies.
"I think this has long been overdue but..." the singer steps closer, enough that Beca sees those green orbs clearly.
She used to worship them and it's clear why. They are still gorgeous as ever.
"I'm sorry, for everything" Rachelle says. "I really am sorry,"
Beca looks down as she nods, another weight in her chest lifting up.
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