《》Year 3.4


One of my favorite chapters I've written so far. It's unedited, though, so there might be mistakes

Saturday came up, and Harry went down to meet up with the twins.

George was practically skipping alongside Fred and Harry, making the occasional teasing remark as he didn't have to ride Buckbeak- he and Fred had argued about who was going to do it the night before.

As they came to the clearing where Hagrid was waiting for them, Fred hesitated. "Maybe you should give me a demonstration," he said to Harry.

Hagrid waved his arm dismissively. "Now, Fred-"

"I'm Fred," George said.

"Oh, er, sorry-"

Harry rolled his eyes. "They're messing with you. This is Fred." He patted Fred's arm.

"Must you ruin the fun?" George grumbled mutinously.

Harry shot him a grin. "Yep."

"Well, then, Fred. Buckbeak's perfectly harmless," Hagrid said. "Trust me. Come here, Harry."

Harry stepped forward with much more confidence than the first Care of Magical Creatures class and bowed down. Buckbeak dipped his head in return almost immediately, obviously remembering him from before.

"Yer turn, Fred," Hagrid said.

Fred gulped and walked up to the hippogriff, copying Harry's movement and lowering his head, making sure to keep eye contact. Buckbeak eyed him for a moment before bowing back to him.

"Woo!" George cheered. "That's my brother!"

Fred would've turned around and stuck out his tongue or some other mature act, but he did not dare to turn away from Buckbeak.

"Okay, on yeh go, Fred."

Harry had already climbed on. Fred hoisted himself up behind him. "So, you're sure this is safe?"

"Safe enough," Harry replied. "You're gonna need to hold onto me."

Behind him, Fred coughed. "Hold onto you?"

"Well, there aren't any reins or anything like that," Harry pointed out. "So just put your arms around my waist or something."


"Honestly, Fred," Harry said with an exasperated glance back, "are you a Gryffindor or not?"

"Yeah, Fred, aren't you?" George called.

Stung, Fred put his arms around Harry's waist. "Satisfied?"


Fred glared at George, who was grinning knowingly.

"Ready, Freddie?" Harry asked enthusiastically.



"Me, neither," Harry said with the same enthusiasm. "Let's do this!"

The hippogriff lurched forward, making Fred's light hold on Harry tighten as he let out a startled yelp.

Harry let out a whoop as Buckbeak soared into the air. "You can relax a bit," he said once they were no longer ascending.

Fred realized with a sheepish grin that he was now pressed against Harry's backside, his arms completely wrapped around his torso. "Whoops."

Harry laughed. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

Fred let himself straighten up slightly and felt the wind hitting his face. He inhaled the clean air and laughed. "Not bad, Harry."

"I told you!" Harry exclaimed triumphantly.

"Alright, Buckbeak, let's circle back now," he said after a while.

The hippogriff flew back and landed. Fred hopped off first. "That was fucking awesome!"

"Yep," Harry said smugly as he let Fred help him down.

"I felt so free!"

"Like riding a broom?"


George cleared his throat, reminding them of his presence. "Speaking of brooms, we need to show Harry how to fly like a pro."

Fred suddenly realized that he was holding both of Harry's hands in his own and released them, feeling very self-conscious.

Harry felt slightly disappointed by the loss of contact but didn't outwardly react. "Broomsticks. Well, maybe I'll change my mind about them." He began walking back to the castle.

George smirked at Fred, who glared back. "Don't. Say. A. Word," he hissed out through clenched teeth.

"Don't need to," George said. "Your face says it all." He glanced over at Harry and back at Fred, still smirking.

Fred grumbled as they went back up to the castle and tried to push George's teasing all the way.

Later, they were out on the Quidditch field. Harry eyed the broom with as much wariness as Fred did with Buckbeak, but he didn't dare to back down. He went to mount it, only to slip off and landed on the ground with an undignified "Oof!"

"Didn't you take flying lessons in your first year?" Fred said.

"I did, but that was two years ago," Harry retorted, scrambling to his feet. He tried again, this time managing to stay on.


"Okay, now to get up into the air, you have to kick off the ground, hard," George instructed from his perch a few feet in the air.

Trying not to think of Neville's unfortunate injury back in first year and thinking of nothing else, Harry did as he was told. He rose into the air a few feet until he was about the same height off the ground as the twins.

"Nice!" George smiled, pleased.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm gonna fall off any second now," Harry muttered.

"I'll catch you," Fred quickly reassured him. "Promise."

Harry nodded. "Okay, now what?"

"Easy. Just follow us," George said. "We'll fly around the field for a bit until you get the hang of it, then you can tell us what you think."

"No Bludgers?"

"No Bludgers," George said.

"-or other players-"

"- or Snitches-"

"- or Quaffles-"

"Okay, I get it," Harry said before they could continue.

Hovering only a couple yards off the ground wasn't too bad if Harry were to slip and fall. But the twins began increasing the height until they were probably a good twenty feet high.

"Well, Harry?" Fred prompted. "What do you think?"

"I can see what you mean," Harry replied, keeping his eyes fixed on Fred's face and not the ground. "It is pretty cool. But the broom is so much skinnier than, like, a horse."

"Still more stable, I think. Hey, loosen your grip a bit," Fred said, gliding forward to help him. "You don't need to hold on so tight."

Harry glanced down at his hands- and ultimately the ground- and yelped. He didn't realize he was this high! Harry lurched sideways and nearly lost his balance. But he didn't plummet toward the ground like Neville had. No, something behind him righted him up again. "See?" Fred's warm breath hit Harry's neck. "I told you I'd catch you."

It was Harry's turn to go pink in the face as he realized just how close their faces were to each other. "Thanks. But how do we get down?" he asked as he straightened back up.

"Lean forward ever so slightly," George told him. He was enjoying this way too much, Fred could see.

Fred hovered underneath Harry as he lowered himself, just in case he slipped up again. Thankfully, they all made it with no issue.

Harry let out a relieved sigh. "Not the worst thing I've done," he said. "But I'll leave the brooms to you two."

"That's alright, Harrykins," Fred said with a wide smile. "And we'll leave the books to you."

"Maybe that's what I should've taught you," Harry grumbled. "How to read a book all the way to the end."

George let out an exaggerated gasp. "How dare you assume we don't know how to read?"

"Oh, I know you can read," Harry shot back. "But have you ever read a full book?"

"Of course!" the twins said.

"That was at least 200 pages?"


Harry laughed.

On their way in, Hagrid passed by. "I heard yeh was tryin' out a broom, Harry."

"Yeah, I was."

"Aye! That's great! Good for you!" Hagrid clapped him on the back.

Caught off guard, Harry fell forward- right into Fred, face buried in his neck. Harry blinked, looking up at the Gryffindor with a very pink face. "Sorry!" he squeaked.

"That's the second time you fell for me," Fred joked, trying to ease his racing heart.

"Yer father was a great Chaser back in his days," Hagrid said, oblivious to the tension between Harry and Fred. He lumbered off, mind still on James Potter.

Harry pushed himself off of Fred. "We should-" he began.

"I'm gonna-" Fred started to say.

"Common room," they both said in unison.

"Bye." Harry all but ran back to the Ravenclaw Tower, leaving the twins alone.

George sidled up to his brother's side and rested his elbow on his shoulder. "Well, well, well, Freddie. It seems like like you aren't the only one with a crush."

"Don't be ridiculous," Fred scoffed.

"You were totally checking out his arse when he was bowing down to the hippogriff," George teased.

Fred went red but didn't deny this, making George laugh as they headed to the Gryffindor common room.

I've seen FredxHarryxGeorge but decided on just FredxHarry. Something a little different

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