《Freaks & Geek》Epilogue: My Future
Harlow sat in the baby room decorated in teal, yellow, white and light gray polka dots and smiled. She watched as her three infants slept peacefully and sighed contentedly. Being pregnant with a supernatural child was often challenging.
Being pregnant with three supernatural children was cause for disaster. Soon after they got home from their honeymoon Harlow was measuring around the equivalent of a 4 ½ months pregnancy. Her hips were starting to spread and her ass and breasts were growing stupidly.
She had never felt so thick in her damn life and loved it. Her husbands loved it too and if they could get her pregnant all over again, she knew they would. Harlow wasn't sure how all of the babies would mesh being crammed inside her womb due to their different powers.
They visited a supernatural midwife in Hell as her full demon baby seemed to be the alpha of the three and could properly thrive in that environment. She worried about her other two hybrid babies at first, but it seemed through ultrasounds that they were doing just fine.
Harlow adapted to Hell very easily as she had to spend the most of her pregnancy there. She ensured that she was able to still attend meetings and participate in the Halo project as scheduled. The men thought she was crazy for being so headstrong, while Lucifer admired her dedication. She missed Wes as he was not able to spend as much time in Hell as she wanted.
It didn't help that some of the packs of Europe were getting out of hand with their desire to acquire smaller packs by force. She worried about him initially, but Val just laughed at her. "His very presence alone garners immediate peace due to their extreme fear of him and his ability to annihilate their entire existence in 3.5 seconds. He's fine, querida."
Wes tried to visit Hell at least three times a week and Harlow took what she could get. She knew it wrecked him not seeing her daily and coming down to visit only to see her stomach had doubled in size from just a week prior.
Supernatural births were trippy. Harlow remembered being in a state of magical bliss. She felt the pain. She saw the blood, but as her contractions hit her all she could truly feel were her babies. Her witch side was growing more powerful by the minute and she wasn't sure what it was but she didn't want anyone touching her or her babies.
The team of doctors and nurses tried but Harlow's magic threw them back and she watched as their bodies hit the wall and tumbled. Val, Wes and Damien were in shock at the magical energy they felt rushing off their wife. They tried to help her with her breathing, but Kali just snapped at them. It wasn't until they saw that her eyes glowed a bright purple that they let go of her shaking hands and stepped back.
Harlow let out a violent scream before she was encased in a smoky orb followed by a bright white light and finally a purple hazed sphere. She floated above them causing everyone present to wonder what was going on. Beelzebub stared on in awe, while Lucifer thought the whole thing was spectacular.
It seemed as though she had been in that orb forever before they heard a piercing cry. Val's eyes widened, while Wes grabbed him and Damien excitedly. Soon two more cries rang out. They were ready to meet their children and wanted their mate out of the floating device.
Eventually, the sphere receded and down floated Harlow. In her arms were three of the most beautiful babies they had ever seen. Harlow smiled up at her husbands as they looked on at their children with a love she found overwhelming, beautiful and somewhat arousing.
"You want to get pregnant again so soon, dove?" Damien whispered in her ear before kissing her temple causing her cheeks to heat. "Damn you and your sense of smell." Harlow giggled before looking down at their cherubs.
That is what they looked like. Three chunky babies with different eye shades that matched their biological fathers. "You three better look like me or you're getting kicked out." Harlow said with a chuckle causing a smile to form on all three chubby faces.
"They're precious," Beelzebub smiled with unshed tears in his eyes. "I'm so proud of you, peanut. Your mother is too." Harlow smiled at him as she blinked away her tears. "Which one is mine?" Harlow rolled her eyes at Lucifer. "I'm just kidding," he snickered.
Harlow watched as Alistair jumped on the hospital bed and inspected the triplets thoroughly. He eventually rubbed his head against all three and they watched as each baby smiled before starting to glow red, white and amber. "Alistair, what did you do to your siblings?" Harlow scolded as he chuckled.
"I tethered myself to them." He said calmly. "Only this baby will get a familiar of her own when she's 16 since she's a witch, but the other two won't and we can't allow that. Abaddon and I will protect them all with our life. I've got to be around to make sure they are the baddest on the playground. Period."
Harlow laughed loudly at her first child before smiling at the sweet gift he had given them. "Come here, Mama's baby." Alistair purred loudly before jumping up to rest near her shoulders. Brutus, Gunner and Saber came barreling into the room wanting to meet the babies causing Harlow to chuckle heartily.
The room and her heart were full. She was thankful she decided to listen to an older Irish man who randomly asked her to sing at his lounge. The lounge she later found at was called Luci's because it was short for Lucifer. That faithful night she met the loves of her life and fathers of her children and wouldn't change a single thing.
Harlow smiled at the memory of her children's arrival before looking back down at them in their shared large crib. They found out early on that the three of them loved to be near one another. If her son couldn't feel his sisters nearby, he would go into a crying rage that often caused things to catch on fire around the house. She loved their bond and scooted them closer together.
Harlow focused her attention on her oldest and trickster son and chuckled lightly. They were only six months, but she knew that Seth would be a problem both on Earth and in Hell. His grandfathers, Lucifer and Beelzebub, were smitten from the moment they held him and it warmed her. Seth reminded her of Loki who she found out was also real.
Seth was too smart for his own good and it both excited and worried her the level of hijinks and pranks they would witness. He shared his father's green eyes and dark hair, but his curled up so significantly that it shocked her. His skin was darker than expected and Harlow loved it. He looked just like his father and she knew he'd be a little heartbreak in no time.
Harlow took in her angel and vampire hybrid daughter and smiled widely. Aslan was a happy child who loved being around her fathers. She truly was an angel until she got hungry. They always made sure to have a bottle of breastmilk or blood on hand depending on her mood.
They would sometimes find her playing with her siblings or alone surrounding them with bright lights. Harlow couldn't understand how they were so powerful, but she was grateful. She knew they could defend and protect themselves, but also live to enjoy and relish their powers.
She took in Aslan's dark blond hair that held big ringlets and fair skin and smiled. She had hazel green eyes just like her father and dimples so deep and prominent she couldn't help but stick her finger in.
Then there was her youngest, Freya. She was already proving to be a formidable witch and werewolf hybrid. Freya shared Wes' blue eyes, but they saw it flicker to amber whenever she got angry or overly excited. Her hair was jet black and the silkiest of her siblings with mocha skin that made Harlow smile. She had a cheerful disposition and was fiercely protective of her family. She also seemed to be the most powerful of her siblings.
Harlow would often find herself baking cookies or brownies and turning around to find one floating to Freya. Her powers were so succinct at such a young age it was exciting. Wes and Val would often get worried when they'd walk into the nursery and all three of their children would be floating in the air as Freya giggled manically. "She's just having fun," Damien would say before scooping them up.
She kissed the tops of all their heads with a smile. They had some of the most powerful hybrids and it both frightened and thrilled her. She wanted them to be safe first and foremost and already crafted plans with her father-in-law to ensure that they would start training when they started elementary school in preparation for whatever. She doubted anyone would be crazy enough to go after Satan's grandchildren, but stupider things had happened.
Harlow was able to visit Heaven once before the babies were born. She was happy to see her mother and to have her feel her large bump. She took in the other angels who seemed to look at her with extreme interest or strong disgust.
She couldn't help but roll her eyes at them. She came as a request from the Big Man himself. Meeting God was surreal, but Harlow had a list of questions she wanted to ask him and was pleasantly surprised that He humored her.
She never thought she'd make God laugh, but when she asked Him why he made roaches He chuckled heartily. He thanked her for her role and influence on one of His eldest sons and she immediately knew who He was talking about. "Do you miss him?" She asked before thinking.
She couldn't see God's face. It was more of an aura and extremely bright light that she asked Him to turn down a few notches causing Him to laugh. She wasn't able to see Him, but she did hear Him and He sounded just like she imagined: Morgan Freeman.
They talked about His strained relationship with Lucifer and she brought up the fact that they balanced one another. She recommended counseling to which he laughed. "You said the great Counselor is the Holy Spirit, so use that bad boy!" Harlow couldn't help but smile at God's laugh. She sensed He needed more of that.
"I'll think about it, Harlow Marie Draven." She nodded her head before standing up. "Take care of my grandson and great-grandson." God said causing her to smile widely. "I will." A bright light engulfed her and she found herself back in Hell. Lucifer looked at her anxiously causing her to smile. She relayed the meeting and watched as his nerves fell away. "Reach out, Dad. It won't be in vain." Lucifer nodded before hugging her.
Harlow thought on the memory as she made her way down the stairs. She found her husbands in their parlor drinking and talking. "Hey, Princess." Harlow smiled at Wes before taking a seat in his lap. They talked about various things before Val came over and started massaging her foot. She couldn't help but moan at the sensation. As she felt his hand leave her foot and creep up into her dress, she realized what he wanted and smirked. "We want more, querida." Harlow threw her head back as Wes latched onto her spot below her ear.
Damien captured her lips on the other side and swallowed her moans. "Will you give us more, dove?" Harlow was so confused as to what they could possibly be asking for and just reveled in the sensations taking over her. "Princess, yes or no?" Harlow pulled away from Damien and looked at them. "More what?" They gave her a smirk that caused her to squint. "We want more children." Harlow scoffed and waved her hand causing each man to blow back onto the adjoining walls.
They agreed they'd be better this time around and actually ask. When they first got together, they loved her and wanted her so badly that the desire to breed was so strong. They just wanted that final thing to forever tie them to one another. The fact was that supernatural males could pick and choose to get their mate or intended target pregnant. It was all an intentional act.
It was like flipping a switch to either shoot fully loaded or blanks. They didn't give her a say the first time around and when she found out about their ability to choose or not she was livid and didn't talk to them for a month.
Harlow loved her babies, but she did wish at times she had more opportunities to be just a wife and grow in their relationships with that dynamic alone. It all just happened so fast and she wished she had a choice in it to at least get a chance to live on play instead of constantly on fast forward.
"Cara mia," Val pouted. "No!" Harlow said crossing her arms under her chest accentuating her breasts. "We have three very powerful INFANTS in their crib right now and you want to add more to the bunch. Are you crazy? At least wait until they're four years old." Harlow watched as all of their eyes widened in horror. "FOUR?!" Val said disgusted. "Fuck that."
Harlow rolled her eyes before standing up. Damien was on her in an instant. "One years old." Harlow scoffed. "This isn't a negotiation, Damien. You three don't carry the baby. You don't deal with the labor pains or the absolute drain in power. Don't get me started on the breastfeeding! And something tells me that these won't be our only triplets." She walked towards the kitchen and listened as her men followed.
"One and a half," Wes tried earning a glare from her. "Dove, you have to understand supernatural creatures love to breed. It's in our nature." Harlow rolled her eyes. "Every species likes to breed it's an enjoyable process until it's not." Val wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips before she could reject him.
"We want more babies and we know that you want more babies, but the most important thing is that all of our children be close and that can't happen if their spaced out too far and four years apart is too far."
Harlow pouted cause she knew he was right. She did like the idea of them being in elementary, middle and high school together at some point. "Three years and that's not up for debate." They looked at one another and she knew they were having their inner conversations.
They eventually relented with a nod and a pout. She couldn't help but chuckle at all of them before she caressed Val's face. "I'm not opposed to practicing though, so you know it's perfect in three years' time."
Val didn't need to be told any more as he lifted her up bridal style and hyper sped to his bedroom. Damien chuckled before teleporting to Val's room while Wes smiled and made his way to his wife and brothers.
They cherished and worshipped her that night like the goddess she was and Harlow lost herself. She pulled out the most powerful orgasm from them and as her eyes glowed a vibrant purple she smiled lazily at her own release. Harlow laid against Damien's chest as Wes and Val lay to her right and left.
"Are you happy, dove?" She looked up at Damien before nodding happily. "This is the life I always wanted and never knew I needed." Wes smiled at her before kissing her knuckles. They rested together soaking in the afterglow and remaining forever thankful for all that they had and all that they had yet to experience.
***Be sure to check out to see more of your faves from here in the crossover book!***
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