《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 25: Evermore
The vampires were fun and edgy. Harlow likened them to true hipsters and free thinkers. They spent most of the night partying, but there was the necessary break where Harlow said a few words about being just, fair and most importantly fun. It earned her some laughs before everyone watched her get crowned as the Queen of Vampires and all supernatural creatures under their domain.
The party went well into the early morning hours and Harlow knew she would hate herself later. She finally found herself in Wes' arms at 4 am and sighed. The wolves were throwing a full on bash later that day as the full moon would be high and they would be offering thanks to the Moon Goddess.
One moment Harlow was laying her head down to sleep and the next it was time for her Luna coronation. It was almost 6 pm and Harlow didn't want to be late. She wore a long white flowy high-waisted skirt that rested at her ankles with a pastel lace crop top and an ornate flower crown on her straightened hair.
Her wedges added some height to her short stature and she couldn't help but smile at the finished product. Just like the vampires they were hosting the werewolves on their property. Harlow had to go through the grounds spreading sage to wash out the vampire scent. Harlow didn't want either sect to think she was playing favorites. She would be fair to all parties and rule impartially and respectfully.
As they walked towards the packs Harlow faltered as they all began howling. She would never get used to that and Wes knew it and smiled. The party was a powerful and spiritual one. Pups played around in both human and wolf form.
The women flocked to her so easily and it made her happy. Wes took pride in the fact that members of his packs not only in the US, but also around the world were present. They all genuinely accepted and respected his mate and their Luna.
Wes had been around for so long that no one dare question the bond he had with his brothers. He knew there were wolves and vampires alike that didn't like how close he and Val were, but there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. When a sage told them all in the 1200's that their destiny would forever be tied together and through a shared mate they thought she was crazy.
When they met Harlow, they worried what the others would think or do. However, as Wes watched Harlow laugh loudly with the women of the pack, he couldn't help but smile. "She's beautiful," the alpha of the Imo State pack in Nigeria stated with a pleasant smile. "That she is." Wes agreed. "So, the wedding is next weekend? Emmanuel told me. Congrats!" Wes nodded before revealing the surprise the guys had planned for Harlow.
Harlow went to get a drink when an elder woman walked up to her with a bright smile, long white hair and clear gray eyes. "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." Harlow looked at her surprised. "Why not? I love a good mojito." She simply shook her head before discreetly putting her hand over her belly. "It's not good for them." Harlow's eyes widened at the implication.
"What? No, that's not possible. We just started having sex like yesterday." The woman chuckled lightly. "Demon, werewolf and vampire offspring are very intentional and it only takes one time. They grow like weeds too as the entire pregnancy only lasts between four and five months."
The woman laughed heartily at the shocked expression that enveloped her. "You're going to make a great mother. Just like I know you're going to make a great Luna." She gave her a parting squeeze before leaving her there with her thoughts.
Val caressed Harlow's arm as they lay in bed. He knew something was on her mind, but she wouldn't share. He wanted her to come to them whenever she was ready to talk about it. That week they were all going to be busy planning her surprise wedding.
They told her they were leaving for a trip to get a much-deserved break. Calypso was going to get to Italy on Thursday, a day before them, to set everything up for the rehearsal dinner. She would already have the wedding dress and veil along with her shoes and jewelry.
When Friday finally rolled around the guys were a giddy mess. It seemed as though Harlow was in a daze all week and they didn't know why. 'Did we do something? Damien, what the fuck did you do?!' Val asked over mind link. 'Bitch, what? I didn't do anything. She will come to us when she's ready.'
Wes agreed with Damien before looking over their sleeping mate. They didn't understand why Harlow was so tired. They landed in Italy at 1 pm and she was still sleeping. They carried her into their villa and set her down gently.
When Harlow didn't wake up until right before dinner, they were shocked. "Princess, are you okay?" Wes asked worriedly as she stretched after taking a shower. "I'm fine, babe. I'm just tired, but I'll be good once I get some dinner in me." Wes nodded his head as concern etched his face.
"What should I wear?" Damien pulled out a white form fitting dress that they knew would hug her curves. "Here. Wear this." Harlow looked at the dress with a slight pout. "I'll try it on."
Harlow stood in the bathroom and looked at her bump that she had been hiding behind hoodies. It was as if she woke up one night and boom, she had a pooch. She waved her hand over her growing bump and watched as it became hidden.
She was so thankful to be part witch as she wasn't ready to tell the guys just yet.
She walked out of the bathroom feeling sexier than ever and as her mates looked her up and down, she felt desired. "We don't have time for anything you're thinking," Harlow said waving her finger in front of them.
"I'm hungry!" She pouted walking up to Wes. "Feed me, Daddy." Wes' eyes flickered. "You be a good girl for me tonight and I'll feed you all night long." Aries smirked before pecking her lips.
They walked into a beautifully decorated restaurant that seemed completely vacant. "Are they open?" Harlow asked as Damien led her to the back. "SURPRISE!" Harlow looked at the well-lit and decorated room filled with people she loved and smiled.
"Dad! Calypso! Declan?!?!" Harlow said shocked. "Lucifer!?" Harlow looked back at Declan and then her mates with wide eyes and mouthed 'what the fuck'. "It's okay, Lo. I know about everything." Declan gave her his signature smile while Calypso winked at her.
Harlow reveled in the joy exuded throughout the night. They all laughed and talked about random things. Harlow caught up with her best friends and apologized for James' madness. They hugged and laughed deeming it adventure 1 of the Three Musketeers.
Harlow was so happy that everyone opted to take vacation at the same time as them. This is what she needed. She wanted to be surrounded by the men she loved, close friends and family. "This has really been the best night." Harlow said happily.
"What are y'all doing tomorrow?" Calypso exchanged a look with Val before looking back at her best friend. "I was thinking about getting my nails done at this cute little spot I saw in town. You down?" Harlow nodded in desperate need of a manicure and pedicure. They said their goodnights and headed back to their separate villas.
Calypso and Harlow had a great time with their spa day. When they grabbed a bite to eat Harlow couldn't contain herself. "I'm pregnant." Calypso looked at her friend and her very flat stomach and laughed. Harlow frowned. "I'm serious, Cal." Harlow said before waving her hand in front of her stomach and revealing her growing bump.
"Holy shit!" Harlow laughed at her startled friend. "Congratulations doll!" Harlow smiled from ear to ear. "I'm very excited, but I'm also very worried." Calypso quirked an eyebrow. "What are you worried about?"
"How do I know they want kids? And if they do, would they want them this soon? The elder she wolf said 'them' when she referred to my belly so I could be having twins or triplets or more and I just feel like it's all too much." Calypso grabbed her friend's hand and smiled.
"I know it has quite literally been a whirlwind romance with supernatural discoveries and an abduction to boot. You handled it all with grace and dignity, because you're strong. No matter what comes your way, Harlow, you are strong and one of the baddest chicks I know. You've been through so much and for a reason. You're extraordinary, best friend."
Harlow couldn't help the unshed tears that filled her eyes. "They love you. I haven't known them the way I do now, but everyone in the supernatural world knows who your mates are. You brought a kind stillness out of them that makes them better rulers and better men in general."
"You are giving them the greatest gifts they could ever receive. There's no way in Hell or Heaven that they wouldn't be happy about it. Trust their love for you and the blessings in your belly that your love created." Harlow wiped the rogue tear that fell and smiled at her best friend. "Thank you, Cal. You really are the greatest best friend." Calypso smiled at her before patting her hand.
"Now enough about me. Are you and Dec official? You have to be for him to know everything." Harlow wiggled her eyebrows causing Calypso to smile widely. She filled Harlow in on their budding romance and the ways in which Declan fights the physical urges to ensure that they connect and stay connected on emotional and mental levels. Harlow was happy for her best friends. "Look at the time," Calypso said. "You want to come to our villa and see the views from there?" Harlow thought on it before nodding.
They made their way to Calypso's villa and Harlow was shocked. She saw her wedding dress hanging, while a makeup artist and photographer sat on the sofa in the front. "Your men love you and wanted to give you the wedding of your dreams as soon as possible. Let's get you dressed and married."
Harlow couldn't help but simply nod as she blinked away the tears. They laughed and talked as they got dressed and Harlow reveled in it. She soaked up every moment and committed them to memory. "You look amazing," Calypso smiled as she looked at her best friend's reflection.
Harlow was speechless as she looked at her reflection. Her face was beat and flawless and thanks to her spell her stomach was on flat, while all her curves stood out and were ready to be soaked up. Harlow rode in an old school limousine with Calypso and smiled to herself. They pulled up to a nicely decorated venue. "Right this way, Ms. Allen."
A consultant opened her door and led her to a room on the west wing. They went over what they needed to do before relaxing. "SHIT! Cal, the rings!" Calypso winked at her best friend before whistling. Alistair walked in with a debonair black and white bowtie with three wedding bands attached.
"Got me out here looking like a damn male stripper. This ain't cute, Mama and you bet not take no damn pictures of me." Alistair hissed. Harlow chuckled at her baby before petting and kissing him. "You look handsome, baby." Calypso chuckled. "I know it!" Alistair replied before walking out.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy." Harlow laughed. "Girl get him a reality show. I'd watch it for sure." Calypso chuckled before the consultant waved them over to begin walking. Calypso held her bouquet to her busty chest as she walked down the aisle.
She smiled at Declan who sat next to Lucifer since they had guest sit on one side as the guest singer and piano player played on the other. Calypso tried not to chuckle as she watched her boyfriend fan girl over the Devil.
"Sorry I'm late, peanut." Henry said rushing over to her in his suit. "I had to take care of some wayward demons back home." Harlow chuckled. "You're okay, Dad. I knew you'd be here." He looked his daughter over and smiled. "This is it. My baby is getting married." Henry smiled with tears in his eyes as he rubbed her arm linked in his.
"Your mother would be so proud. We weren't perfect when it came to your powers and handling them, but we did love you to the moon and back." Harlow smiled at her father before sniffling. "Don't make me cry, Dad." He chuckled before pulling her in. "Who did you and Lucifer get to sing by the way? Calypso said it was someone amazing, but you both were so secretive!"
"You'll see, peanut." Harlow gave him a look of suspicion before smiling. "It's go time." The consultant said leading them to where they will begin walking. Harlow wanted to look at her guests and grooms, but her eyes were stuck on her guest singer.
The music changed and the few guests present stood. Harlow couldn't help but gawk at a singing Frank Sinatra. Henry chuckled loudly as he closed his daughter's mouth. "How?" Harlow questioned still in shock. "Honey the entire Rat Pack resides down there. Frankie gets this reprieve for all his bad behavior."
Harlow laughed at her father as he patted her hand. "You deserve the best, peanut and these men are going to make sure you get it. We love you." Harlow smiled up at him before kissing his cheek. They began walking down the aisle to the crooning sounds of Frank Sinatra.
Wes stood at the alter as the groom with a wide smile on his face. Damien stood behind him followed by Val. They all stood speechless as they watched Henry walk their mate towards them. Harlow told herself she would keep it together, but as she watched Wes break down, she lost it.
The ceremony was different and uniquely designed just for them. Each man had a moment to say their vows, while Harlow said hers for each them. Harlow laughed heartily at Alistair's theatrics about getting the rings off of him before giving Wes, Damien and Val each their rings. Harlow couldn't help but smile at the way they instantly fell in love with their very personalized rings.
"You may now kiss the bride." The Italian priest spoke up. Val smiled at the elderly priest who was actually one of his descendants. Wes pulled Harlow close before capturing her lips with his. He deepened the kiss before smiling against her lips.
"My wife," Wes said in his best Borat impression causing Harlow to laugh loudly. "Move you clown," Damien said before pulling his wife close. They shared a dominant kiss that left them both breathless. "Save the best for last, Mrs. Draven." Harlow smiled widely before kissing him sensually.
Harlow didn't want to pick one of their last names. She wanted something that represented all of them and after failed attempts of combining their last names they decided on Draven. It was beyond a company it was their brand and an extension of themselves.
They moved to the reception area of the venue and danced and ate the night away. "Harlow," Lucifer said to her. She looked at him ready for a fight until he pulled her hand in his. "I'm very sorry for the way I treated you. It was unfair and came from a jealous place. I hope that you can forgive me and we can have the type of relationship a father-in-law and daughter-in-law should have."
Harlow smiled widely at him before pulling him into an embrace. "Thank you. I forgive you, Dad." Lucifer smirked at the change of title before pulling away. "I have a present for you." Lucifer said waving Henry over. He waved his hand revealing a door.
"Open it," Lucifer smiled at her before stepping back. Harlow looked at him confusedly before opening the door. Her jaw dropped as tears filled her eyes. Damien, Wes and Val walked over to their wife to see what the commotion was about and gasped.
Harlow looked at her mother who looked as vibrant as she did when she was younger. "Mama," Harlow whispered before reaching out and touching her face. The moment her fingers made contact and she knew for sure she wouldn't pass through her like some idiot, Harlow crashed into her.
Harlow sobbed into her mother's neck as she rubbed her back and whispered words of love and encouragement. "I'm so proud of you, sweet pea. I'm so very proud." Henry looked at his late wife and smiled at her. "I love you," Harper mouthed to her husband who kissed her forehead and then lips.
Henry held his family closely soaking up the moment. Wes took a quick picture that he planned on blowing up and giving to his wife as a wedding present. The guys each met their mother-in-law and smiled at the way her face lit up like Harlow's.
They all left mother and daughter to have some alone time. Lucifer reminded Harper that she had five minutes left. Harlow talked to her mother in rapid speed about everything including the babies. "There's three of them."
Harlow's eyes widened causing Harper to laugh. "An angel and vampire hybrid, a purebred demon and a witch and werewolf hybrid." Harlow soaked in the information. "You need to tell them. The glamour to hide your protruding belly won't work much longer."
Harlow nodded before looking into her mother's brown eyes that matched hers. "I'm going to need you, Mama." Harper smiled sadly at her before squeezing her hand. "I'm always with you, sweet pea. I promise. Even when you are stinking up the bathroom." Harlow cackled loudly before swatting her mother's thigh.
"Harper," Lucifer called out with a sad smile. Harper turned to her sweet girl and pulled her close. "I love you," she said pulling away. "I love all three of you." Harper said looking into her eyes. Harlow could feel the warmth radiating from Kali and Ayla and smiled.
She walked her mother to the door and gave her another hug before watching her go. Her husbands were quick to embrace her as the tears fell. Harlow spoke with her dad and her tears soon turned into laughter.
She forgot he had a knack for always turning the saddest moments to ones full of laughter. They all danced and ate the night away and Harlow knew it was a day she'd never forget.
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