《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 17: Breathe Me
They made it to the office in no time and Harlow demanded that they ride the elevators separately. They thought she was being crazy but obliged and let her ride up first. She noticed from the moment she stepped into the office that people were staring at her more than usual. Before she would have thought everyone was staring because she was new or Black, but now she didn't know what it was but all eyes were definitely on her.
Harlow caught up with Declan, Killian and Manny and learned they were actually pulled to fix an error on an old project and didn't even touch the Halo project yesterday. She was so happy to know she wasn't behind and was still on schedule with everyone else. Harlow was ready to jump on the day's tasks and was actually paired with Killian. Curtis was in charge of delegating as James was out for the day. She was beyond thankful for that small blessing.
She and Killian worked in a comfortable silence, but it seemed strange as he was one to always flirt, chat or yap about something. Killian kept stealing glances at her before Harlow followed his gaze and realized he was looking at her mark. "The biggest boss of them all, huh?" He spoke up.
"I never thought I'd see the day that the Anti-Christ would have a mate let alone someone as innocent and sweet as you." She gave him a look. "How could you have known just by seeing this? It just looks like a tattoo." Harlow wondered instantly realizing that he was supernatural. "Plus, I'm not that innocent." Killian chuckled. "Okay Britney Spears. It isn't just the mark that gives you away. It's your scent. It's changed. You smell like a mix of yourself and Damien now."
Harlow thought on the newfound information and sighed internally. She felt like she would never get used to all things supernatural. "It's crazy though. The son of the Prince of Darkness is mated to a mortal, the very person he's destined to destroy. The irony."
Harlow frowned a bit, but remembered that she didn't want anyone knowing her lineage. She wanted to wait to speak with her father first and see if he'd remove the cloaking. Harlow didn't know why, but she couldn't help but shake the feeling that once people knew what she was things could get dangerous for her.
"Were you scared when you saw his true form?" Killian asked genuinely curious. "Very few on Earth have seen his true form, but the tales from Hell indicate he is as frightening visually as he is in action." Harlow shrugged her shoulders. "I was stunned, but surprisingly not afraid. I mean, my inner Black Queen was like 'Bitch get the fuck out!' But I couldn't...deep down I didn't want to." Killian observed her before nodding.
"Your bond must be rock solid. I've known way too many vampires that are mated to humans and are instantly rejected due to fear. The fact that you not only stayed by a demon's side, but went as far as mated with him is huge. I'm happy for you Harlow." She smiled at him.
"I mean, I'm bummed you're no longer on the market. I planned on crashing your little club night on Friday and sweeping you off your feet, but that's ruined now." Harlow laughed loudly at him before hitting his shoulder. "I'm still going to flirt with you though, so make sure the big bad doesn't rip my spine out."
Harlow made a face that made him chuckle. "That's one of his signature moves." Killian informed causing Harlow to shiver involuntarily. "Let's get to work, clown." Harlow instructed as she turned back to her computer.
They all were in the zone and even ordered in for lunch to avoid breaking their focus. As Harlow was wrapping up her task, she looked up to see her mates walk in with smiles on their faces. "You have to stop being the last one here, dove."
"I'm a perfectionist and I'm usually done around 4, but I like to triple check my work. Sue me." She shrugged before shutting down her computer. "What do you want to do for dinner tonight, Princess?" Wes asked trying so hard not to touch her.
On the ride to work, Harlow reiterated how important it was to her that they remain professional on work grounds. She didn't want any rumors flying around that she only got her position because she was the mate of the bosses. They told her they'd respect her wishes, but it didn't make it easy.
"I actually want to go on date with Valentine." Harlow smiled widely at the shocked vampire. "Really? Me?" She nodded before heading towards the door. Val could hardly contain his excitement before his nerves washed over him.
He hadn't planned anything. He wished when it came to Harlow that he was more like Wes. The werewolf had a rolodex of date ideas to skim through. "Don't worry about what we're doing. I've got everything planned." Harlow called out before making it onto the elevator.
"Hey, where's Mrs. Clara?" Harlow asked as they got into the black Range Rover. "One of her daughters had an appointment at three so we just let her go at noon." She smiled at them from the passenger seat.
"You guys are great with her. It's nice to know you can play nice with mortals." They all laughed at her. "Mrs. Clara isn't a mortal, Princess." Harlow looked at him shocked. "She's a fairy. Why do you think she always wears those big coats? She has to hide those wings."
"I don't think I'm ever going to adjust to this newfound world. I mean, we've been cohabitating with the supernatural since forever and it's just mind-boggling knowing the truth." They could understand her frustration as it all did seem overwhelming.
"We're here to guide you through it all, dove." Harlow turned to give him a small smile before turning to face the window. They drove in comfortable silence and Harlow thought on how she was going to make her night with Val special.
They made it home in no time and Harlow told Val to dress comfortably. She rushed and changed into some fitted jeans and a lacy top as the night was quite perfect for what she had in mind.
She ditched the scarf, because if she were to be honest with herself, she loved seeing Val's bite mark. She felt claimed and desired and it was a rush. Harlow did some research on St. Valentine and learned that he adored all things nature. He was known to preach outside at small village parks and she had the idea to take him on a picnic.
Harlow made her way to the kitchen and watched as Brutus, Gunner and Saber played with the toys she bought for them yesterday after lunch with Ava. "There's my sweet baby," Harlow cooed as Alistair jumped on the stool. "Mama, I miss when it was just you and me. You got these new fools out here with their bad ass kids and I feel forgotten!"
Harlow looked at the large cat and laughed. "How about you and I go out Saturday morning and just have a Mommy and me day. We'll get brunch and go shopping...the works! Sound good?" Alistair meowed in satisfaction. She hadn't been spending time with her first true love and needed to rectify that.
Harlow thought about what she wanted in their picnic basket as Val didn't eat. She knew it wasn't that he couldn't eat, but he didn't see the point unless he was schmoozing with humans. She thumped her chin for a second before she got an idea. Val didn't eat, but he sure loved to drink.
She took notice of the bar cart by his desk when she visited and his subtle ramblings about a good whiskey or bourbon. She envisioned a flight of various whiskeys and a flight of various bourbons and concentrated deeply and wished for the best whiskeys and bourbons worldwide to manifest onto the counter.
In moments, flight sized bottles began appearing. Harlow counted sixteen, eight of each type of liquor and beamed. She opened each bottle before taking a knife and cutting her wound from her marking ritual with Damien. She watched as drops of blood fell into each bottle and smiled. Harlow ran her hand under the sink before wrapping her hand back up.
She envisioned a picnic basket that would be able to carry the liquor and glasses. She packed herself a quick sandwich with chips and a macadamia nut cookie before adding a large red and white picnic blanket and smiled at the finish product. "Val, let's go!" Harlow called out as she made her way to her G-wagon. She placed the basket in the back before closing the door and turning around. Harlow let out a loud scream that caused Val to laugh. "Sorry, querida." She clutched her chest before nodding. "Hyper speed. Got it."
He opened the driver's door for her and made sure she got in okay before jogging over to the passenger side and getting in. "Where we going, querida?" She shook her head and drove out of the garage. "You'll know soon enough." They spent the drive further getting to know one another.
Val's life was fascinating. He was the only vampire to have a direct line to God as he was a canonized saint after all. "Do you speak to Him often?" Val shook his head. "It's been a century or so since we last spoke." Harlow pulled into the park and smiled at Val's expression.
"The internet has a lot of details about your life and I heard that you adored nature and being out, so I figured we'd have a picnic and enjoy this amazing weather." Val pulled her close before capturing her lips. The kiss was gentle and sweet.
"Come on," Harlow whispered against his lips before getting out. She went to grab the picnic basket before closing the back door. "I'll take that." Val said as he carried the basket from her. They found a nice shaded spot that gave a good view of all the park had to offer.
"These are for you." Harlow laid out the drinks after Val pulled out the blanket for them to sit out. "This is amazing. Is that a Jefferson's Presidential?" Val asked shocked. "That's like $5,000!" Harlow shrugged pouring the liquor. "When you use magic it's free 99."
Val laughed at her before taking a glass and reading the bottle. "Glendalough...they're supposed to be good." He said before taking a sip. Harlow watched as his hazel green eyes bled to red ones. "Your blood." He said breathlessly as he looked at her with lust and want.
"Surprise! I felt bad that you don't really eat, so I wanted you to have something yummy while I ate and we talked." Val looked at his caring and attentive mate and smiled, happy that he brought his gift with him. They ate and drank and talked about everything under the sun.
"You're actually quite funny Harlow Marie." She rolled her eyes at the use of her full name. "People always say I'm funny, but I don't try to be. I just say stuff." She chuckled packing up their trash. Harlow moved the basket to the side before moving closer to Val and kissing him tenderly.
They laid in one another's arms talking and getting closer and nothing else brought Val as much joy as moments he shared with his mate. They watched the sun start to set and Val realized now was the perfect moment. "I want to give you something, but I don't want you to freak out over it."
Harlow looked at him suspiciously. "Stand up," Val said helping her to her feet. "Harlow, you have changed us in so many ways, but all for the better. You make us stronger and happier than we've ever been and we love you for that."
Harlow gasped as Val got down on one knee. "It's not necessary in the supernatural world, but you're still a mortal in a sense and we want to do everything right by you. Harlow Marie Allen, will you do us the honor of not only being our mate, but officially our wife?"
She was speechless. The ring was beyond gorgeous with a diamond so huge that she honestly didn't want to know the cost. She loved them. They made her happy, but was she ready to marry them. Val was right they were technically married once the mating and marking was complete. She was technically already married to Damien. Harlow couldn't help to think that everything was happening too suddenly, but Kali and Ayla were both telling her to block out her fear and insecurities.
Harlow knew that the fact of the matter was her mates were possessive by nature and it was critical for the safety of others that both supernatural creatures and humans alike knew she was a taken woman. She looked into his hazel green eyes and smiled. She wanted to kiss away the obvious fear and uncertainty that swam within them.
"Valentine of Terni, nothing would make me happier than to be your wife." Val's eyes opened wide before he placed the giant rock on her ring finger. He cheered loudly as he stood up and swung her around. "I'm going to spend eternity loving you." He whispered in her ear before kissing her lips.
"Why don't you start with now." Val did not miss the lust in her voice or in her eyes and hyper speed them back to the car. He could careless who saw. He threw the basket and blanket in the back seat after plopping Harlow in the passenger seat as she chuckled and squealed. Val drove like a mad man.
He cared less for cops and more for the fact that in moments he would be buried in his mate's treasure. The moment they got home Harlow couldn't stop laughing. Val had barely put the car in park before he was throwing her over his shoulder and running past a curious Wes and Damien.
"Don't bother us for shit!" Val yelled before slamming his bedroom door close and throwing Harlow on the bed. She couldn't help the fit of giggles that tumbled out of her. In one swift motion she felt a cool breeze against her and realized she was naked. "VALENTINE!" He smirked at her before kissing her into submission.
Harlow's hands found themselves in his thick, long locks as she moaned into his mouth. Val rubbed his member over her leaking core as he hiked her leg up on his waist. He wanted to taste her but his dick was begging to be inside of her.
Val kissed down her body before he lined his mouth up with her center and latched on. Harlow cried out his name as he sucked, licked and finger fucked her off the cliffs of ecstasy. The way she shook and spoke gibberish made him smile. He was doing this. He was bringing his mate this pleasure.
He listened as Harlow screamed and watched as his floor length mirror shattered into a million pieces. She convulsed under him and he wondered if it was too much for her. "Are you okay, querida?" Harlow barely nodded but pulled at him to kiss her lips. He kissed her deeply before stroking his tip on her clit.
"I need you, Val." Harlow whined causing he to smirk. "Whatever you want, cara mia." Val sank into her slowly as they both groaned so loudly, he was sure his brothers could hear them. "Perfect." Val breathed out as he slowly stroked into her. Harlow wasn't sure she could handle her mates.
The sex should have been illegal it was so good. She was almost to the point that she considered sharing them, because women deserved to feel this good at least once in their life. Harlow called out his name and sang his praises as he hit her spot on a masterfully divine stroke.
Val could feel her clench him and knew she was close. He picked up his speed and watched as she unraveled for the second time because of him. He switched positions using hyper speed and Harlow found herself straddling his lap as he bounced her on his dick. "Valentine!" Harlow cried out as she felt another orgasm building.
"I love you," Val said as he stared into the most beautiful brown eyes he'd ever seen. "I love you more." Harlow breathed out as her orgasm ripped through her. "Not possible." Val replied before sinking his fangs into her as he completed the marking ritual.
Harlow's orgasm expanded and extended and she shook from the weight of it. Damien was a dominant lover who demanded her pleasure be through the roof at all times, while Val was a passionate lover. He made sure every nook and cranny were taken care of and it was beyond overwhelming. Val wanted to drink to his heart's content but he wouldn't do that to his mate again. He couldn't.
The marking ritual of a vampire with a non-vampire was pretty simple. The bite of the vampire mate and drinking of blood from the non-vampire mate while mating is what bonded the two together. As he pulled back and licked the residual blood, he couldn't help but smile at the raised skin that showcased a symbol. Val knew the Celtic symbol immediately and chuckled a bit at the irony. He finally looked at his future wife and smiled widely before realizing she had passed out.
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