《Tiger Wife, Lion Husband (Love In The Realms) #1》Chapter 24: Wait for Me (2)


Xue Liang returned to her room as she bathed and dressed. Xue Ya met up with her as she saw the consorts daughter. "I wonder why such a slut was able to get the attention of the General. You are probably not even a maiden anymore." Xue Ya walked past her as Xue Liang was holding in tears. Xue Liang went into her room taking out paper and brush.

'My family, I will be gone when you've received this letter. I cannot stay here and I've decided to go on training my martial arts skills. I promise I will return in two years. Don't forget me. I will come back.'

Xue Liang wrote her letter as she folded it. Su Rong came in as she knew me very well.

"Does Miss Liang wish to leave for a while? If she does then I will follow. We are sisters to one another and we never leave each other behind." Xue Liang knew that if she didn't take her then Su Rong would think she had no purpose.

"Alright. Let us set out tonight. I have one thing left to do." Xue Liang said.


The next day came as a maid went running around the Xue Manor. "Miss Liang is gone!!! Miss Liang is gone!!!" Everyone awoke as they rushed out. Duke Xue Cheng went to the maid as she bowed in front of him.

"What are you talking about!?" He had a terrifying voice as he looked at the maid.

"I only found her room empty but I found this letter." They all read the letter as he then called for the guards to find her. Xue Liang was leaving in a wagon, she was setting out to travel to know more of the world. She had done one thing before she left and she hoped that Liu Gang would wait.


"Gang, are you really going to let her go?" Peng Lim told him as Liu Gang was watching her wagon leave as he smiled.

"I'm not letting her go. I'm going to wait for her to grow up." He answered back.


It was night, Xue Liang had gone to Liu Gang's Manor as she waited for him at his pond. "What brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be at home?" Liu Gang asked.

She turned to look at him. "I'll be leaving."

Once Xue Liang said that he then hugged her in his arms as he felt angered again. "Why do you want me to always be so angry with you?" He told her as he sighed. "What is the reason this time?" He looked down at her as he didn't want to let her go.

"I'm going to travel a bit and it's just for two years but I want to come back as a woman who is ready to show the world I'm not useless or weak. I'm still young but I also want to find more who are like us. We are from a feline tribe that once existed but our home was destroyed. Gang, if you really love me then you'll wait for me. I have never loved anyone but when I'm with you I get all nervous and shy." Liu Gang didn't expect to hear those words from her as he smiled.

"I will only wait two years. You have to be sure to come back or else I'll come looking for you. I know your scent, my love." He then separated from her and grabbed a bit of her hair as he smelled the fragrance of sweet orchids.

"Gang, I promise you I will come back." Xue Liang then rose up pressing her lips to his. Liu Gang was surprised, she knew how to make him go crazy to want her then feeling the kiss end.


"When you come back I will await your return here. During that time don't find another man or feline or else I'll have to kill them." Xue Liang couldn't help but smile but she soon had to leave.


"Gang, why didn't you tell me that Miss Rong was also going!?!?" Peng Lim said beside him as he didn't bother to care.

"Let us go to Duke Xue and talk about her marriage with me being held back and unknown. I won't marry his first legitimate daughter. I have to return to the Ming Military Borders and there I will wait for two years."

Peng Lim nodded as he followed him. "Good, I don't have to deal with my two consorts that I never wanted."

"General Liu, I am sorry but Liang has left. I believe she didn't want this marriage so she ran off. I will let you marry my first daughter, Xue Ya." Xue Ya felt happiness in her heart as she wanted to get married to Liu Gang.

"I'm sorry Duke Xue. I will not marry Miss Ya. I only wish to marry Miss Liang but I will be returning to the Ming Military Borders and I won't be back for a couple years." Xue Ya felt her heart shatter as she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Oh, then when are you leaving?" Duke Xue Cheng decided to ask him while he was there.

"I'll be leaving later today. I have my duties as a general to guard the Ming Kingdom. I will wait for Miss Liang's return until then. See you again." Liu Gang and Peng Lim bowed as they left.


Xue Ya was filled with anger as she grew to hate Xue Liang even more. She then started breaking vases and priceless items as the maids were afraid. "Why is it that Liang is loved more than anyone here!?!?!" She raged with anger in her room as everything was breaking. "I won't give up on him! I will try to get him to love me!"


"Gang, You should be careful with Miss Ya. From hearing her afar she will seem nice but inside she can plot something." Peng Lim said. He had been eavesdropping as they continued to ride their horses.

"Yeah, I agree. She may seem kind and gentle on the surface but I dislike women who scheme against the innocent. I won't let her harm Liang. Let us keep an eye on her from afar." They both nodded as they traveled back to the far Ming borders.

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