《~cherry~ Mitchell Harper // discontinued》The american
Alfie jumped off his desk with something on his head as a helmet and something is his hands as a gun.
"Lock and load, bitches. It's class wars!" He yelled and we all cheered. "Mitchell, RemDogg, corridor you're the advancing German army." They left and we moved the tables.
He explained what was going on and we began fake fighting. then some rando walked in.
"Hey, gang!" He said in an American accent. "I'm Mr Schwimer" he introduced himself. He then explained how he was our new teacher instead of Alfie. No way that was happening.
Alfie then said about having our respect and I scoffed. Then Mitchell marched in with a bucket of water and yelled something in German and threw the water at Alfie.
"What? Dunkirk was at sea." He said innocently, making me smile.
Mitchell was so sweet to me after what happened with Grayson.
I sat next to Mitchell and put my head on his shoulder in assembly, though I zoned out so I couldn't really tell you what happened. All I know is that Mr Schwimer was taking over form K! No fooking way!
We were in class, our first lesson with Mr Schwimer, he actually wasn't terrible, though I still missed Alfie, he knew everything about us, he knew how to talk to us.
"I want to get to know you guys, so tell me your names." He said. "Stephen Carmicheal"
"Chantelle Parsons" she winked.
"Joe Poulter"
"Jing Hua"
(A/n idk the names of the other people that are on Jings side of the room 😂)
"Mitchell Harper"
"Katie Johnson"
"Wow, I love your hair, did you do this yourself?" Mr Schwimer asked walking towards me and holding my hair in his hands.
"Uh, yeah" I replied uncomfortably. "Can you not?" I asked.
"I'm sorry but it's just so beautiful" he said and didn't stop messing with my hair.
"Oi, she said stop" Mitchell said.
"okay. Wow, you've got a protective boyfriend." He stopped. "I'm not her boyfriend" Mitchell muttered as Mr Schwimer asked for RemDoggs name and went back to the front of the class.
"Thanks Mitch" I whispered with a smile.
"Anytime" he replied.
"Can I?" I asked pointing to his hand. He put it on the table and I took out my pen and drew on it.
I drew cherries, like the ones on the hoodie I made during the holidays, and wrote our names in cursive.
"Psst, Stephen" I got his attention.
"Yeah babes?"
"Can I borrow a gel pen? Cherry?" I asked.
"Of course babes." He took out a cherry scented gel pen and threw it to me when Mr Schwimer wasn't looking but he turned around when it was midair.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Gel pen." I replied.
"Why are you writing? This is interesting" he said pointing to a picture of a woman on the back of a rhino.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"Thats me" he replied.
"No it's not" I laughed. "She has a wedding ring and her nails are painted pink"
"I have slim arms and it was a luck charm"
"Okay" I said sarcastically and went back to drawing on Mitchell's hand.
I showed Mitchell what is drawn on his hand asking if it looks okay.
"Like it?" I whispered.
"You're well talented" he laughed.
"Speaking of talent, when am I hearing you sing?"
"Soon. Besides you got a preview before the holidays" I whispered back. "But I want the full show" he winked. "Soon, Mitch" I laughed.
Suddenly, Alfie came bursting through the door.
"Nicola Burty's been stabbed!" He yelled. I put my hand on Mitchell's thigh in fear, he put his hand over mine to indicate that it'll be okay.
"I know first aid" Mr Schwimer said.
"Quick she's bleeding out by the gates!"
He ran out the classroom and Alfie closed the door and locked it.
"Okay, fine for a little chat." Alfie said happily.
"Is Nicola gonna die?" Chantelle asked.
"What? Oh no, it's something I made up to get rid of Kevin of Nazareth."
"So not LOL sir" Stephen added. I threw one of the pens I was drawing on Mitchell's hand with at Alfie, hitting him in the head.
"Ow! Who did that?"
I raised my hand smiling.
"Why?" He asked. "Because you're a dick! Why couldn't you just say that there was a fight? Or that the head wants to see him? Bellend" I explained.
"Oh well" he replied.
"I've been thinking long and hard about how I'm going to get your guys back, and I'm going to need one of you to say that Kevin touched you. Katie, you're a good actress, you can cry on command right?" He continued
"Can you tell Fraser that he did?" He asked.
"Okay." I agreed simply.
"No she won't" Mitchell spoke "why not" I pretended to whine like a child. "You never let me have fun"
"Cause, if you get caught in the lie then you'll get in trouble" Mitchell explained.
"I know!" I said.
"What?" Alfie asked.
"One of you can hit me, hard enough to make a mark, then I have proof I was hurt and I'll say it was Schwimer, instead of saying he touched someone." I suggested.
"Okay, Mitch- never mind, RemDogg hit her"
I stood up and began to walk to RemDogg but Mitchell wrapped his warm hand around mine and pulled me back down to my seat.
"I'm not letting' anyone hurt you" he mumbled.
"Fine. Joe? You have that kind of look, you know because of your hair and all that shit" I laughed.
"Thank you but I've been hit in the face many times before" I whispered to Mitchell with a laugh.
"I know, I hated every second of each time" he whispered back.
"I just want my class back" Alfie whined. "What am I going to do?"
"Cut and run, take me to France sir" Charlotte said. "Overnight ferry, shack up in Bordeaux, let the manhunt begin. Come and get us Interpol"
"I've got a plan to get rid of him sir" Mitchell raised his hand.
"Right, we're gonna need a van, some cable-ties and an alibi"
"Love it" I added.
"No, Mitchell we're not re-enacting your parent's honeymoon." Alfie retorted. I laughed but when Mitchell looked at me a turned it into a cough.
"God he's such a dick! Isn't he?" Alfie said.
"Yes!" I replied but everyone else stayed silent.
"We'll thing is sir, Mr. Schwimer's actually pretty rad." Joe spoke up.
"Rad? Who are you? Look what does this guy have that I haven't?" Alfie asked. Big mistake.
"Timetables" said Jing
"Abs" Chantelle said.
"Dress sense" Stephen added
"A penis" Mitchell and I chorused and Alfie rose his middle finger at us.
"Mr. Schwimmerwent to college with Ashton Kutcher" Stephen smiled.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"So what? Give a shit. I've got celebrity friends too. My friend Atticus Hoye was on total wipeout"
We all shook our head because Alfie talks about Atticus Hoye all the time like he's some god.
"Mr. Schwimmer's a pro skater sir. He invented his own trick." Mitchell said.
"What else has he done? Turned water into wine?" Alfie asked.
"He's teetotal" Stephen informed him.
"Jesus" Alfie scoffed. "As if he couldn't get any creepier. Kids, if I can teach one thing about like,never trust a man that doesn't drink"
"That's what I said!" I agreed.
The others went on about how Kevin taught us about the English kings and queens and did some song that I was never bothered to learn.
Alfie defended himself by reminding them he taught us the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air rap then began rapping but we all stopped him.
"Please help me" he cried. "I hate 2-J! One of them made me fellate a Pritt Stick. My mouth is still gluey"
"Why didn't we think of making him do that?" I slapped Mitchell's shoulder jokingly.
"Alfie!" I got his attention while he was packing up all of his stuff from our classroom.
"Oh hey Katie, Jing" Alfie greeted back. "Where's everyone else?"
"Mr Schwimer's friend works in a museum so he got him lots of armour and guns everyone using them outside." Jing explained.
"Class wars? Is nothing sacred? Katie, you love shit like that why aren't you out there?"
"Because, Schwimer makes me uncomfortable. He's always trying to hug me or touch my hair, or something like that. Besides he's a liar! That picture that was on the projectors when you came into class; this one." I turned on the projector to show the picture of someone on the back of a rhino. "Look"
"Hah, the guy behind him has got a semi"
"No, Kevin!"
"Kevin's got a semi?"
"No!" Jing added. "It's a woman's arm! See? And he's not married."
"And there was no war in Malawi, also the Olympic team that he apparently won gold with, won bronze that year and he's not in any of the pictures of the team." I explained.
"Why are you guys helping me?" He asked.
"Because, we love this class" Jing began. "You're such a nice kind man"
"Yeah, you make me feel happy in this school, like I can be myself. Besides you know my biggest secret and I don't want you leaving with that" I laughed. "Oh right! Explain how that's going later. Let's ruin this bastards life!" Alfie said.
"Oi! Schwimer!" I yelled.
"Hey, I was wondering where you'd gotten to." He said and tried to hug me again.
"Mate piss off!" I yelled. Then I felt a hand snake around my waist, it was Mitchell's he pulled me away from Schwimer a little.
"Let's see your arms" Alfie ordered as he tried to get Kevin's armour off.
"Stop trying to rape mr Schwimer sir" Mitchell commented.
"Shut up Mitchell" Alfie replies as he fell on the floor.
"What was that for?" Joe asked.
"He's a liar!" Jing said. We showed everyone the picture of the woman's arm, Kevin tried to say that it was his, but it clearly wasn't. We then went onto the Olympic team. He dented even saying it.
"And that horrible war in Malawi" Alfie continued.
"Don't bring the war into this man, you weren't there" he cried.
"No! No one was! There was no civil war in Malawi! And Harvard is in Massachusetts! Dickhead" I yelled.
"And these, I bet are fake too" Alfie said kicking a helmet and hurt his foot, Joe went to pick it up, then Alfie picked up a gun and waved it around mocking Kevin's accent, then two gunshots went off. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I saw Joe fall to the floor, Alfie had shot Joe in the arse and me in the arm.
"Katie!" I heard Mitchell yell and crouch to my side. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Is Joe okay?" I asked though the pain was terrible.
"Always thinking of others eh" he laughed. I held my hand over the wound applying pressure, like you're supposed to do with a gunshot. Everyone except for Mitchell and RemDogg we're surrounding Joe. Mitch and Rem were making sure I was alright.
"Go get help yeah!" I yelled at Andre. He ran to get someone. Jing was yelling at Schwimer, Alfie was applying pressure to Joe's wound and Mitchell was holding onto me and helping me keep pressure on my arm.
In that moment, I took it upon myself to take in his every feature, not because I thought I was gonna die, because I've only ever seen this side of him once when I was hit by the neighbours car, I wasn't even that hurt then but he was still scared for me.
His eyes, full of worry, but looking past it, you could see the gorgeous specs of different shades of brown. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration of taking care of me. His faded freckles dotted around his face, making him all the more cuter. His lips, the perfect shade of pink that girls would kill to have naturally, the lips that I wanted to kiss every time I laid my eyes upon them. And his adorable nose, completing his gorgeous face.
"Are you okay?" I heard Rosie ask me.
"Yeah, I'm fine, is Joe alright?" I replied.
"Yes, Joe is okay, look an ambulance is on its way, what happened?"
I didn't want to get Alfie in trouble, I then saw that Alfie had put the guns in Kevin's hands.
"Mr Schwimer, he lied about everything, when sir, Jing and I confronted him, he turned the guns on Joe and I." I explained.
"Then he reloaded to shoot Pickwell's pigeon" Mitchell joked, about Pickwell's owl being shot as a "distress signal" as Alfie caked it, in attempt to make me laugh which he did, like he always does without fail.
The ambulance arrived and Rosie went with Joe and Alfie went with me, though I wanted Mitchell to, he was "too young" and I needed an adult to go with me.
"Thank you for helping me with Kevin" he whispered.
"Thank you for being the best teacher anyone could ask for" I replied.
"So, seeing as we have time before we get to the hospital. Mitchell. Have you told him that you liked him?" He asked. "Liked?"
"Yeah, you're with Grayson now so-"
"I'm not with Grayson, we broke up yesterday. Because I love Mitchell" I explained.
"Oh wow, what happened?"
"I told him that I love Mitchell and nothing could change that, he hit me and left. I guess that was his way of saying it's over" I laughed sadly.
"He hit you?" Alfie asked.
"Excuse me, sorry for butting in, but if someone has hurt you in any way you just tell someone" the paramedic asked.
"Oh, it's okay, it was just in the heat of the moment, it's my fault, I shouldn't of said what I did." I replied.
"It's not your fault Grayson's a dick Katie, it's his fault for not seeing that it's no one choice on who people fall in love with, I will tell Fraser when I see him next okay?" Alfie replied.
"Thank you Alfie"
"So are you siblings?" The paramedic asked.
"Oh, no he's my teacher" I laughed.
"So what happened out there?" She asked.
"Someone faked be a teacher, shot her and another one of the kids in my class because we confronted him about lying." Alfie explained.
"Oh, wow. I hope they catch the guy."
"They will" I smiled.
The next day at school, we had class wars, Joe was in a wheelchair due to the fact he practically had a second asshole. He and RemDogg were tanks and were fighting against each other.
All that was heard from the halls was a crash, and all that was seen was a stray wheel roll into the hallway.
𝔼𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖
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