《~cherry~ Mitchell Harper // discontinued》Swimming Gala
Mitchell chased Joe around the class trying to get his hat as Chantelle walked through the door, she ran to Stephen and hugged him. "Babes, I've missed you so much!" He squealed.
Next through the door was Katie, she'd grown out her hair a little and got a nose piercing.
"Mitchell!" I yelled to get his attention.
"Cherry!" He yelled back, he almost sounded relieved to see me. Mitchell ran to me and hugged me, and picked me up.
"I missed you loads!" I said when he put me down.
"Wow, you look great" Mitchell complimented.
"Thank you, I got another tattoo as well, Grayson and I went to get them the other day." I replied. I'd actually grown to like Grayson but I think a part of me will always love Mitchell.
"But the one I got with you is my favourite"
"Lemme see then. Oh, Wait a second" he said and snatched Joe's hat off his head. He had a bowl cut.
"Oh my god!" I laughed.
"Leave me alone." He replied. "My dad did it."
"So friar Tuck, just out of interest how are the merry men?" Mitchell asked.
"Anyway enough with mushroom head, let's see your tattoos"
"Tattoos?" Stephen squealed.
"Yes, I got one with Mitchell and I went the other day for another with Grayson."
"Ooh, so hows it going with you two?" Chantelle asked.
"Do you wanna see them or not?" I laughed.
"Yes!" I showed the one I got with Mitchell first, this one is definitely my favourite, which was on my wrist:
"Why cherries?" Joe asked. "Because, Mitchell calls me Cherry"
They all awhed.
"And here's the one I got with Grayson" I pulled up my skirt to show my upper thigh, they could see through my tights this tattoo:
"Grayson added to his neck tattoo, he put a small rose under it, because he gave me a rose on our first romantic date." I informed. "I got two as well"Mitchell spoke, he showed them the one on his side:
"Is it like well spiritual and shit?" Chantelle asked. "Nah, it's is Chinese's order" I laughed. "Yeah, Spring rolls, prawn toast, duck" he pointed to each one. "And here's the other." He pulled his collar down to show this design on the front of his shoulder:
"I lost a bet."He laughed. "What bet?" RemDogg asked. "That Grayson wouldn't ask Katie to be his girlfriend and he did so she picked one for me. Obviously she went for something a celebrity has." Mitchell explained, rolling his eyes.
"Shut up you love it" I laughed.
"Wait! What?" Chantelle asked. "I'm officially taken" I laughed.
"Did your parents go ape about the tattoos?" Joe asked Mitchell and I.
"My mum's always too drunk to care" I shrugged
"nah, I do what I want now cause mine are getting a divorce, it's the nuts" Mitchell explained.
"Which one gets to keep the caravan?" Stephen asked.
"How many times have I gotta tell you, Billy Elliot, it's a static home." Mitchell retorted.
"It's got wheels, it's a caravan."
RemDogg laughed.
"That means you're a caravan" I joked.
"Do they do big fat gypsy divorce?" Rem asked.
"Where's Alfie?" Joe asked.
"Probably at home, trying to chip his dick out of a sock with a toffee hammer" Mitchell laughed.
"Right if anyone laughs they're getting expelled" Alfie suddenly came bursting through the door and took off his hat revealing the same haircut as Joe. "My dad did it"
I absolutely adored Mitchell's tattoo, I love that he did that for me, I did tell him when he lost the bet that he didn't have to he could just buy me a Cherry lollipop, he simply said
"no, I want to always be reminded of you" it was the cutest shit ever!
It break I told Chantelle and Stephen all about what happened with Grayson.
"So, he asked me when we were at the beach, we went there a lot over the holiday. He gave me this":
"It's a promise ring, I told him I liked it when we last the jewellery shop a few days before."
I then felt arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my cheek, "boo" I heard Grayson's voice in my ear. I turned around to face him.
"Hi Gray, you okay?" I greeted.
"I am now I've seen those eyes" he replied and kissed me.
"Omg!" Stephen squealed. I just showed him my middle finger and we laughed.
"Can I steal her?" He laughed.
"Wow, you've changed Grayson, but yes go ahead" Stephen replied.
Grayson took my hand and led me around the corner where no one was. I had my back against the wall and Grayson had his arm up by my head and he kissed me, passionately.
"How come you're different around school now?" I smiled.
"You want me to be a dick again?" He laughed.
"You were never a dick, you were just... showing your emotions differently" I laughed.
"Well, do you want me to show my emotions like that?" He asked.
"No, I like you just the way you are. The ring is beautiful, Stephen and Chantelle love it too. Thank you again"
"You deserve it, that and the world."
"So do you, Gray"
"I've got you, you are my world, Katie."
Alfie tried to convince us to do the swimming gala, even though we never do it. There is a synchronised diving competition and Alfie had bet around £200 on us winning.
"Does anyone want to volunteer? Katie maybe? I mean Mitchell would love to see you in a swimming costume." Alfie attempted to get me to do it.
"Firstly, not even if you payed me and secondly, I have a boyfriend so piss off" I replied.
"Mitchell! Why didn't you tell us!" He yelled excited.
"It's not Mitchell" I replied.
"You'll never guess who it is sir" Stephen spoke.
"Who?" He asked.
"Frank Grayson" RemDogg answered for me.
"I'll talk to you about that later," he pointed at me and I threw my hands up in defence. "Please someone do this for me?"
"I'll do it for a beer at Nando's" Mitchell suggested, in which Alfie agreed.
The next day we went to the swimming pools. Apparently, Miss Gulliver is dating a girl and Alfie thinks it's because he's so good it can't get better. Pfft, okay!
"It's okay Alfie, everyone has a Minge Binge" I said.
"Hah, minge" Mitchell laughed.
"I mean, I've kissed a girl, three girls actually, and here I am dating Grayson so it's just a phase mate okay?"
"You've kissed three girls, Cherry?" Mitchel asked, almost offended that he didn't see it.
"Who's Cherry?" Alfie asked.
"Me" I replied.
"Oh my god! Date him! Dump Grayson!" Alfie joked.
"That's why I have my Cherry tattoo, I've said all of this before!" I complained that no one listens to me.
"We can experiment sir. You can kiss me and see if I turn. Like a lesbian Twilight" Chantelle went back to the subject of Miss Gulliver. Alfie grabbed Mitchell by the shoulders and moved him to walk in between him and Chantelle.
"Sir, so what if Miss Gulliver is exploding her boundaries? Sexuality ain't a rigid set of definitions. it's a spectrum and we're all fluctuating between it's many polarities." Mitchell, surprisingly said something smart, we all looked at him funny.
"Who are you and what have you done to my Mitch?" I joked.
"Plus yat on yat is fit innit?" He added.
"Oh, never mind there you are" I laughed. We then went to change.
Chantelle almost left naked but Alfie told her to put some clothes on so she put on Alfie's shirt. Jing wore grey pjs with white hearts on them. I had on black shorts and a sports bra like I do most nights, I was going to wear one of Grayson's t-shirts but I didn't want to get chlorine in it so I decided against it.
I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail and of course us girls took a mirror selfie before leaving the changing room:
(Couldn't find one with girls in pjs so just imagine it 😂)
I sent it to Grayson telling him that we got to the pools okay and put my phone in my bag.
I heard Mitchell comment on how Joe is used to wet pyjamas then we walked towards the pools where Stephen and Mitchell were waiting for everyone else.
"Where's Alfie?" I asked.
"Trying to find out why Joe's wearing a duffle coat" Mitchell laughed. "You look nice"
"Thank you" I smiled and jokingly flipped my ponytail away from the side of my face.
"Oi, look, it's my XXL conny" Mitchell laughed waving a verruca sock around.
"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself" I laughed. "And that's a verruca sock"
"Ugh!" He yelled and threw it behind him, hitting Stephen in the face making him squeal.
"Where's the lifeguard? She better be a sort." Mitchell asked Alfie.
"They always are." He replied. He was proven wrong when the lifeguard, Joy, cars and told us about the rules and some kid that cracked his head open and that she shay in the pool because she has a "spastic colon" or something like that, I sort of zoned out.
She then left because "nature calls" so Alfie had to show is something with a brick on is own.
He went to throw it in so that Stephen could jump in and get it but Mitchell jumped in before he could throw it.
"Oi Oi!" He yelled.
"Mitchell! Stop splashing me! I'm allergic to chlorine! Get out so I can throw this in!" Alfie ordered.
"Look, if you aim at my head it ain't gonna go anywhere near me so just throw it you melt." He said and began splashing again.
Alfie threw the brick and it hit Mitchell in the head knocking him unconscious.
"Sir! Help him!" Chantelle screamed.
"I can't I'm allergic!"
"Oh for fucks sake!" I yelled and jumped in to help Mitchell.
"Okay, whoever helps Katie save Mitchell gets 2 beers at Nando's!" Alfie said and everyone but Joe jumped in to help me.
"You need stitches" I laughed.
"I'll be right back"
"You know how to do that?" Alfie asked.
"Yeah, don't yous?" Everyone shook their heads. "Okay then. I'll be back in a minute make sure he doesn't touch it okay?"
I went to my bag and took out what I use when I get bad cuts, I carry it everywhere in case I get into a fight again.
I cleaned his wound then I stitched up Mitchell's head, he only needed like two stitches. He was sat sideways on a bench and I was behind him with my legs wrapped around him.
"Okay, so I don't have a hand free so if you feel too much pain you just hand to hold onto my leg" I laughed.
"I don't wanna hurt you"
"It's fine, I've lost most feeling for pain in my left thigh so you won't. Okay, ready?" I asked.
I stitched the first one and he gripped onto my thigh, I was lying when I said about having little to no feeling in my leg, I just didn't want him to feel bad for "hurting me"
"Okay, last one" I finished the last stitch.
"You're such a Bellend" Mitchell said to Alfie.
"Well, maybe you should wait for your turn to get into the pool next time" I laughed and tapped his shoulder. "Done. You only needed two."
"Pussy" RemDogg said to Mitchell.
"Want some stitches too Remi?" I asked.
"Then don't call him a pussy, stitches hurt when there's no anaesthetic, it's something piercing through your skin then pulling through it. It really hurts" I informed "I'm just going to put these back in my bag" I left and did as I said I was.
I heard my phone ping from my bag so I quickly checked it. It was Grayson, he Snapchatted me back a picture of him smiling and the caption he put was "u look fit 🔥"
I snapped back me sticking my tongue out and wrote "u better only mean me 🥺" then put my phone away and went back to the others.
"Sorry, Grayson texted me." I said.
"Ooh, what about?" Chantelle asked. "He just said I look fit in what I'm wearing" I shrugged.
"Okay then" Alfie laughed.
Joe ended up agreeing to dive for the gala
At the gala, I was sitting with Grayson.
"Can we sit with my friends?" I asked.
"Why not?"
"'Cause that Mitchell bloke is there innit." He replied.
"So? He's my best friend." I explained.
"Look, if you want to sit with them whatever, clearly you don't like me enough to even sit with me" he snapped.
"I'll sit with you, I'm just going to give Chantelle her bracelet I forgot I was keeping it in my pocket for her." I lied and walked away, slight tears in my eyes at the fact that Grayson didn't trust me.
"Hey, pretend I'm giving you something okay" I told Chantelle.
"Okay, thank you for giving this back." She winked.
"What's wrong?" Mitchell asked.
"Oh, nothing"
"Cherry, I know when you're not okay. Please tell me?" He stood up and put his hand on my arm.
"I'll tell you later okay? I'm going to get Grayson and I a drink any of yous wanna come?"
"I will" Mitchell and Chantelle agreed. We saw Alfie hitting the vending machine with full force.
"Uh, Alfie?" I got his attention.
"It's stuck" he replied.
"I got it" I banged my fist against it twice and two things fell down.
"I didn't even put my money in yet" Mia Gulliver held up her money.
"Oh well, more for Grayson and I" I smiled and took them out. Chantelle and Mitchell got something from the snack machine close to it and we went back.
"I'll see yous later."
"Why don't you sit with us babes?" Chantelle's asked. I looked towards Grayson who glared and shook his head, he's never been like this before.
"I'm gonna sit with Gray, I'll catch you after" I said and walked towards Grayson and his friends. I handed him one of the drinks and I set mine down on the floor next to my foot.
"Oh my god I'm gonna puke" I muttered.
"You okay?" Grayson asked.
"Yeah, look at Pickwell"
"Oh my god! Pickwell's got a camel toe!" He said with a goofy laugh, his laugh was nothing compared to Mitchell's, I felt really bad for Grayson as I only went on that date with him to get over Mitchell.
"Toe? More like hoof!" I gagged making him and his mates laugh.
Joy has tripped over Stephen, so Alfie had to dive with Joe, then after he got out of the water his eyes began to puff up.
"Seriously guys, how bad is it?" He asked.
"You look mingin'" Stephen gagged, I elbowed him in the side slightly. "But, no worse that normal" he saved himself.
I was talking to Chantelle and Mitchell when I felt a hand wrapped around mine, I didn't feel the same as when Mitchell took my hand in his when we were in the forest. It was Grayson's, he pulled me away from my friends and around the corner.
"Why you talking to him?" He asked angrily.
"He's my best friend, of course I'm going to talk to him" I explained. "I said this earlier."
"You're never talking to him again." He ordered.
"What? No! He's my best friend and I love him" I fought back,
"oh, so you can say that you love him and not me? Why don't you just date him then?" He yelled, he was really close to my face,
"what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, so confused.
"Grayson, come on!" His friend said before he could answer.
"Never again" he pointed in my face and spat making me flinch again.
Alfie was pushed into the lobby naked. I cleared my throat to indicate that we were all there staring wide eyed at him.
"Go on, take a picture it'll last longer." He said, so we did, everyone in the lobby took pictures and videos on naked Alfie.
Grayson peeked his head out the door with a foam board for him to cover up and he took it and left. When I sow Grayson I quickly stepped further from Mitchell.
Alfie took us to Nando's and bought us 30 beers, it was amazing! We had loads of fun!
𝔼𝕟𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖
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